- .Hari , , . , Editorial Opinion , . . - , Film Critique • , woRLD • . , ''.m iCall Cum Rusian , . • f . • , -, A . . , , . ~.). . •.; .1. . , l ii , • .. , • . While the issue of academic proba- the classroom. • •• 4, `, • - • ' I lk , : v-) .7 \ fails to use: blurred shots, stop-action, slow Roulette in Ma .igan , • 8,, PAUL '9EYDOR tion might not be of major student in- But the Senate Committee on AL- • . . ~ motion, filters, silhouettes against a setting terest, it is worth the attention that the demic, Athletic and Admission Stan-. > - Collegian Movie Critic , , sun. And because scene after repetitive scene University has decided to give it. dards announced Monday that it has ' • , . , „. . , As the more than 2,600 University formulated a plan for doing away with , . . • • '► . ' . ' at - the Nittany Theater, is a shoo-in for the enough to bore the pa J "Elvira Madigan," in its last two days drags out about twice t n o t o aie lo tt n e g s , a tti r e a il s rn pin is fiiiN !.- - - students, including those at Common- academic probation. The plan will be. i , , . . h k i a t v s e c h t a a w g a o r d a l - l o f t h t e h e w y a e y a r b . a l e n k d e t e a d : ..ry he e u s w e o n u n l d d steri y sh et sc a h rn o i o d l st te t a h c e her. - banality there is one sal/- wealth Campuses, will agree, "pro" is to presented to the Senate at its meeting ' . . • r 'lo of Music" to find a more gushing and ing grace: the melody frpm the slow move be avoided. Their Winter Term averages next Tuesday. . ...,.., ./..- , meretricious film. ment of Mozart's 21st piano concerto serves - fell below 1.7, and now they are pro- Basically, the committee has called . , Certainly the story is as absurd. Now I ask you: in the unlikely event, men, that you tenaths stylistic, e s o , nbgn.t Mozart The i nt i e s rp st r i e l.l tati interpretation Mozart,is hibited from taking part in extracurri- for the elimination of academic proba- _ • '" ' ... - deserted the army and your wife and chi;- and anything which furthers his cause , cular activities. tion. The reasoning is that students on -:-.) dren to run off with a former tightrope can't be all bad. Now if David Lean and Some students could not care less probation spend no more time studying t i li-'.' walker, and were subsequently pursued by Claude Lelouch would only discover Bach, the police—what Beethoiren, and . . Mahler? n as one th • about being able to participate in cam- than they would if 'they were permitted - I . ..../ ' . would you do? pus organizations. For others, however, to participate in activities. :•'.'. . 'ci Second Look et 'The Fox' .f t t 'P: . ... - Waste what littl the, probation penalty denies valuable As a replacement, the committee iii _ cl e . .: . .. . . , 6111 , . ~..i r i s ri t o a ney . yo g u h t ave t .. :, •_: :::i.. . ,. ._ D.a homework L awrence's this "The educational experiences found outside proposes a system based on "grade point OfIN! . frr-'r . ...•: . i.;- 'I hotel, or use the - -'. • .1, •• • rbydorinegdisnogme like ' , • ~.‘•.: • ..• • deficiency." - A deficiency 'would exist (=AA 4.40-:;,.,....::.;:... . ... f• cash to skip the ! ... •• ' - • • '• • 7 •••- the film—with Jill's death caused by a falling : - '.. : l'' ' ''- ' ' weekendFox,A' After e discoverea that the , book ends T • 1 _ when a student's grade point total is less , .country or even .:1- ~.• ... . tree. ... yet Lawrence makes it work, because •iiinimr.. ..i.• .. , •• • • his emphases, his entire dramatic situation, than his credit total multiplied by two. ....ii ; - ~, the 4 1t. . , ... • , i Hot Lane Under this system, if -a student's . 64 .. , i : ::.•:. : ry 4 i 6 / 1 11 - •• •i• Would you try 1 - ....'.•-• .....;: - .7..: .....: ...... and . his characters, are different from the to get odd jobs ':•: ::::• • •- • ' -'• ' • 41 film's. It'is curious that the filmmakers, after. o • deficiency total exceeds the limit estab- kll:l7l6,vir ~.... ~,.„.„, u nde r an as- .•-•;..:40 , sumed name so • f . „ - - =,. , -, , , , altering Lawrence's novella so much, kept Is C °Ming lished for his term level, that student Will be invited to end his studies in the -7.l`—' - •••1..• +.,---- s • 1 ‘V'.l: '''-:' : ~..., l. ttatarn •.1 ....., Off '411.6.-. .::4*; ',kV., st,,:, ... : , :i . : , / .. , i..': -. ...3.. you could feed . ...: 't ,-. . , .• • „ ~• '' ^- -- ' '''',/ the ending, which is incongruous with their . , r-!:',, changes. A Lawrence buff I know insists that I 1 - I,appy Valley. yourself and r • ~ ' , ' c ' missed the point of Lawrence in Friday's The Senate committee's suggestion - ' .-- •••••• • '''i. 2 ''' ' : ' ;' : • ; . ,: .'.'''':l . ! : "'' ' ' '.- ' your. lover? f..r' - - critique. She maintains that Paul and March "Hot Line," anew new feature of The ... - -ci.- , . f,. ... - 1.• Probably. Daily Collegian, will begin next week. sounds more reasonable and more prat- • - Not Elvira ! - • .:- - are motivated by instinctive, natural forces. "Hot Line" is intended as • a tical than the present concept of proba- to 1968 by NEA, Inc.•auzemir. and Sixten, boy. .- 1- '' Logic and choice play no part in their rela- The They starve. And --- '-" tionship. public service feature which will allow Lion. . Admittedly, the scriptwriters flirt with t o en d their the dissatisfied to air complaints and at- It is more reasonable because proba- "It's great to be active again! Only exercise I've had all SEYDOR this in the scene where Paul explains to tempt to answer them. Students and fat- tion is not a fair way to punish academic _ winter is turning the TV dial." misery they corn- • , March why she can't kill the fox. Yet the mit a kind of hari-kari cum Russian Roulette, . scene doesn't come . off convincingly, partly ulty are invited to participate in the deficiencies. For instance, a student who - which inspired one critic to write that their because of Keir Dullea's limited emotional "Hot Line." Grievances about classes, usually earns Dean's List grades, if he has one poor term, is unjustly prevented - d • - Tove is what destroys them. Like hell. What destroys them is their own lack of common projection, partly because the dialogue is dormitory or downtown living, or any- Letters to the Eartor sense and ambition, qualities lovers presum- taken from Lawrence's prose—a transforma thing for which an answer is sought, from working in campus organizations. ably aren't supposed to have. tion that rarely works. may .be phoned into the "Hot Line." And what explanation • can be of- One One gets the impression the film is gear- If the viewpoint is valid, the film's 'end may Ifthe ing remains inadequate nevertheless. ed to the drop-out faction, who can see real- to know why you've had fared for preventing a student from play ing intramural football just because he . Fine Interpretation of Lawrence firmed on the - screen their assertions about story shows the victory of the visceral over goulash three days in a row in the dining has not reached an arbitrarily set ace-the crass and impersonal establishment. the cerebral, then March must part per hall? Call Collegian "Hot Line." Maybe TO THE EDITOR: A young critic such as . Paul Seydor . manently with Jill while the latter is still "Well, okay, so the story isn't much," one demic level? should know that a work of art is primarily to be eluci- alive. Otherwise, the point is not only vague there is a good reason for the plethora of might say. "At least you must admit the • dated and not evaluated. If absolute impersonality, in the and unresolved, but without impact. noodles. If not, an unsatisfactory answer The committee proposal is more lines of new criticism, is not possible, a critic should at technical quality is good." I regret that the tone of Friday's critique for all to see might be the best way to practical because the present probation least try not to pass a completely wrong interpretation, . Alas, no. For sheer pristine beauty, not of this film is so unfavorable. It was written end the indigestion. system often is not enforced. Frequently , of "The Fox." . and this is exactly what Paul Seydor did in his critique one frame even approaches the stunning in rage and utter disappointment with the photography of, say, "The Fox," or "Far From filmmakers' seeming lack of disrespect for "Hot Line" calls will be received probation regulations are disregarded in To say that killing ' Jill is "an unbelievably-God- the Madding Crowd." The color is faded (sug- their own fine efforts. Let me amend my every Monday and Wednesday evening the case of student leaders. awfully stupid scene" is to accuse D. H. LaWrence for gesting perhaps the waning lives of the recommendations: I urge you to see "The from Bto 11 beginning next week. The We therefore urge the Senate to having had the views and attitudes towards life that he lovers?), rather like an old madras shirt that Fox," now at Cinema I, simply because a special Collegian "Hot Line" number is • vote favorably on thelan that is pre- adhered to very strongly. It is, moreover, to blame Koch, - has gone through the wash too many times. hundred of its hundred and ten minutes con e- lino and Rydell for their very successful presentation What's more, there isn't a cinematic tains some of the finest sustained excellence 865-2881. The answers to Monday night's sented to it next week. The Undergrad- o C f ar Lawrence's novella on the screen. Cold and snow, and cliche to picture the wistful romanticism of you're likely to encounter in any film this calls will be printed in the Collegian on uate Student GOvernment and faculty particularly death in the snow is a characteristic and re- young lovers that Director Bo Widerberg year. Wednesday, and Wednesday's calls will members should make their approval current symbolic image in many of Lawrence's works. g: appear Friday. known to Senate members. --W.E. One only needs to remember Gerald's death in "Worn- ST - ' ..N.Vt 1 ' MERE'S THE WORLD-FAMOUS WRIST l . en in Love." Jill is the imbodiment ,of the negation of life, 1 1-: .. , .(14 gentriGntooaciz Successor to The Free Lance, est. 1887 a destroyer, a cold "thinker" Hermine, in "Women in Papers Requests: 1 1 Love" who was bound to die if March and Paul had to 4 FOR THE CHAMPIONSItPS... Tilt Elatim Tottrutatt establish a harmonious relationship. Paul's -virility was not destructive and in the mentioned scene he does not • li • ;I Faculty Writers . -5---) - • appear as "the male-destroyer" but as a saver. • . .u, tg i, t ii '.- it 62 Years of Editorial Freedom Lawrence surely never intended March to choose University faculty are in- ' . , 1 Published Tuesday through Saturday during the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms, and Thursdayduring between the two. She only went through a period of inner . viten to submit articles to Col- 474„ : the Summer Term, by students of The Pennsylvania State University. Second class postage paid ' at State College, Pa. 161101. Circulation: 12,500. conflict and nightmare. So does Ursula in "The Rainbow," legian's "Faculty Forum." • I but knowing Lawrence's main credo which is that the _ Mail Subscription Price: $8.50 a year Columns of 'opinion from all ....----........-__ Ina m b d1.,,,,=,e. Mailing Address Box 467, State College, Pa. 16801 most valued and valuable relationship can only be ....M.. ...I Editorial and Business Office Basement Of Sackett (North End) achieved between man and woman, we know in advance members of the faculty are Phone 865-2531 ' that March has no choice, welcome. - 11{EREV FEAR AND TREMBLING Business office how's: Monday through Friday, 9:30 a . m, 10 4 p.m. . Rydell has given us a fine, truly Lawrencian interpre- Member of The Associated Press Cation of "The Fox." To call this "artistic pussyfooting" The articles should be type- Am! IN PETALUMA lONIGHT: PAUL J. LEVINE WILLIAM FOWLER and say that "audiences have a right to demand an intelli- written and triple-spaced and ~„,..,, ..... 5:1 ---- Editor 'IMO - . • Business Manager gent resolution" only shows the ignorance of the - critic should not excee' 7:i lines in . ` - "A , ' Judyßife, City Editor; Ronald Kolb, Sports Editor; Don McKee, Assistant Sports Editor; Richard Ravitz, who would easily sell Lawrence far a cheap melodrama.. length. Interested facu 1 t y ___ - 4.11 b.•-• --'\ Gerry Hamilton, Kathy. Litwak, copy Editors; Din Rodgers, Photography Editor; Pierre Belliclni, Assistant Those who have not seen the film I would strongly ,--,e'i ...--41, . • * Photography Editor; Phyllis Ross, Personnel Director - Office Manager; Pat Gurosky, Kitty Phlibin, Dennis should bring their articles to - Mimuling, Senior Reporters; Elliot Abrams, Weather Reposer . advise not "to ignore it." .._ ~....)1 -, P.: • : j.'F,,•''.'"i Dunja Jutrohic, Graduate , Collegian office, 20 Sackett "elir_onie;.., :*•(.•.::/ William Epstein Michael S. Serrill Building. - „.....7,,,k_ —.-,._,...... V Managing Editor Editorial Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: Critic Seedor expresses second thoughts . , . PAGE TWO - - ' ...___ WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1968 - on "The. Fox"-elsewhere on this page.) . - - ig LS-- ~...-. --,..4e4e..... GERRY KIDDIE PACK Babies love to ride in them! Foam padded nylon shoulder straps. For children 5 months to about 3 years. RENT-Al is ==l2! 238-3037 "next to the bus station" THE SHELTER An Experiment in LIVING Applications HUB Desk Application Deadline May 1 0 Cali 865-3762 fur interview time Call 865-4952 or fill out a form at the HUB Desk Raimilisagimmamimilmmi The Brothers and Pledges of ALPHA TAU OMEGA wish to congratulate their new initiates to the order of THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE MALTESE CROSS Cheryl Albiuso Margaret McKee Peggy Berry Denise LaMar Dorothy Kuflik . Melanie Benjamin MEER Spring Week '6B Spring Week '6B Spring Week '6B Spring Week '6B co co Lc' DEADLINES ta a. CARNIVAL TENT FEES 7: 3 0 P.M'. Today i co to ,T. c Room 202 HU .cB - MISS PENN STATE May 4th, 12 Noon & co co :::. MOTORCADE May 4th, 5 p.m. a MAD HATTERS ' May 10, 5 p.m. ~°) 3 - Applications pi Applications are to be handed in. 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