THE NATIONAL BALLET, September 22, 1973 LENINGRAD PHILHARMONIC, violin concerto, Victor Liberman Maris Jansons, conductor, November 1. 1973 ALVIN AILEY CITY CENTER DANCE THEATER, March 23, 1974 PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND from New Orleans, March 30, 1974 PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, William Steinberg, music director Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (The University Choirs), May 11, 1974 • ** This concert may be transferred to the new - University aiditorium. auditorium. Patrons will be informed of the change of place and dates SCHWAB AUDITORIUM SERIES . SETH McCOY, tenor • TWO BY SAMUEL BECKETT, starring Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy ALICIA DE LARROCHA, pianist TOKYO STRING QUARTET "THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE" by Neil Simon starring Imogene Coca CONTEMPORARY CHAMBER ENSEMBLE WILLIAM WINDOM as "James Thurber" LOTTE GOSLAR'S PANTOMINE CIRCUS CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY— Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tutte" CHRISTOPHER PARKENING, guitarist * 2 1 / 2 day dance residencies cosponsored by the College of Health, Physical Ed. and Recreation and the Inst. for the Arts and Humanis tic Studies, and a grant from the National Endowment for the. Arts. LENINGRAD PHILHARMONIC REC HALL SERIES THE ARTISTS SERIES PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND THE NATIONAL BALLE i I , PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FILM FESTIVALS: 15 films "THE SWASHBUCKLER"— Douglas Fairbanks, Sr THE FILMS OF LUIS BUNUEL SUMMER FILMS— to be announced - TICKET INFORMATION ENTIRE SERIES (includes film's) - ***Does not include Special Events REC HALL EVENTS ONLY SUBSCRIPTION TO FILM FESTIVALS A film subscription offers a 66% reduction in ticket prices plus.the added convenience of a single subscription Season Tickets will be available at registration, and at the HUB Booth beginning Tuesday, Sept. 4th from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. INDIVIDUAL TICKET SALES For further information: The Artists Series 203 Schwab Auditorium Phone: 865-1871 ALVIN AILEY CITY CENTER DANCE THEATER The Daily Collegian Tuesday, September 4, 19 Schwab Aud.: (Full-time) Students $l.OO General Sale: $2.50 Films: (Full-tithe PSU) Students $.50 General Sale: $l.OO Rec Hall: Student/Child: $1.50 • ; General Sale: $2.50 General Sale $30.00 Genei - al Sale Student/Child $lO.OO $5.00 General Sale Students