PAGE EIGHT i University , r ds • i so I andlor - s Com , • . r mise To 'Young By MARYANN BUCKNUM Collegian Staff Writer Because of a strong wave of opposition from the borough landlords, the Town Independent Men's Council has compromised certain points in the fair agreement lease, according to Dave Vini koor, chairman of the Legal Awareness committee. Vinikoor explained at a council meeting last night that, he did make certain concessions to the landlords but the lease is acceptable to TIM. In its present form, the lease calls for a con tract of not more than ten months except when both parties agree' on an extension of this period, in writing. ' No Interest Clause In addition, there is no 4 per cent interest clause concerning required damage deposits, if the landlord agrees to keep the money in a non-inter est bearing account. The new lease also permits landlords to enter apartments, but only in special emergencies with the consent of the residents. Vinikoor stated, "We have met most of the ob jections but tried to keep a workable, strong PHEAA Forms Now Available At Grange Application wrms for schol- Ralph N. Krecker, director arships to be awarded under of student aid, said that the Group 111, Pennsylvania High- forms require as a part of fi- 1 er Education Assistance Agen- nancial information, a copy of cy, now are available in 121 the 1967 Federal income return and 126 Grange. (now a W-2 form) as well as These forms, which were not other information, and suggest- , received until this week, are for ed that students Nishing to the use of students making ap- apply start to work on the plication for their first scholar- forms without delay. The form is due in Harris ship under the PHEA program. burg by May 31 and Krecker Students wishing to renew said that the , form is to be scholarships should use forms sent to Harrisburg directly and that will be mailed directly to is not to be returned to the Of them. five of Student Aid. Begins TOMORROW I :30.3:30.5:30.7:30-9:30 Newport is an oasis of beautiful music—and beautiful people... "FESTIVAL!" JOAN BAEZ• 808 DYLAN. PETER, PAUL & MARY • DONOVAN JUDY COLLINS • MIKE BLOOMFIELD .PAUL BUTTERFIELD BLUES BAND • SON HOUSE. THEODORE BIKEL• ODETTA • MIMI & DICK FARINA MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT • JIM KWESKIN JUG BAND • HOWLIN' WOLF • PETE SEEGER • BUFFY SAINTEMARIE • SPIDER JOHN KOERNER MICE MN IS:MAL Fara wpm • = NDBP KritaCONl-WORAER FUN ENMUZIS, FNC CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY DEADLINE 10:30 A.M. Day Before Publication RATES First insertion 1! word maximum 51.00 Each additional consecutive Insertion 25c Each additional 5 words 10c per day Cash Basis Only! No Personal Ads! OFFICE HOURS 9:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M: Monday through Friday Basement of Sackett North Wing FOR SALE • PRE-USED FURNITURE and appliances. Chests, desks, breakfast sets, beds, mat tresses, tables, sofas, stoves, refriger ators, etc. We buy and sell. Furniture Exchange Inc., 1011 East College Ave. LARGEST SANDWICH In town 22" lons loaded with meat, cheese, let tuce, tomatoes, onions. Call 238.2292. , DUAL, 1019 TURNTABLE deluxe base and cover, Shure V 15 II cartridge, Har man Kardon 100 watt receiver, walnut case. Bob 238-4263, 865-3664. CYCLES: NEW and used. Yamaha; Ka wasaki; Suzuki; Hodaka. Two Wheels Cycle Shop, 1311 E. College Ave. 238-1193. BASSET PUPPIES, AKC registered, af fectionate pets, good hunters. Call 466- 6580. FOR SALL: Spanish G'ultar in excellent condition, with case. Very reasonable. Call Joe 237-7057. 1967 BULTACO Metralla, 5 speed, 250 . cc., 1000 miles. $490.00. Arnson Saab, 1931 N. Atherton. SILVERTONE GUITAR Amp 2.12" Jen sens with Vox Fuzz Tone. $lOO.OO. Call quickly 237-1895. It's great. DORM CONTRACT—West Halls. $125:01 Call Whitey 865-4617, 237-6131. Drop Approved -Disapproved Housing List Idea COLLEGI FOR SALE FOR SALE 1965 YAMAHA 80 cc, Only 4340 miles. PLAYER PIANO. Reconditioned. Kimball !Crash helmet and extras thrown in. Call !Player wtih rolls. 5250. Perfect for party Bruce 238-4763.10 r Rec Room. Call 238-6572 between 5&7. 1965 YAMAHA 80 cc. Only 4340 miles. EIGHT TRACK TAPES are expensive, !Crasha helmet and extras thrown in. • often defective, and mostly hard to ob !Bruce 238-4763. tain. Now, you can forget searching the ! 11:IMM, GOOD! Pizza, Steaks, Hoagies,stores for that special tape, only to a Tuna Fish, Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers. its 56'95 for ihe equivalent of one rec- I ord album. Audio Motive Co. will record !Fast delivery. Call 238-2292. lord two records you want on B track SALE: 1963 Oldsmobile Super 88 4 dr. !tape for 56.99. Not only can we offer hardtop. Perfect condition. Asking 6795. you a tape twice as long, but one that Call Jack, 237-1666. !sounds better also. SPECIAL All 4 track taoes in stock $3.69, or 3 for $lO. Many ;1959 TR-3. New. paint, tireCtopTwires, ' koni's. Excellenf running. Asking $7OO. geed titles left. 238.5153' • Call Grover 238-1663. •STLIDENTS: WE provide insurance for GARRARD TURNTABLES; SL-95 auto- autos, motorcycles, motorscooters, travel, matic with 45-adaptor, cartridge holders,ivaluables, hospitalization. Phone Mr. Temeles 238.6633 5100; manual, 540. Both with base, dust cover. Phone 865-5835. TRIUMPH TR-3 1960. Good condition Red, white top, wire wheels, overdrive $495.00. Phone 238-6380: 1967 HONDA S9O, 4,800 mi. Excellent condition. Call 238-7342 anytime or tee at 217 W. Irvin Ave. '67 YAMAHA YRI 350 cc. Fast and re Excellent condition! 3000 miles s7so. Tom 238.8901, CAR STEREO Audio Motive Co., spe cialists in automotive sound equipment, invites you .to hear the finest line of tape players and radios in Centre Co., and at the lowest prices, too. If you already own a car stereo and aren't taking advantage of our 4 & 8 track recording service, stop in or call today and have Your records put on cartridge ,tape. Located in the alley across from Centre Co. Film Lab parking lot. 238-5153. 1965 DODGE DART, GT, .vinyl top, excellent condition. Low mileage. Factory warranty. 238-3943. 19" GENERAL ELECTRIC T.V. Portable, Hi Pi Stereo Record Player, Portable. Excellent condition. 238-3943. HEAD HUNTERS! Do It on a B.M.W R-60 Motorcycle. Immaculate condition Call 237-1718. BEAUTIFUL long•length cerise colored gown, size 12, worn twice 525. 238-5698. (SWING TO Summer Sounds. Buy my ,RCA Stereo Record Player for only $4O. Call Dan 237-3144 anytime. I'm in. NEW MOON MObile HOme,ll3'TSo', 2. bedroom, furnished, washer, dryer, car pet, many other extras. Good conditiOn. It'll cost you about 885/mo. for EVERY THING Including e:ectricity, 9V.S, and heat. Available September. 2384749. be tween 6 & 8 and after 11:30 p.m. lease." He said that if TIM doesn't receive any re sponse from the landlords in the near future, they will be forced to seek an alternate plan. This strategy rejects the approved-disapproved housing idea. Regarding the recent borough enforcement program of the housin&code, the council passed a formal resolution giving full approval of the bor ough's actions. The resolution, proposed jointly by Vinikoor and housing chairman Jeff Lobb, was unanimously approved. Vinikoor also outlined the policy the council PLC B Announces State Store The Pennsylvania State Liquor Control Board has announced plans for the construction of a new State Liquor Store in the State.Corege area, The new store will be built at 1600 North Atherton St. in Patton Township,- north of the University. The volume of business done in this THE DAILY COLLEGIAN LOCAL AD CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE DEADLINE 4:00 P.M. 2 Days 10:30 A.M. Day Before Publication Before Publication STANLEY WARNER 237-7866 HODAKA ACE 90. New clutch, spare rear tire, good running condition. 5150. ,865.7823. TR3. Getting married, must sell im mediately. Red 1961 convertible, looks good, runs great. First reasonable offer accepted. 238-1972 after 7 p.m. 'UNIVERSITY TOWERS: Summer sublet. 1 bedroom, air conditioned, dishwasher, ,balcony, free utilities, furnished. Call ,238-5465. ---tconditioned; summer term only. 237-1342. ,SUMMER TERM-3 bedroom split level' Apt. Free bus service, swimming pool, SUMMER TERM, 'Fall Option. One Ibed other benefits - besides rent reduction. room, furnished, air-conditioned. June 237-6040. .rent paid. Will negotiate. 237-1190. MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED Apartment FURNISHED EFFICIENCY. Corner Halm —summer. Two bedrooms, furnished, tele-;Mon and Pugh. Available Summer Term phone, cable, utilities Included. Very rea- option for Fall. Call 238-3561 sonable. Phil 238-6341. SUMMER TERM, Fall Option—three UNFURNISHED TWO man summer apart- bedroom Bluebell Apartment. Rent reduc ment. Four rooms. Across street from lion. 238-5610 after six. Old Main gate. Tom 865-0503. SUMMER— OPTION FALL. 1 bedroom AMERICANA MAN aPartment, Fur- ftrnished apartment. $55 month. Pine !Grove Mills. Call 237-6039 nights. nished, air-conditioned. Summer only. Great rent reduction. Call George 2 38-!COMFORTABLE WHITEHALL Basement 743 L Apt., cool in summer, air-con., 2 baths,l 1- 13 — E A DEXTER Club guy thls summer! 2 bedrooms, Free Cable, BUS, 3-4 inan„ iWall to wall carpeting. Located !A blockiFree Ist 2 weeks. 238-7608. ,from campus. Cali .31m 238-0753 or 238-,DON'T SIGN that lease if It will cost' 8960. !you more than 68.5/mo. for 2 furnished, 5 0. !2-bedroom apartment. See the mobile SUMMER 2 ROOM Apt. 2, 220 Fraser St. for 2. Large paneled bed- home in FOR SALE. I room, kitchen, and bath. $95/mo. 238-'SUMMER SPECIAL. Two • bedroom, two 5978. I bath, ' air-conditioning, pool, bus service. WE GOT bagged. If you've called once I Reduced rent. Call 238-3797. try again. Summer sublet, 3 bedroom 'APARTMEAT SUMMER Term. Reduced ;Bluebell. 238-3956. rent 3 men, 2 bedroom. Call 237-1375. HOME ENTERTAINMENT Center. T.V.; , AMBASSADOR 2-MAN Apartment for Radio Stereo w/blt-in reverb;. Beautifullstarirner; June free. Air-conditioning. Call (AskingA 5300. Will bargain. 237-2522. after 6:30, 466-6633. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA io LAST TIMES TODAY s Burt LANCASTER -'Shelley WINTERS "THE SeALPHUHTERS" MEMO)§MtIi.,MMi:MM SUMMER SUBLET: Bluebell, 4 - 6 man ,or women apartment. Free bus, pool, 'stereo, TV, air conditioning. Low rent. 237-7169 anytime. TWO (WO)MAN four room apartment on College Avenue for summer term. Completely furnished with kitchen uten sils. $BO a month. 237-1908. SUB-LEASE-3. b.r. Hume, 'furnished. June 15 Aug; 31. 5225/month. Park Forest 238-0809: _ . . FURNISHED THREE bedroom Bluebell Apartment. Summer, air conditioning, pool, bus, cooking utensils, rent reduc- Bon. 238-5898, RENT REDUCTION summer sublet, 1 or 2 roommates wanted, June paid, July and August 5125. Air-conditioned, free bus, cable, pool. 237-1267. 'SUMMER SUBLEASE: One bedroom !furnished apartment. Convenient to cam 'pus. 5400/term. Air-conditioning, dish lwasher. Call 238-5726. _ 4 - 6 MAN Bluebeil Apt.: split level, summer term. Fantastic rent reduction., '237-6456. FOR RENT 4-MAN BLUEBELL Apartment. Summer; ;sublet with rent reduction; everything Included. Call 237-1122. AMBASSADOR BUILDING one bed doom.r , apartment. Nicely tarnished; air' should adopt concerning the breakage of contracts by students under 21 years, who have signed 12 month leases. Their status as minors doei not give them the right to break a lease, he said. The coun cil advises students to sublet the apartment for the summer to fulfill their contract agreements. `Terry Klasky, town congressman announced that the "Town Talk" table will be set up all day Thursday and Friday on the ground floor of the Hetzel Union Building. The TIM members will he available at that time for any questions about downtown living. area was given as the reason for construction of the second store. The store, which will be near Toftrees and the new Oakwood developMent, will be in State College's largest_ area of development. Construction is scheduled to begin as soon as the lease is fully executed. The completion date is set tentatively for August or September. FOR RENT May 2-4 8 p.m. PLAYHOUSE THEATRE 865.9543 THE PERSECUTION AND ASSASSINATION OF JEAN-PAUL MARAT AS PERFORMED BY THE INMATES OF THE ASYLUM OF CHARENTON UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE • e • THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE Feature Time .741724"''''' NOW 1:30 - 3:27 - 5:24 CINEMA I 1 7:21,- 9:27 PLAYING SANDY DENNIS • 'cEIR DULLEA• ANNE HEYWOOD • Screenplay byII.EVASJOHN CARLING a•q HOWARD KOCH • Produced by RAYMOND ST ROSS • Drooled by MARK RYDELL Color by Deluxe • From =RIDGE PICTURES 20th Century-Fox presents "bed r zzledv, PANAVISION ° Color by Deluxe "'EAti Last Times Today "PLANET OF THE APES" FEATURE TIME 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:22 • 9:24 CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT AMBASSADOR 1 bedroom Apt., sum mer term, air-cond., furnished, extras (must see). Very reasonable. Call 238- 5634. 2-3 MAN Apartment, , f 2 block from campus. Summer term. Air conditioned. Free cable. 238-1082. TWO BEDROOM Apartment. Summer, Faft option, pool, air conditioned, free !bus, reduced rates. 238-3138. SUMMER SUBLET: University Towers. 2-3 man, air-conditioning, free utilities. June rent paid. Call 230-4048. SUMMER: 2 MAN Apt. 1 1 / 2 blocks cam pus. Air cond., parking, cheap. 238-2503. SUMMER TERM—University Towers. Two lor three persons. More than reasonable rates. Phone 230-5950. REDUCED RATES: 3-(wo)man Apt., summer. Air-cond., bus, T.V. at Blue bell. Call 237-1316. SUBLET SUMMER term 3 man, 2 University Towers. Furnished, air-condi tioned, dishwasher, near campus, 238-4780. SUBLET SUMMER term 3 man, 2 bedroom apartment. T,V., air condition ins, utensils, very cheap. 237-1106. I ROLL OUT of bed at 7:50, in class byby 8. 3 "man apartment for summer term. Air conditioning, recently fur nished, reasonable rent. Call' 237-1576. 3-4 MAN APARTMENT, V 4 block from compile. Mr cond. June paid. Fall opt. Summer-5330. 238-4065. LUXURIOUS APT. Summer Term. Male students only. Residential area. Phone 238-8581 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Ask for Ron. FOR RENT: 1 - 2 MEN share air-con ditioned apartment. Summer, Fall option, [own rooms. 2 blocks campus. 238-5387. SLIMMER TERM Four man Whitehall. Two bedrooms, two baths, air conditioned, ,free bus service, pool. Rent negotiable. Call 238-5158 now. EFFICIENCY ONE Man Apartment— beginning Fall Call Mike 238-4000. ROOMMATE , WANTED to share two bedroom apartment in Sutton House with Bucknell grad, now working. Prefer businessman, faculty, grad student. Year lease begins May. Contact Bill Haskell, Holiday Inn. Leave message there If I'm out. (Ext. 3341 238-3001. 2-3 MAN OR Woman Apartment. Metz ger's Building. Summer term. Neat, clean and close. Call 237-3555. HOLIDAY TOWERS Apartment, fur nlshed, air-conditioned. Available May Call Abbas 238-9437 eveninos. Delegates from schools from throughout the state elected William Cromer (9th-!.merican studies-DiLsburg) chairman of the. Pennsylvania Young Re publican College Council at their annual convention this past weekend in Harrisburg. Standing on a platform of progress and unity for Penn sylvania youth in t' Republi can party, Cromer was unani mously elected to his new post. He has worked as chair man of the University's Young Republican Club for the past year. Elected to state positions with Cromer were Hal Funt of the University of Pittsburgh, vice chairman; John Bellantoni of Kings College, secretary; Jay Levin of the Philadelphia Col-1 lege of Textiles and Sciences, treasurer; and Betty Apple gate of Point Park College, dis- 06 AZ trYalt• FOR RENT RENT TOO HIGH? 4 man apartment, summer term. Completely furnished, all conveniences, free cable, air conditioned, 1 / 2 block from campus. Pay only $250 for entire summer. Call 237-1398. BEACH HOUSE on Lagoon, 3 bedroom, private dock, sun deck, Beach Haven West, N.J. 5500/mo. Bx. 451, State College. WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Corvette owners— Immediate cash for your Corvette Sting Ray or other Vette. Phone 237-3471. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Work 2, eat 3 Social privileges. Call 865.9323, ask for Charlie. WANTED 1 OR 2 grad students to share apartment summer term, near campus. Call 238-5387. ROOM AND BOARD Summer Term at Alpha Zeta Fraternity. Board on five day week basis. For information call Roland Romberger. Phone 237-762 h 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. WANTED: FEMALE roommate to live in NYC June 17 • Aug. 30. Call Jean 865- .7248. ROOMMATE(S) WAVED. Graduate stu dents preferred. Bluebell Apartment, sum mer term only. 237-6402. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for apart ment in Cleveland, Ohio mid-June to August 31. Call Chris 865-6429. WANTED: 2 Tickets for SIG concert Substantial reward! 238-5632. NEED 4 TICKETS to Simon and Gar funkel concert. Call 865-3574, TR3 other sports car convertible Good condition. Call Jim evenings 237 ANYONE INTERESTED in working on a collegiate newscast at WPSX contact Kris Jenkins 865-9145. POETRY WANTED for Anthology. Please include stamped return envelope. Idle wild Publishers, 543 Frederick, San Fran cisco, California 94117. ATTENTION ACNE AND Dandruff cleared Tuesday and Tbursdays. Penn State Barber Shop. CRAZY MAN: The sandwich which looks .ice a ball bat. Paul Bunyan Sandwich. Call 238-2292.__________ _.....__ EXPERT REPAIRS at the most reason __ GOING INTO the modeling profession? able rates are but two of the reasons A set of various photos of yourself for why you should bring all your electronic brochure preparation can be had for t repairs to Audio Motive Co, How about fifty dollars at bill coleman's. More in- 48 hr. Service for another. Call us at formation? 238-8495. "" 238-5153. Student Elected Republican' Post trict director. Cromer said he would now Through information sent to work toward "gettinc b youth in clubs in the state, he added, not Pennsylvania motivated an d only will the- number of clubs enthusiastic about the Republi- increase, but also participation can Party." He stated that, of the clubs in th upcoming through directed efforts of the Presidential election will newly-elected executive corn- hopefully—be stimulated. mittee and the already estab- In addition to his duties as lished clubs, "College Council co-ordinator of the college Re could and should become the publican Clubs in Pennsylva vangt ard of the youth move- nia, Cromer will also attend ment for a vibrant youth move- the national convention for the men in the Republican party in Republican party to be held in the United States." August in Miami. Florida. He Considering the number of explained that he would be schools in Pennsylvania," he wcrking "to co-ordthate Penn explained, "the number of sylvania youth attending the Young Republican Clubs is , too national convention and keep small." He proposes to double them working with the senior the present membership of col- delegates from Pennsylvania." , ~. • - :,---$.,- ' ' ''t l : -.' ::-.,;,,...,..,. _.. !(•;.;; . ‘,..; , ,''''' , lTH., vticA :,, iclt 237-43351 ....--.r.-:: . TONITE thru THUR.. „ 6:45-8:20.10:00 `Perhaps the most beautiful movie in history." —Brendan Cill,The New Yorker. .s, ..''' t '4.; 4' s ,e, ‘;,•sQ"' , l:, . .:.:‘,..8 . .i.ip .r,:- :+1 V, • • .;:t ; • : 3,i,:ssf,-- , ' . . 44 .1 i‘ . ....'"1:4 ' • • s s OC . ':' le s,:t ~ ~., s A it 4116 t Altio , .. k A,.. s..x: ..Z.-' ' '''*,. - 1-*. , ~,'.' ;, • ' =.„ € • 11 a li ' EIVIIIn e a I . ffi " ~,, '' s Mad • 112 an , ~=. :14C, Written and directed by Bo Widerberg. With Thom my Bergren and Pia Begenunrk, Winner, Best Actress. 1967 Cannes Festival, A Bo Widerherg-Europa Film Production .6.,. , : , :-:;.,-,.-.:.: ATTENTION USED CLOTHING bought and sold. In expensive. Family Shoppe, 2123 North Atherton Street, State College, Pa. Come browse. Open daily 1-5 afternoons._ NITTANY GROTTO Sometimes Annual Auction! Wednesday, May 1, 7:30 p.m., 121 Mineral industries. Hear Tom Bald win! SCUBA DIVERS, potential divers—see "Mystery of the Deep" May 1, 7:00 p.m., 1 60 Willard. RETAILERS ARE waiting to give you orders for East Totem West posters. Commission equals 5100.00 a week for 20 hours. Write: East Totem West, P.O. Box 765, M 111 Valley, California 94941. 14 INCH SUBS regular, tuna, S. 80; chicken, ham, 5.90. No delivery charge. Student checks cashed. Dean's Fast De- livery. 238-8035. EPISCOPAL CABIN Party May Ath and Sth. Sign up at HUB desk. P.S.U. OUTING CLUB CABIN AND TRAIL Division meeting: May 1, room 112 Buckhout at 7:30 p.m. Talk and slides on Canadian trip, Also planning for overnights and other trips. 'CANOE DIVISION Meeting Thursday, May 2nd, in 111 Baucke. Movies will be shown. NOTICE EUROPE Summer '6B. Students, fac ulty, dependents, round trip jet group/50. Fare $265.00. Contact Joel Schweldel 238-4763. WHAT'S NEW: Paul Bunyan's is de livering from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Fast delivery. Call 238-2292. I NEED ANOTHER Hasselblad or Bolex? bill coleman is the authorized dealer for both. BARTENDERS, LTD. Agency: in order to meet the demands of the season and to insure our clientele of even better service, this year we have increased our staff of qualified bartenders. As' usual we are available to serve at private parties, cocktail hours, pledge formals etc. of any size. Please contact our campus repre sentative, Mr. George: 865-9082 to have !your engagement booked., . TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1968 lege council LAST TIMES TODAY* Walt Disney's "Blackheard's Ghost" STANLEY WARNER 237-2215 sometimes truth is more exciting LOST' I LQST: ONE PAIR of MacGregor's ankle weights. Reward. Phone 237-1621. WALLET----TAN, etched leather, with initials "W.D." on outside. Call Art Dembling 238-5978. LOST: BROWN , Glasses. Desperately needed Thursday registration. Call 238-4551 before 8:00 p.m. HELP WANTED NATIONALLY KNOWN men's apparel and furnishings corporation looking for 'fraternity and independent men to rep resent and promote quality men's wear at reasonable prices. Write: College Classics Inc., 1585 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43201. JUNE GRADUATES interested in locating in Central Penna. opening for a man with ex ecutive potential thr o ugh professional in a n training while in full salary. Manage ment opportunity after pe riod in field if you demon strate executive ability. If you're a good man with con fidence in yourself, and have not yet found a career op portunity, you may be the kind of man we are seeking PLEASE CALL NOW (24 hour a day -7 days a week) Your call Will be handled Learn more about this unusual opportunity CALL 237.4480 NOW!
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