1--The Dail• Collegian Tuesday, September 4, 1973 'Godspell' opens '73-'74 Artist Series For entertainment State College isn't exactly Timei Square. but this term the Artists Series Will bring the best of the current New York stage a little closer to Penn State. Planned as this year's special Series events are the musicals "Godspell. — scheduled for Sept. 15 and 16. and "Two Gentlemen of Verona' • Oct. 13. "Godspell. - the award-winning 1971 musical still running on Broadway. is -a musical version of the Book of St. Matthew. The show. which has become widely known for the song "Day by Day. - will give four performances in Schwab. Voted the Antoinette Perry Award for best musical in b McLANAHAN WIN A TEN - 10 SPEED BICYCLES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS: ONE A WEEK. JUST REGISTER AT THE McLANAHAN'S CLOSEST TO YOU. WINNER DRAWN Ist DRAWING SAT. SEPT. 8, 1973. E. •:y 1 2. 11 m cl PRELL CONCENTRATE SHAMPOO ONLY Z Q ....1 c.) m tzl FG LIST $2.05 m *C:I OPEN EVERY NIGHT . . . UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK McLANAHAN II 11 11111111111....41...- NEW BBfAK•RfSISTANT MBE . es TOOTH PASTE p tiik 1972. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" is the rock version df a Shakespearean play by the composer of "Hair. - The show will give one performance in Rec Hall. Other Artists Series events for this term are: --an appearance of the National Ballet, directed by Frederic Franklin. Sept. 22: --a recital by tenor Seth McCoy. a former soloist with the Robert Shaw Chorale and a member of the Bach Aria Group. Sept. 28: --Samuel Beckett's "Krapp's Last Tape" and "Not I starring Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy, Oct. 20 and 21; McLANAHAN 11 McLANAHAN SPEED BICYCLE i t NEW BREAK RESISTANT TIIBE CF r i es_ With fluoristan TOOTN PASTE ANL SUE 7 07.. Downtown in the NEW Pugh Street Garage McLANAHAN hior FLAW 99t MFG. LIST $1.09 I own own State College 134 S. Allen St. 238-6797 McLANAHAN li McLANAHAN EVERY SAT. REGULAR FLAVOR AN7I•PERSPIRANi DEOD. 5 oz. Village Square 1690 N. Atherton 237-1472 --a recital by Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha Oct. 26: --a performance by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by • Evgeny Mravinsky Nov. 1: and --"The Swashbuckler." a series of three Douglas 'Fairbanks Sr. films including "The Mark of Zorro." "The Thief of Baghdad" and "The Black Pirate." Dec. 6. 7 and 8. Winter and Spring Term events include appearances by Preservation Hall Jazz Band. the Tokyo Spring Quartet, the Contemporary Chamber Ensemble and guitarist Christopher Parkening: two performances of Neil Simon's "The Prisoner of Second Avenue". Mozart's "Cosi Fan McLANAHAN CREST 2 49' 30' off label MFG. LI S T 7 oz. tube $1.13 $l OO PLUS 20' COUPON IN EACH PKG. LIMIT (4) cmg SPRAY Campus Shopping Center 414. E. College Ave. Tutte" performed by the Canadian Opera Company: a series of films by Luis Bunuel: William Windom as James Thurber: and two-and-a-half day dance residencies by Lotte Goslar's Pantdmime Circus and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The Series, last event of the year. the performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the University Choirs, is expected to open the new university Auditorium north of the Women's Athletic Field May 11. Season tickets, for Rec Hall events priced at $5 for students and $lO for general public will go on sale by mail. at registration and at . the HUB booth beginning today. Individual tickets will cost $1.50 for students and 52.50 for non-students for Rec Hall events: $1 forstudents and $2.50 for non-students for Schwab enents. and 50 cents for students and $1 for non-students for all films. 4:?e rn addition, a subscription to the Fairbanks and Bunuel film series, plus next summer's film series. will he available at $3 for students and $5 for non-students. "Roughly" 80 per cent of all Artists Series tickets are set aside for students. according to Series manager Nina c. Brown. c-) r-- am = me = so = C:i. Z Brown said the Series. has been in operation since 1957. when the director of the School of the Arts found students would be interested in such a program and voted to be assessed a two-dollar student activity fee to support it. But the University Board of Trustees instead voted to support the Seriesthrough a lump sum each year. Originally under the Office of Student Affairs, the Series moved to its present Offices in Schwab when it came under the direction of the College of Arts and Architecture during the 60's., The Series is directed in selecting performers by an advisory board consisting of faculty members, graduate students and undergraduates. This board accepts suggestions for its selections from anyone interested in the arts and then investigates possi bilities for booking them. Brown said. She added most ma jor artists must be scheduled a year or two in advance for specific dates and the Series already, has begun planning for its 1974-75 season. c) rm 3:m = Ms = grown also said the series occasionally co-sponsors events with other University groups. such as last spring's Folk Festival co-sponsored by the Artists Series, the Uni versity Concert Committee and .the Folklore Society. This year the two dance residencies will be co-sponsored by the College of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. = ca. w. **-k************************** - ATTENTION WOMEN * - Mar Ching .4, 4, * ; * lc BLU.E BAND * * * * * I AUDITIONS i will * * held . be * * Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sign up * *_September now outside t I( 5,6, 7 )t- *Courtesy of AWS 4s-v-4--v-4-****4-4-4-41-**4-41-4-***********--* Ca c C) r -3:31 221 133 P MONDAY Succulent Liver Dinner TUESDAY Fried Chicken Dinner WEDNESDAY Fried Clam Dinner THURSDAY Italiano Spaghetti Dinner FRIDAY Fried Fish Dinner 2:21 = Ing , M SATURDAY 'All The Shrimp You Can Eat' BRING THE WHOLE DORM Restaurant Hours: MON.-THURS. 8-9 p.m.; FRI. & SAT. 8=9:30 p.m.l 217 Chambers P and SAVE WELCOME STUDENTS OU CAN EAT' SPECIALS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! All served with tasty trimmin's 139 159 149, 149 149 199