The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 19, 1971, Image 4

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    sus' Torn Wright wrestles with tennis
ANsisinnt Sports Editor
-SllOll athletes ane 1101h1r0.' 1101 t for the POllO State
1 . 01.7r:011 Tholo area 0011ther of cjo, the cpenri
time n eking up a s t v t , si that they :ertelv,iy con-
Ile, Hall their campus address.
nv tike Dave Joymni isn't in for too much of a
hen he iurns in his it re,iliniy i toes ;or a foothill]
Ailhouch the I\',o spin ts iiffer diffrient qualities,
ral idea tc still to eOOlllO our opponent to come
a fairly decent impression of a dead fish by the
scotehoand rtllls , out.
oynor . :t totutitmit the physical part of the swltch
spot lc still motty much the , ame
•tluattun for combinatton netter-exapp!er Tom
s a hale motto tacky.
01.2 h Wr11:111 t< not 1.11.2 ..f coach Bill Kull's var
stlers, Its s ill} spends plenty or limn nn the mat.
e tennis leant a•semblei, to eel Its Pll-IC
crwa. Wllthl finds himself in trouble betote he
inches his fits; sett e
ose my touch for tennis herall.;e m. 111LKOICS
ip from wrestling. • ' Wrlght , aid. "1 \ttesllo a little
Ilan a lot of prople and n ucualh• lakes me about
.eks 10 get bark m shape...
ectl Inc and I Cll7ll , are tWC , hllli.'S hich in,t fl(111 . t
Ihcr vet y wed," coach I lottnec Cathra II added.
lts von !nicht hax e to play a 5- , et match. Refry'?
The Sisters of
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you know it. it's 3 p.m. and you are still playing. "Endur
ance is the big thing as compared to wrestling wheae you
blow everything in eight minutes. In tennis the player has
to conserve himself for the rest of the match."
Tom might have broken into Koll's wrestling lineup
this year had he not run into Dana Balum. Don Stone and
Bar ry Snyder. One consolation for Wright was a victory he
ca pt ure d at Navy's plebe tournament.
"As a freshman I didn't know hbw to handle the train
ing for both sports," he said. "I stopped running in the
morning and it really messed up my wrestling season.
Coach Koll could never figure• out why I was never in
shape. This year I stopped practicing tennis and started
running again during wrestling season."
Wright sports a 10-2 individual record on a Cathrall
squad that has seen more wins (II) than any Penn State
tennis team in the last 60 years. Cathrall considers Tom as
having one of the better serves on the team.
'My serve is pretty good when I get it in,' said Wright.
"I'd say the strongest part of my game is the passing shot
where you hit past the opponent near the net.
"The weakest part of my game is volleying at the net."
he said. "I hurt my shoulder wrestling this year and that
gives me problems sometimes on my serve and overhand
Toni fails to run into any !Tat problems holding down
a pair of sports at Penn State. In fact, he even says it helps
him budget time all that much better.
The only problem he might run into would be if he
tries to break a tied set with a takedown. Sorry, Wright.
Wrong sport.
Canonero 11 for sale
Horse's trainer sad
er Juan Arias would he heart
broken if he and Canonero 11,
the horse who has made him
famous, were to part company.
'it would be like getting
married. — the 22-year-old Ven
ezuelan bachelor said, "and
then having your wife go away
from you."
But with a Florida syndicate
reported ready to offer $4 mil
lion for the winner of the Ken
tucky Derby and Preakness,
arias knov,s a split may be
Pedro Baptista, who races
the 3-year-old colt in the name
of his son-in-law, Edgar Cal
belt, is scheduled to go to
Miami tomorrow to discuss the
"I'll be broken clown if he is
sold." Arias said as Canoncro
II was walked , around the
Pimlicon course for his first
exercise since winning Preak
ness last Saturday,
Arias, speaking through an
interpreter, Dr. Jose Almenar,
a close friend and business as
sociate of Baptista and Calbett,
said when asked if losing Cano-
nero II would be worse than
losing a personal friend!
"It would be worse than that.
It's life."
Arias, a trainer for 12 years,
said he loved all horses be
cause he gets them as year
lings an ' ti ey "become like my
children "
"But this horse has made me
travel in another world. He has
made me famous."
Arias fully realizes that the
decision to sell is not his. how
"He's the owner," the trainer
said of Baptista. "I'm the pro
fessional man training the best
I can. I hope he gets the best
price he can."
Arias said Canonero II is "so
much within me." that he
would be inclined to go with the 1
horse should the new owners
seek his services, rea m
The top syndication mark is
held by Nijinskv, whose value
was placed at $5.4 million last By JIM DEZART ity on Sunday. It was marked
fall. In 1966, Kauai King was by hard-nosed performances by
Sports Writer
syndicated at $2.16 million after Collegiantwo of the best milers the
winning the Preakness and be- PHILADELPHIA The
world has ever seen.
fore losing the Belmont. "Dream Mile" became a real-
Marty Liguori refused to be
---- I
ooc0; overtaken by the famous Jim
0 ; Ryun kick. As a result he hung
g! on to win by a step in the
0; fastest mile ever run on the
! East Coast. Both runners were
o I timed in 3:54.6.
O ' "I was lucky," the Villanova
o senior said after the race. "I
°1 think he just got caught a
0 ,1 little short in this race. It's
01 early in the season. In the next
~, six weeks he'll do a lot of
o speed work. He should be a dif
g, ferent runner the last 220 yards
O then he was today."
... . . • ..
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Women's liberation:
An athletic comedy
Collegian Sports Editor
Now that women's liberation
is imminent, sports writers
throughout the county are lean
ing over their typ6vriters,
dreaming up new cliches with
which to fill their sports pages
once girls invade the last bastion
of male supremacy.
After consultation among the
fouler-minded sports writers at
The Daily Collegian, a list of
clean jokes about women jocks
(sic) was compiled. Betty Fried
an: look out!
Football jokes: "There would
be more holding penalties," said
former sports editor. Dan Dono
van, a well-known male suprem
"I guess there would -be a
Jot of piling on too," he added.
"And the quarterbacks would
never be able to make up their
minds in the huddle. There would
be plenty of audibles called at
the line of scrimmage."
Another pundit decided the
huddles would turn into gossip
sessions and delay of the game
would become a frequent. call by
the officials.
Female running backs would
be well-known for their hip
fakes. Football coaches would
talk about "an upcoming crop of
sophomorettes." Female defen
sive ends would never tackle the
cute guys on the other team.
The number 69 would be banned.
Each girl would make certain
her uniform wasn't the same
mile' a nightmare
• Air Intelligence Officer
• Information on other officer
style as that of her teammates.
Instead of awarding a Heisman
trophy at the end of the season,
the Friedan Cup would be issued.
The locker rooms would have
shower stalls and each male
player would be issued a set' of
blinkers. Inquiring sports writers
would never take notes in the
locker room.
"The closest girl to
the gridiron should
always be the
cheerleader" an
eminent male
Baseball would also undergo
some radical changes. Thdre
would be no such thing as a bull
pen. Cowpen might be more like
it. The girls would sit around
and.knit while waiting their turn
at bat. They would frown upon
tobacco chewing in the dugout
by male players. Infield flies
would he few and far between
on an all-girls team.
Instead of letting the umpire
dust the plate, the girls would
wash it. Television closeups
would test the makeup compact
of any female player. Periodi
cally, each team would be short
of female players.
In golf, because girls need an
energy pickup, they would carry
Ryun who just finished his
first tough race since he quit
track two years ago, said he
was "encouraged" by his per
formance. "It was only a year
and two days ago that I begun
running again so that's not too
bad progress. Naturally I
would have been more pleased
if it was me in front at the
tape. It was such a great and
fast race that I can't be un
During the first lap Joe
Savage, an 18-year-old Man
hattan freshman, set the pace
while Ryun and Liguori stayed
in the rear of the pack. The
time for the first quarter was
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more irons in their bag. Bag is
another term that would be
banned from use. Golf scores
would take on a new meaning
for galleryites.
In basketball, personal fouls
would abound. Instead of push
ing off Underneath. players
,nudge each other. Foul
shooting , would be eliminated.
The hook shot could only be
taken by hookers.
Tennis players would find out
what love really means.
Newspaper headlines, could
never say "Lions score" without
hinting at a double meaning.
Sports writers wouldn't he able
to say a team charged out onto
the field. Pranced would he more
like it. A girl was never tackled
in the midsection, she was
brought down with a girdle
snapping grab.
Pitchers never paused to wipe
the sweat from their brow--they
took a powder break. A hurler
never got,sent to the showers— .
she headed for the ladies room.
Obviously, the puns and dotible
meanings could 'go on and on.
Fortunately, for the reader, the
time has arrived to end this non
sense. Women, however,
draw a deeper meaning from
this column. If they enter men's
collegiate sports competition,
they may fall prey to some poor
Maybe it would he best to let
the situation stand as it is. The
closest girl to a gridiron should
always be the cheerleader.
for Jim Ryun
a slow 60 seconds
Ryun then moved past
Liguori on the backstretch and
shot into second beh',id West
Virginia's' Morgan Mosser on
the far turn. At the'same time
Liguori was following. Ryun all
the way as he moved up to
third place. The time for the
half mile was an even slower
After the first.' turn Liguori
made his move as he shot past
Ryun. "We knew he had to
carry his kick over 500 to 600
yards to knock that speed
Ryun has," said Liguori's
coach, Jumbo Jim Elliot.
"We wanted to go out with
500 yards left. But when the
pace got slow we had to take
him out with 600 yards to go.
I knew after the first slow
half he had to move then.
Marty knew it, too," he added.
Ryun followedtiquori's move
and suddenly there v.ore only
two runners in the race as all
the other milers fell far be
With the crowd literally go
ing wild, the two runners came
into the final lap with less than
two yards separating them.
Each time Ryun would move a
The Pledges of
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WEDNESDAY,' MAY 19. 1971
little closer Liguori would dig
in a little harder.
Coming down the stretch it
appeared as if Ryun would
catch the Villanovan but
Liguori broke the tape just
ahead of the world's record
"At the middle of the curve
Ryun was coming." said Bob
Timmins, Ryun's coach at
Kansas. "It looked like he
would make it at the break of
the turn. But Marty picked it
up and held on to it.
"I think this time it was
under fair circumstances for
both of us," Liguori said after
noting that his previous two
victories over Ryun were con
sidered "tainted" by most
track fans.
"I was glad it took place in
the East and generated so
much excitement.' he added.
Now Liguori can claim his
title as "best miler" and not
have to worry about those who
said he couldn't beat a deter
mined Ryun. Now he only has
to worry about facing Ryun
The brash Liguori probably
won't 1% orry too much about