PAGE FOUR Daily Collegian Hotline Lyrics Turn On Hotline Campus Wide Sleep-ln When will we change the clocks from Daxiigh Savings Time? Ken Kranz (2nd hioehemistry-Putshuvgh. Mr. Henry L. Ycagley. Director of .Main tenance and Utilities said that clocks "should bf turned back one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday. Here, There, Everywhere What is the ?‘.orv on Collegian delivery Where are papers delivered and how many? Jon Reed (10th management Gihsnnia There's really no storj involved. The Collegia is delivered throughout the dorms and several places in town. Approximately 11,70!) papers are ir circulation for students. Of these. 15 per cent a re distributed in the HUB. 20 per cent in town, am the remaining 05 per cent in the rinnm. There art plans of expanding The Collegian to a circulation ol 15.000 a dav by January. No Care Packages Today Whv aren't the deli\er\ windows oncn in th< dorm? on Satiirdav-? so wc can pick up our can packages before the food in them ha« spoiled* Prn-mort (10th 'ic*icm , i , -Eno') The reason that the delivery windows are not open on Saturdays in\nlves one of employment. On Saturdays student employes sort the mail. However, they are not allowed to hand out the se cond class mail, which just happens to be packages. You Can't Beat The Heat What is the English t translation to the song 'Je T’aime.. Moi Non Plus"? Name Withheld bv Request The translation of the song. "Je T’aime . Moi Legion Asks Shafer To Order Raising Of Flag at University of Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA The state American Legion asked Gov. Shafer yesterday to instruct University of Penn sylvania officials to hoist the American Flag to full staff, but the governor said there is nothing he can do about it. "There is, as you know, no law that requires t h e university to fly the flag at any time." Shafer said m a letter to legion officials, "it is a mat ter of choice and good citizenship.” Penn hauled down the flag Tuesday after rejecting de-, manas by a group of students] that the Flag be flown at' halfstaff because of the Viet-; nam war. The flag was missing again yesterday. "It is a deplorable situation! that a state-supported; university would refuse to flv j the American flag.” Edward T. Hoak. state adjutant of the; Legion, wrote Shafer. | "I am certain that the i university officials are aware I of the U.S. flag code which t prescribes certain times when! For the student who never wins anything A VISA GIVE-A-WAY NEXT WEEK TONY WILLIAMS WANTS YOU W-QWK fm, ninety seven THE PROGRESSIVE ONE E.S.A. presents lan Mitchell's American Folk Song Mass Sunday, Oct. 26 12:45 & 6:15 p.m. Eisenhower Chapel "Let's learn think, not what to Colloquy November 6-9 « happens i Non FluW sung bv Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Biik'n is as follows, but please note that the Fiench lyric is taken diroctlv from the record It, therefore, is probably not 100 per cent accurate hut is a* close as we could determine. The English translation is us literal as nosMbie, while attempt ing to maintain the meaning and "feel” of what is being expressed in French. The French "double ciuenrire" is retained as much as possible m English. Yeisr 1 the flag should be flown at stood nearby. The five stu- half statf. "Ccrtainly we do not want to sleeping bags, took turns read- custom of flvmg the flag at full see our flag at half-staif when ing from the long list of staff except during periods of a group of dissident students names. mourning, generally on the demand this. The Rev. Jack Russell, death of national leaders. "We are requesting that vou Penn’s \ice provost for student w onld be "widely mtsin immediately instruct officials affairs, has ruled the flag will terprotod as an institutional of the university in the proper not bo flown to avoid its gesture." Dr. Harnwoll said. display of the United States becoming target of demonstra te gU’ lions. Five demonstrators, four From New York where he is who would use the flag as a boys and a girl, spent Tuesday attending an educational con- political toy. especially when night reading the names of feronce. Gaylord P. Harnwcll, that very flag protects those 40.000 US. war dead m Viet* university president, deplored who attempt to use it for such nam Two campus guards the demonstrators focus on the purposes.” "THIS N THAT" FRIDAY - 9:00 p.m. HUB Sardroom s H Sponsored by th Penn State Folklore Society % and the 3 dogs, 5 cats, 752 cockroaches at BEEP. piuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiuiiiiiMiniiiiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmiiiiiiiniiiiiiimniiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig | See Why Frat Life Doesn’t Have J I To Be A Bummer! I Rushing Smoker DELTA SIGMA PHI I Thursday October 23 —8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. §| | Informal | I Open To All Rushees I Interfraternity Council Presents IN CONCERT IRON BUTTERFLY "the heavy happening" Nov. 1 Rec Hall 8:30 Tickets ... $ 3.00 ON SALE GROUND FLOOR HUB MONDAY, OCT. 27 I love \ou, I love you. oh. I love >otl Me— not anymore Oh, my love dents, sitting crosslcgged on COFFEE HOUSE GREAT MUSIC, GREAT FOOD, GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT FUN. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Like the wave, il cannot end I go away, I desire, and. 1 return Between your loins 1 go away. and. I return Between your loins, and, 1 hold myself back V’crse 2 1 love you. I love you. oh, 1 love you Me— not anymore Oh, ,my love You are the wave, 1 am naked before jou You go. and you go, and, you "come" Between my loins You go and you "come” Between my Inins, and, I receive you Verse 3 I love you, I love jou, oh, I love you Me—not anymore Oh. my love Like the wave, it cannot end l go away, I desire you. and, I return between your loins I go away, and. I return Between your loins, and, I hold nnself back Verse 4 First four lines ecstatic breathing You go. you go, and. you "come" Between my loins, and, 1 receive >nu Verse 5 I love you. I love you, oh yes, I love you Me— not anymore Oh. my love Physical and sensual Jove 1 go awaj, I desire, and. I "come" Beiw’een your loins I go away. and. I return I hold myself back No! now, "come." (English words printed courtesy of Fontana Records) Varying from the national Shafer said he could ot con done "the actions of anyone By Marvin Gross If You Haven't Been To DOWN HOME STEAKS You Should Be Ashamed ... OPEN 4 P.M.-4 A.M. 221 E. BEAVER 237-4816 Engineers: Join the diversified world of Martin Marietta and help create tomorrow’s | technology in: Missile i Systems, Launch Vehicles, j. Space Exploration, I Advanced Electronics and I; Communications Systems. It;.-- We’re looking for qualified Aeronautical, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical and Civil Engineers. We offer them deep and rewarding involvement in significant, long-term Research, Development, Design, Test, Eval- I : uation, and Production programs in the fields listed , above. We have major facilities in Baltimore, Maryland; Den ver, Colorado; Orlando, Florida; Wheeling, Illinois; ar»d field operations at Cape Kennedy and Vandenberg AFB. Each location offers opportunities for continuing education with financial support. Representative on campus TSusr. & Fri. Oct. 30,31 For interview, contact placement office. If unable to schedule interview, please send resume to: Director, College Relations Aerospace Group Dept. 115 Martin Marietta Corporation Friendship International Airport Maryland 21240 am jrrvjir MMVME'm An Equal Opportunity Employer—Male or Female Colloquy Program Needs Funds; Leaders Plan Sales in HUB The Colloquy Program, in serious tinanctal trouble will attempt a variety of fund raising activities. One of their elforts will in volve faculty \vi\es in the Col loquy program through ihe donation of a cake or pic to the Colloquy Bake Sale scheduled tor Nov. 3 on the ground lloorl of the lict/.cl Union Building. II j the women cannot gi\e any baked goods, a contribution 1 will be accepted. | Colloquy also will be selling personalized dc-pcrsonalizing t shirts beginning Monday on the ground tloor of the HUB. A student may have his social security number stenciled across the back along with a short note to his parents stat ing that he’s alive and well at Penn State. Tickets lor the Orson Bean speech Nov. 7 and the multi media happening Nov. 8 will be sold lor S 2. 11 bought seperateiy they will cost SI.3U each. A community dinner is scheduled lor Nov. 9 ol Collo quy weekend. The dinner is open to anyone interested in talking further with the \arious panel members ol the program. The cost will be 75 cents, Terry Jablo n s k i , co chairman ot Colloqu>, explain ed “if we had enough money, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 we would do everything for been imable to J ree •» needed monies to run UDiioquj. At present Colloquy only has Colloquy not a third of the funds needed to money to pas gues _ speakers run the program. Th c but they must pav feesi to use University did not receive Us sound equipment, to keep til allocation from the state HUB open 24 hours a day nnd legislators this year and has to piovido lanit . • TLES ALBUM "ABBEY ROAD" $ .27 V'\\ IDEAL FOR SHORT \, \ FALL FASHIONS ... ’ \ (J PANTY HOSE V"\ REG v $ l l7 & , —— Great- for new f / ioo °i { ' ‘ * cinnamon, mist, | y suntone. 99 Fashionable Scarfs s'l27 6 FOOTERS AT 52.98 ® :sV'*'' ■ Cozy High Pile Acrylic FUN FUR "HOODS" Snug, fashionable acrylic hoods look like luxurious fox fur. They have matching pompon ties. White, camel, black, red fox, brown tipped or black tipped. G. €. WURPHY CO. STATE COLLEGE ONLY 127 S. Allen St. 9 a.m. io 5:30 p.m. Mon. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. AGAIN HERE BY STUDENT DEMAND' s«>9B lyP EACH