The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 23, 1969, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969
May Answers Friedman:
GSA Does Its Share'
By MARGE COHEN after criticisms of it appeared
Collegian Feature Editor 111 Tuesday's Collegian, Dana
Th . . . ~ , , Friedman, co-chairman of Stii-
Asso i.u student denis Tor a Democratic
" s shar * Society, made the charges in a
of ptomoling student interest. letter released Mondav.
n-iTcT® ° ° ne memb( ' r nf Friedman said GSA was "in
ine Go Ain answer to a former ditrerent and unconcerned
S''.* Charges of the about social issues" and called
gt up s inefficiency. the organisation "a stooge of
Klaus May, C.SA rules mm- the Adminislration."
mittee chairman, tumped to Bui May strongly disagreed.
Ihe defense of his organization "GSA is a 'stooge' of the
Rank Receives Medal
From Optical Society
Davirl H Rank, Evan Push research professor of physics
and head or the Department of Physics at the Univcrsilv. was
pres «nfori the Frederic Ives Medal, one of the most 'highlv
pri7ed awards in American science, in Chicago. 111. last night.
.. . 7maif h rceognr/.ing dislmgutshod achievement in the
held nf optics and spectroscopy, is given bv the Optical
Soetou of America. *
Presentation of the Medal was made bv Dr. Karl Cl.
Ke??ler. of the National Bureau of Stanriaid?. president ol the
Society. atthe annual banquet of the Soeiotv This morning
1 " deliver the Kps Award Address, entitled.
Stimulated Phenomena in Laser Phvsic* ”
Rank \va? chosen lor the .nvard by unanimous vote of ihe
Board of Directors of the Society because his woik has
enriched practically all branches nf optics and spec
Moreover, “he has provided inspiration and afforded in
valuable education and experience to Ihe scores of students
whohavc worked lor their nriwneod decrees under hr? direc
tion. * according to a statement of the Societ.'.
Ranks award is based on an astonishing total of 17f
papers published in the scicnt’hc literature. Although phvsics
L? often considered a young man's game, hi? pinducfivitv
seems to gain momentum with the years It continued un
dimmtshed after he became head oi the Department o»
Physics in 1964. In 1966. in his 69th \ear. his name appeared
on fourteen papers <n leading physics journal*.
Rank has been at the University since 1930. when ho came
here as a graduate student alter icceiving hi? undergraduate
degree from Lebanon Valley College in Annvtlle, Pa. He
received both his master of science and doctor of philo-nphv
degrees at the University. He was designated an Evan Pugh
research professor in 1958.
There will be a meeting TAU PHI DELTA
of Pi Sigma Alpha
announces its new location
Political Science Honor Society
7:30 p.m. Monday Oct. 27 Rm. 71 Willard 427 E. FairißOlint Ave.
8:00 p.m. Dr. William Diuker - Former
Foreign Service officer in Vietnam for a
will speak on RUSH SMOKER
"Prospects for U. 5. Foreign Policy Friday oct 24 8:00 -i0:00 p.m.
in 5.E. AstS. Open to all rushees
with a
choice of 9 different sauces
It will be a memorable meal—
your choice of authentic Italian
food and garlic bread
Convenient location 114 S. Garner St,
easy-to-attord prices
Mon.-Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 7:45 p.m. Sun. - 9 a.m. io 8:00 p.m.
Sunday Brunch - 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
graduate students.” he ex
plained. “We have tried to
represent the interests of the
majority of graduate students
and to take into account the
minority interests, including
the black graduate students.”
He continued to cite GSA in
volvement with campus issues
that would discredit Fried
man's charges of non
involvement, Graduate stu
dents are represented on
Senate committees as well as
membership on the University
President selection committee,
he said.
Scott Proposes Cease-Fire;
Furthermore, he added. GSA * "
has designated this rear as I • A I
rentaqon Declines Approval
pansion of black-oriented
courses and programs at the
F nedman also charged that
GSA delegates were. i n
numerous cases. "elected"
with prior approval of the
faculty in the departments and
also appointed by department
But for this. May also had an
answer. He explained that cur
rent GSA delegates appointed
by department heads arc now
being requested to petition
their respective departments
for an indication of their sup
port. By the tact that delegates
are making that effort. May
continued. GSA members are
show ing their interest in being
as representative as possible.
Friedman also said GSA
hinds were earmarked by the
Administration "wiih the
implicit understanding that it
be used for socials, such as
dances and beer at Skimont."
But May said "there simply
is no implicit understanding in
allocations in this University."
As it is with ail Universitv
allocations, he said, "existing
priorities just don't make any
Paper Errs
rownßei SDS Head M ay Resign
Yesterday's Collegian in
correctly repotted the vot
ing tallies on two town
candidates Tor the Under
graduate Student Govern
ment. Evan Myers, who
was reported as collecting
44 votes, actually had 91
and won a Michael
Roechcl collected 44 votes
and did not win a seat.
WASHINGTON Senate Republican
Loader Hugh Scott proposed yesterday that the
United States unilaterally proclaim a cease lire
in Vietnam, but the Pentagon rejected the idea
A top official declared Dclcnsp Department
opposition unless the North Vietnamese agreed
in advance to stop shooting, too
This official said the Pentagon does not
believe a cease-fire, without some assurance
the encmv would observe it. would be a suc
cessful approach.
Scott said he hopes President Nixon wifi set
a date on which American forces will stop
shooting unless attacked.
Not a Trial Balloon
Scott, the administration's chief spokesman
on the Senate floor, said he was not signaling
any White House intention.
“This is not a trial balloon for the Presi
dent.” Scott said, “it's a personal hope ”
But Scott’s expression of that hope fot a
course long advocated bv Democtatic Leader-
Mike Mansfield, was certain to heighten
speculation that Nixon - plans some such
dra.matic move in his Nov. 3 Vietnam report to
the nation.
Scott said he was speculating himself.
Lacks Enthusiasm for Chapters Plans
Collegian Stuff Writer
Dave Mulliolland. new i %
elected co-chairman of Stu-
dents for a Democratic
Society. told The Daily Col
legian last night he is seriously
considering resigning hi s
He said his decision came as oppose the resolutions want to
a result of two resolutions involve themselves with more
passed at the SDS regular than just the war.
“I wouldn't think anything could happen of
that kind before Nov. 3.” he said.
The Pentagon official, who stipulated that
he not he named cautioned against speculation
on what Nixon will say m his speech 10 da\ =
Both Scott and Mansfield said the ad
ministration's new battlefield policy of protec
tive reaction represents a major step toward a
cease fire.
Unriei that policy. Mansfield said. U S.
troops fuc onl\ to forestall cnenn attack
"Tins is certainly a tar cry from the tactics
of maximum pressure, and search and
rtrstrov." Mansfield said “and to me is an in
dication that the President ts moving toward a
cease-lu e and stand-last pnlit-v ”
The high delense official noted fhai
Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird first used
the term “protective reaction” to describe
authorilv V S. commando! s have heon given in
conducting bolder area attacks as a means of
defending their positions. He said, for example,
that U S. troops were allowed to move into the
edge of I.aos to ferret out the enemy while im
der heavy attack.
HttrHti) Units
meeting Tuesday night which
assigned top priority to the
Novemher Moratorium and se
cond priority to the grape
MulholJand said he and ahout
fen other members strongly
opposed the resolution because
"we want to do some things
ourselves.” He said those who
New Battlefield Policy
20% OFF
“The war is going to end.
and most people support the
Moratorium alreadv. There
are going to be more mean
ingful problems when ihe war
is over. Those are the pro
blem.s SDS should he concern
ed w itb.” he said
The resolution assigning fust
priority to the Moratoiuim
includes sending SDS membeis
to meetings of the Coalition fot
Peace, the gioup sponsoting
the Moratorium, to act as
representatives of SDS and to
present SDS views
Mu'lmlland said he feels the
chapter is “letting itself be us
ed” bv the Coalition and other
liheral groups
"If we work onh with the
Coalition, of what uso is SDS n
We have to make t h o
fhMitu lion hru pen the
Coalition and SDS clear, or we
might as well ms! min the
Coalition.” MulHllanri said
He said lot SDS to allow
itsrll to be u-eri and lor ihe
otgani/atmn to support only
the movements of other groups
is a lorin of "self-lirpudai ton.”
“A lot of students ate rx-
Eisenhower Chapel
Sunday Communion:
(Who wants to become more human)
Also: M-W-Th-F 12 Noon Small Chap«l
"There is LIFE before DEATH.”
tromely dissatisfied with thp
wa.\ things are m the countrj.
The only group on campus that
speaks out on the evils of
society and capitalism is SDS.
So why is there no new mem
’nership*’ Because they read
about what is going on with
SOS and they gel turned off."
he said
Mulhnlland expressed some
disappointment with the argu
ments of those who did support
his views He said they did not
argue as strongly as they could
have, and they didn't even
insist on further debate at the
He said he does not know
what is gotng In happen with
the resolutions. The opposition
is not going to leave the chap
ter he added but is going to
caucus on its own and the
involutions may bo challenged
at another meeting
MulhniianH said since he has
no enthusiasm for what SDS is
going to do. it would not he fair
for him to remain co*
“Unless something happens
before Tuesday. 1 will resign al
dtp Tuesday meeting.” he said.