The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 09, 1968, Image 1

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    Mostly cloudy and cold today
with occasional light snow; only
light accumulations. High near
22. Mostly cloudy tonight. Low
near U. Partly sunny and a
little milder tomorrow. High 20.
Thursday: Clohdy with a chance
of snow.
VOL. 68, No. 47
from the associated press wm
News Roundup:
From the State,
Notion & World
The World
Viet Cong Storm U.S. Compound Near Saigon
SAIGON Striking 21 miles from Saigon, 700 Viet
Cong guerrillas overran a provincial capital where a U.S.
civilian development team is operating, hoisted their Com
munist ilag and held the town in terror for three hours
yesterday before vanishing in the bush near Cambodia's
A heavy Initial mortar bombardment, aimed chiefly
at the U.S. civilian-military compound, killed three civilian
Americans and wounded 15 others, both civilian and mili
tary, Fourteen South Vietnamese were killed and 26
wounded in addition to moderate casualties suffered by
a government military force.
After the mortar attack, the guerrillas stormed through
the streets of Kheim Cuong, 10 miles east of Cambodia,
and flew their flag from a central building. It was shot
down in a sharp firefight.
The attack followed by two days the overrunning of
the village of Tan Uyen, six miles from the big U.S.-
South Vietnamese base at Bien Iloa and 23 miles north
of Saigon.
* * *
Johnson-Eshkol Extended Israeli Talks
STONEWALL Tex. President Johnson and Prime
Minister Levi Eshkol of Israel ended overtime talks at the
LBJ Ranch yesterday and said that Johnson had agreed to
active, sympathetic review of Israel's "military defense
No offer of U.S. arms aid was announced
Johnson and Eshkol also "restated their dedication to
the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle
East," in .the spirit of a United Nations resolution of
Peace in that uneasy area of the world had been billed
as the prime topic of discussions between the President
and prime minister—talks which began Sunday, continued
yesterday, and ran three hours past the time set for Eshkol's
Freezing rain and icing conditions compelled Eshkol
to leave by car rather than plane for Bergstrom Air Force
Base at Austin, 65 miles away, en route back to New York.
Johnson and Eshkol ended their talks under a cloud of re
newed fighting on the Israeli-Jordanian frontier.
The Nation
U.S. Heart Transplant Patient Failing
STANFORD, Calif. Mike Kasperak's condition be
came critical yesterday—the second day •after his failing
heart was replaced by another—but doctors managed to
halt internal bleeding that threatened his life.
They said his new heart appeared to be functioning
"very well."
Doctors at Palo Alto-Stanford Medical Center said
Kasperak was conscious. The bleeding from stomach and
intestines two days after the ope tion stemmed from liver
disease, they said.
They said the many compl cations suffered by the
54-year-old steelworker were !'s 'ere but soluble." He had
been reported in satisfactory co dition earlier in the day
despite expected difficulty in br athing.
Kasperak's condition became critical when the bleeding
began. Fresh blood transfusions and other measures ap
parently stopped the bleeding, attending physicians said
in a midafternoon bulletin.
* * *
$4 Million in Grants to Ghettos Announced
WASHINGTON The heads of four government agen
cieS announced yesterday approval of 24 million in grants
for , ll cities in response to President Johnson's pledge for
"the establishment —in every ghetto in America of a
neighborhood center to service the people- who live there."
They said the experimental project will try to achieve
coordination of federal, state and local services in poVerty
Officials have said that lack of such coordination has
held back progress in the antipoverty program. which now
operates about 700 neighborhood centers around the coun
The cities selected are Boston, Chattanooga, Chicago,
Cincinnati, Dallas, Detroit, Louisville, Minneapolis, Phila
delphia, St. Louis and Washington, D.C. Approval is ex
pected within the next month for Jacksonville, Fla., New
York, and Oakland, Calif.
Surveyor 7 on Course for Landing Tonight
PASADENA, Calif. Surveyor 7 sped toward the
moon yesterday on a course so accurate scientists said they
might not have to make a final steering maneuver.
A decision was expected within several hours.
Flight controllers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory made
a major course change Sunday, aiming the instrument
loaded spacecraft closer to the rugged crater Tycho, near
the soutlicentral edge of the lunar disk.
Surveyor 7 is due to land tonight with a television
camera; a small scoop to dig trenches as deep as 18 inches;
a device to analyze soil with radiation, and magnets to
detect iron.
The mission of the final unmanned U.S. lunar lander
is purely scientific-designed to tell if there is any signifi
cant difference between the highlands around Tycho and
the quatorial plains chosen for astronaut landings planned
to start as early as next year.
Four successful earlier Surveyors have sent back
thousands of photographs showing that four primary sites
are safe for manned expeditions.
Continuing Cold Wave Hits All But Florida
Numbing cold hung on through the northeastern sec
tion of the nation yesterday while heavy snow and sleet
closed many highways and caused traffic pileups in areas
of the Southwest.
The severe weather sent temperatures below the freez
ing level early yestrday in 47 of the 48 contiguous states.
Only Florida, where low readings were in the upper 30s
in the northern section, escaped the freeze.
Numerous deaths were attributed to the weather.
The large high pressure system responsible for the
cold weather in the eastern two thirds of the nation the
last few days was, moving eastward yesterday.
The State
New Appeal for Aid to Nonpublic Schools
HARRISBURG A Philadelphia delegate appealed
yesterday a decision that would bar Pennsylvania's Con
stitutional Convention from considering a proposal to pro
vide state aid for nonpublic schools.
The delegate, German Quiles, asked for a floor vote
on Convention President Raymond J. Broderick's ruling
that the proposal goes beyond the convention's limited
jurisdiction to revise only specific articles of the Constitu
The vote was delayed until tomorrow, however, to
give delegates an opportunity to study both Quiles' pro
posal and the legal opinion Broderick used to support his
decision to reject it.
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Collegian, USG Reporter
"This campus is 'dead," Undergraduate
Student Government president Jeffrey Long
charged last night. "The University student
doesn't care about the Vietnam war because
he feels it doesn't affect him."
In a recent interview, Long opposed this
apathy and pointed out the definite effects
that the draft situation could have on a male
student's career or marriage plans. USG hopes
to arouse student concern about Vietnam in
a debate, "We Should Be in Vietnam,"
Jan. 22. Because of the number of potential
servicemen attending the University, Long
feels it is vital for the students to voice their
opinions on the war. He called for all stu
dents to stop conforming to an apathetic at
titude and take a definite stand on. Vietnam
and other issues, both on the University and
national levels.
ARTIST'S DRAWING of University Research Center, Unit I,•recently approved by the
Board.‘of Trustees. The building will be located in the research area on East Campus,
and will cost close to $2 million, -
Nine Soloists Perform
As each Aria Group
A group of nirt: "master musicians,"
each world-famous in his own right, will
open the winter season of the University
Artists Series at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Schwab.
The Bach Aria Group, directed by Wil
liamn.H. Scheide, will perform selections from
cantatas Bach composed for the Lutheran
churches of Leipzig. Though this large body
of music is acknowledged to be Bach's major
work, it was rarely performed because music
ensembles no longer include both vocal and
insf - umental soloists.
Tickets will be available free to stu
dents from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday at the
Hetzel Union Building desk and will be
distributed 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. - 10-12. They
will go on sale at 9 a.m. Jan. 10.
International Acclaim
The group • has .drawn applause and
standing-room only crowds here and abroad
since it was. formed by Scheide in 1946. The
only organization of its kind in the United
States, it has made • many recordings and
earned such adjectives as "extraordinary,"
"magnificent" and "superlative" from critics.
In each of the series and duets they
perform. outstanding instrumental work is
on equal footing with vocal solos. The works
are taken from over 650 pieces scored for
combinations of five instruments and four
_ A major intention of the group, accord
ing to. founder and Bach authority Scheide,
is to remove the modern cleavage between
vocal and instrumental music and thus "cor
rect the most serious error found in modern
Bach performances." •
Collegian Committee
Assumes Duties
A Collegian Committee on Accuracy and Fair Play,
appointed to hear all comments and complaints concern
ing The Daily Collegian, assumes its duties beginning with
today's publication.
Serving on the committee are Charles H. Brown, pro
fessor of journalism; Faith Tanney, Association of Women
Students president, and Harvey Reeder, sophomore class
president. All are members of Collegian, Inc., publisher
of The Daily Collegian, and were appointed by John D.
Vairo, president of the board of directors.
Establishment of the committee was authorized at the
board's • Nov. 1 meeting with appointments to be an
nounced by the president. The committee is to function in
a fact finding and advisory capacity and will review all
comments submitted in writing through the office of
Collegian adviser Donna S. Clemson, 20 Sackett.
Names of the committee members will be published
daily in the Collegian masthead on page 2 and readers are
urged to avail themselves of the opportunity to voice
opinions through this official channel. Identification will
be required on all communications with the committee on
Accuracy and Fair Play, but all information will be kept
confidential, Vairo explained.
It is the board's feeling that closer communication
.with its reading public students, faculty, administrators
and townspeople will aid the Collegian in expanding
and improving its service as a daily newspaper.
Natatorium Sets New Schedule
The Natatorium, at the 4to 10 p.m. Monday through
corner of Bigler and Curtin Friday. Men students will be
Roads, is now open on. a reg- admitted from 4to 6 p.m. Mon
ular schedule. days and 6 to 10 p.m. Tuesday
Faculty and staff families through Friday.
will be admitted from 6to 10 The pool will be open for
p.m. Mondays. This is the only coed swimming 6.10 p.m. Fri.
time the pool will be open to days, 1-10 p.m. Saturdays and
children. 2:30-10 p.m Sundays.
Swimming . ours for men fac- Information is available at
ulty- will be noon to 1 p.m. and 865-1432.
Long Assails Apathy
Also iscusses USG Action
On Ritenour, Parking Lots
Confers on Parking Lois
Concerning new action taken on old
legislation, the Administration Awareness
Committee wants to improve the parking
lot situation by having all girls park close to
the dormitories, Long announced. Before
definite changes can be made, however, USG
must contact the Association of Women Stu
dents to inquire about the possibility of such
a proposal. According to Long, the installa
tion of lights in the east parking lots behind
Curtin Rd. has been delayed but not can
celled. Because of the war, the copper wire
needed for the lights is dificult to purchase.
Another problem which was examined
This intention necessitated the gathering
of nine individually brilliant performers,
Scheide's success is witnessed by the Boston
Post critic who wrote, "Nine first rank solo
artists took part in this superlative perform
ance of some of the very best examples of
Bach at his peak."
Members of the group are Samuel Baron,
flute; Robert Bloom, oboe; Norman Farrow,
bass-baritone; 'Maureen Forrester, alto; Ber
nard Greenhouse, cello; Richard Lewis, tenor;
Lois Marshall, soprano; Oscar Shumsky, vio
lin, and Paul Ulanowsky, piano.
Tuneful Bach
The music itself has been called the most
tuneful that Bach write. The arias, remark
able for their beauty, vigor, melody and
varie,ty, were described as "music without
equal or any near parallel" by Paul Hume
of the Washington Post. In his book on Bach,
Albert Schweitzer wrote that "in compari
son with the cantatas, everything else that
Bach has done appears as hardly more than
a supplement."
Howard Taubman of the New York
Times summed up the critical reaction to
the Group: "Among the enterprises that
help to give New York a musical life in depth
the Bach Aria Group is one of the most
valuable. The Bach Aria Group serves Bach
in a manner that serves us all."
The next presentation in the Series will
be the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of
London Jan. 23 in Rec Hall. Also scheduled
for this term are the Alvin Ailey American
Dance Theatre, Feb. 3, and pianist Philippe
Entremont, Mar. 1.
Theatrical Newcomer Finds
New Role As Playwright
Until a year ago, pretty young Michele
Peruzzi had never even seen a live profes
sional theatre production.
Last term, however, she made her debut
as a playwright, with the 'production of her
Biblical satire, "And His Name Shall Be
Called," by the University's 5 O'Clock Thea
tre. .
A 19-year-old hazel-eyed sophomore in
theatre arts from Rochester, Pa., Miss Peruz
zi calls her one-act vignette a "subtle inter
pretation of Biblical legend."
"It starts with Adam and Eve and works
up to the present, presenting a satirical pic
ture of life, at times funny and 'camp,' at
other times very serious," she explains.
The 5 O'Clock Theatre is a program
devised 18 years ago by the University's
Department of Theatre Arts.. It gives 'stu
dents the opportunity to write, produce, di
rect and act in one-act productions, usually
no longer than 30 minutes.
Miss Peruzzi , says she got the idea for
her play from a discussion on religion with
one of her classmates.
"It came to me. like a brainstorm," she
recalls. "Something inside of me said 'go', and
I started working on it last summer, finish
ing it at home. Religion has always been
important to me, and the play represents
my own interpretations of the idea.
"Names are not mentioned in the play,
but it becomes quite obvious who the charac7
ters are even though the whole thing is done
in, modern dress."
A 1966 graduate of Rochester High
School, Michele says she has always been
last term was the new charges for patients at
Ritenour Health Center. Long said the state
wold have to give the Univ - ersity, more money
before the Administration could take any
action. "We have decided not to concentrate
our efforts on Ritenour," Long announced.
"It seems to be something . that is not going
to be resolved for a while."
In connection with an all-out effort to
encourage discussion of national issues such
as Vietnam, Long supports USG involve
ment in Associated Student Government and
National Student Government. ASG has no
political affiliation. Its purpose is to discuss
Polls Show lotipson . ::
Leading GO Hotiefitli
public opinion polls reported
yesterday that President John
son is running ahead of former
Vice President Richard M.
A special survey by Louis
Harris, copyrighted by the
Washington Post, said Johnson
is riding a new crest of popular
ity that would make him the fa
vorite over all four leading Tie
publican presidential contend
ers if the election were held
This is a reversal of the situa
tion two months ago when a
Harris survey indicated that
any one of the four GOP possi
bilities could defeat the Presi.
The Gallup Poll reported that
in a two-way race Johnson
would have a 46 to 41 per cent
edge over Nixon with 13 per
cent undecided.
McCarthy .
Ina national:sample of adults
in 310 'locations around the,
country, the ' Gallup Poll re-:
ported that if Sen. Eugene
McCarthy (D-Minn.) ran as an
independent peace candidate iii
a four-way race he could ex
pect about nine million votes.
This poll matched McCarthy
against Johnson, Nixon and for
mer Gov.. George Wallace, of
Alabama, a probable states
rights third-party candidate.
McCarthy has said he intends
to compete with Johnson for the
Democratic nomination ' and
does not plan to run as an inde
The Harris survey was com
pleted Dec. 21 and covered
2,003 households. It said:
e Although Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller of New York ties
Johnson 43 to 43 per cent in a
two-way race, when Wallace is
added to the list Johnson takes
the lead over Rockefeller 41
to 37 per cent, with Wallace
receiving 12 per cent.
•Against Nixon Johnson now
Grade System
Before Senate
The University Senate meets
today for the first session of
the new year. A resolution from
the Committee on Resident In
struction proposing a limited
"pass-fail" system -of. grading
elective' courses 'outside a stu
dent's major.
In addition' to discussion of
new and unfinished business, ,if
any reaches the floor, the Sen
ate will hear an address by
Ernest C. Pollard, professor of
biophysics, on the topic "Uni
versity Policy Regarding Dis
ruption as a Form of Protest."
interested in theatre and acting, even though
she never saw professional , theatre, until
she came to the University. •
"I guess it was probably the inflUence
of television and movies more than anything
else," she theorizes, explaining why she , en=
rolled here and decided to 'major in theatre
arts. •• -
"I like modern, realistic theatre, the Ten
nessee Williams and Arthur Miller type.,
These are the playwrights , whose • women
have strong roles. I like comedy a lot, too:
When you come down to it, I like everything'
there is about theatre."
Michele wasted no time in becoming
active here. She already has' played lead
roles in several plays on • campus, and is
currently learning the management 'end of
theatre, working in the two campus, theatre.
One of the roles she played was in the
"5 O'Clock" production of "Home Again,
Home Again," which won third prize last
year in "Story Magazine's" annual play=
writing competition.
As for the ,future, Michele still aspires
to be an actress, more than a playwright.
• .
"I think you get more of a chance to
be creative as an actor or actress," she says.
"It's you who makes the role come alive." •
In the meantime, she intends to continue
•"After having written a play you really .
Teel as though you've accomplished some;
thing, and that makes you want to do more,
The ultimate, though, is seeing your own
play produced," ,„ _
problems common to many college campuses,
such as parking or the draft. NSA, however,
is politically oriented and presently support's,
the Black Power movement, but not the war
in Vietnam. Long feels that involvement in
such organizations would also arouse"student
interest both in local and national issues and
in USG.
Class rings are another issue on the
agenda for USG this term. Because of stu
dent complaints about the high c,St of rings
sold at downtown jewelers, USG is working
to organize a jewelry agency sponsored by
the University, Long said'. There would , be
one standard ring available from the essen
tially non-profit agency. In conjunction with
the jewelry project, Long announced that
there is also a committe investigating the
possibility of a student discount card similar
to the airlines' youth cards. For a nominal
fee, students would. be eligible for discounts
at various stores, hotels, and restaurants:
has opened up a 50 to 41 •per the' nominee,, but I think,. this
cent edge, a three-point gain can be a healthy inlluenc,e, and
for the President in three I am not taking a• position
weeks and a nine-point rise in during the period of tithe' the
two months. primaries are going on.',
• Johnson runs ahead of Gov. Kennedy. said McCarthy:s
George Romney of Michigan by views on Vietnam coincide with
49 to 26 per cent, up two points his, but that he is prepaie,d
in three weeks and 12 points 'support -President Jolinscin, or
in eight weeks. whoever is nominated. - ,
•Gov. Ronald Reagan'of Cal- The remarks cama'diiiing an
ifornia trails Johnson 37 to 51 exchange at M.. • attan-Corn
per cent, a slippage of • nine munity College, involving Ken
points in eight weeks. nedy "with students , • and news-
Kennedy Comments men. He had been asked i . dr
Meanwhile, in New York, coniniention MCCarthy'S appeal
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy de- for ”a little bit"more'.' - support"
dared yesterday, "I am not of his candidacy froth-senators
taking a • position during the opposed to Presidept•AOh!lsoit's
period of time the primaries Vietnam •."
are going on." "I have to analyze,how3 can
He was replying to questions accomplish :more good and-be
whether he, would support Mc- the" most useful," Kennedy de
earthy for th e Democratic dared. •He added, -"MY judg-.
presidential nomination. merit 'is, at the' moment' that I
Kennedy said of the— Mc- don. 4 further the .-. - cause" • of
Carthy. candidacy: ."I - ;eileet peace by .supporting',McCarthy
that -Pfesideat ,Johnson.'wilDbe in priniatios'
Bowles Arrives
In Cambodia
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia
(AP) Ambassador Chester
Bowles arrived yesterday on a
mission for •President Johnson
to discuss the use of Cambodian
territory by Communist Viet
namese troops, bu t Prince
Norodom Sihanouk indicated
Bowles was wasting his time.
Sihanouk told newsmen Sun
day that •Bowles would be bet
ter to tour the famous ruins of
Angker that Mrs., John F.-Ken
nedy visited in - November. And
'A ver age' •StidOnts
—See. Page 2
Class Rings an Issue
Now Ahead
the prince said there was "no
possibility" he would allow
U.S. forces to pursue North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong into
neutral Cambodia.
On New Year's Day, Siha
nouk hinted that under - the
proper circumstances he might
content himself with a formal
protest if U.S. troops entered
Cambodia in hot pursuit and
then quickly withdrew.
• Will Act If Occupied
He said then he would "never
let any foreigner occupy the
least square meter of our terri
tory". without acting• to drive
him out, "but in the case of
partial occupation . . . we must
first use protests and • diplo
matic means to make the ad
versary withdraw."
Sihanouk said Sunday •he
would meet with BoWles to
morrow and suggeSt the United
States withdraw its troops
from South Vietnam. Johnson
arranged. the Bowlei mission
after Sihanbuk 'said•lie' 'would
welcome a "presidential /envoy
to discuss the use of Cambodia
as a: sanctuary by Communist
troops fighting - in Vietnam:
Bowles, U.S. ambassador' to
India, flew from New Delhi and
mas met by Caml;odials min
ister of information and • the
protocol director of the Foreign
Australian Ambassador Noal
S: - Deschamps also met the
plane. • Australia has looked
after • U.S. interests: in Cam
bodia since Sihanouk broke• dip.
lothatic relations with• Washin
gton in May. 1965.
U.S. Pursuit Sought •
Bowles was expected to seek
tacit agreement from Sihriaouk
to permit pursuit by U.S. forees
of Communist troops . who at
tack them in Vietnitm and then
retreat to 'safety. in Cambodia. The prince told the.. Sunday
news conference'- he .Woulii• not
allow U.S:-fo:.-ce to enter Cain
badia ,and would condere. . bath
the United State and the Viet
Cong if they c ashed :'on 1i is
soil. Sihanouk : ? aid -he wopld
tell Bowles there is "no pc4sf
bility of negotiating, he right
of ' pursuit" .of Cornintinist
forces. into, Cainhociin. l , - i, ;...,.:•!:I.'