The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 05, 1968, Image 1

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    Mostly fair, windy and quite cold
today with a high near 12.,Partly
cloudy and quite cold tonight
With a . low near minus five.
Mostly cloudy and cold tomorrow
with a chance of snow by after
noon. High near 20. Outlook for
Sunday: snow ending and con
tinued. cold.
VOL. 68, No. 46
~ , ,,v ai, s , A vau from the associated press wau.rzamr s i
h News Roundup:
trom the State,
Nation C 7 World
The World
U.S. Hammers Viet tong to Cap Victory ,
SAIGON U.S. artillery, mortars arid bombers ham
mered yesterday at scattered elements of two North Viet
namese',regirnents in the 'rice-rich Que Son Valley to cap a
victory 'won in part by advance knowledge of the enemy's
battle plan.
Officers said American forces killed at least 281 of the
enemy in repulsing a Red offensive launched early Wednesday
against the camps—Landing Zones Ross, Leslie and West—
in the valley, about 20 miles south of Da Nang.
American losses were )isted as 26 killed and 149 wounded.
Officers said American troops were fully prepared for the
enemy drive because the plans had been found on the body
of a North . Vietnamese regimental commander killed Dec. 8.
Perhaps unaware of the leak, the Red high command
detailed Hanoi's 3rd and 21st regiments for the drive.
In the political field, South Vietnam's House of Repre
sentatives voted to oppose both recognition of the Viet Cong's
National Liberation Front and any coalition government in
which the Communists would be represented.
With 32 of the 136 members on hand, a resolution re
feleting suspicision of U.S. policy was adopted unanimously.
The action resulted from a suggestion of President John
son in . his television interview Dec. 19 that Saigon govern
ment officials meet informally with representatives of the
The resolution said the Vietnamese can decide their
country's fate and the House opposes "any form of false
Casualty reports for the final week of 1967 showed Ameri
can deaths from all causes in Vietnam were nearing 20,000.
* * *
Humphrey Faces Anti-American Protests
KINSHASA, the Congo About 150 Congolese youths
carrying anti-American banners charged into Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey's motorcade yesterday and one youth
aimed a kick at Humphrey's car.
The 28-car motorcade slowed, but then continued on into
the city and the youths tore up an American flag after the
cars passed.
The incident occurred as Humphrey entered Kinshasa
from the airport on his arrival in the Congo on a ni-..2-nation
African tour. It was the first anti-American demonstration
Humphrey has faced on the tour.
He leaves for Zambia today after meeting with President
Joseph D. Mobutu.
The youths had massed at' a monument of Patricia
Lumumba, onetime premier of the Congo who was slain in
When the motorcade approached the youths crowded the
road and thumped on some of the ears. The vehicle carrying
Mrs. Humphrey was not disturbed.
Johnson Pushes Bonds to Stem Gold. Outflow
BRUSSELS, Belgium—President lohnSon is trying to
sell U.S. Treasury bonds to prosperous West European
countries to counter the outflow of gold and dollars spent
by American troops in Europe,-authoritative,-sources-,said
yesterday. -
This is one of the forms of cooperation in defense of
the dollar that Nicholas Katzenbach, undersecretary of
state, is seeking on his tour of Western Europe. He visited
Brussels, headquarters of the European Cbmmon Market
and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, yesterday.
Then he went to The Hague, capital of Holland, and on to
Rome. He also will visit Paris.
The United States has an outflow of $l.l billion a
year because of its troops stationed in the Common Market
countries: West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Hol
land and Luxembourg.
The Nation
Asian Flu Outbreaks Take Heavy Tc►il
ATLANTA, Ga.—lnfluenza and other respiratory ail
ments have taken a heavy toll from the Eastern Seaboard
all the way to Colorado, with outbreaks reported in more
than 34 states and the District of Columbia.
Reports reaching the National Communicable Disease
Center show that Asian flu has been 'documented with
laboratory tests in at least 14 states.
These include Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, Ala
bama, New York, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kansas, lowa,
Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Tennessee and Connecti
cut. •
However, an Associated Press survey yesterday
showed that state health officials in at least two other
states—Texas and Pennsylvania—reported that the Asiari
flu virus has been identified.
Laboratory tests are sometimes slow in reaching the
NCDC, authorities say, and for that reason documentation
of the virus may sometimes be reported a week or more
after it has actually been identified.
* * *
Postal Rate Increases to Cost $22 Million
WASHINGTON Post Office Department officials
predicted yesterday that the $9OO-million increase in postal
rates starting Sunday—the most extensive rate change in
history—will cost it about $22 million to put into effect.
, Officials stressed, however, that the $22-million figure
is strictly an estimate and includes a variety of costs rang
ing from printing new posters and forms and resetting
stamp vending machines to putting into effect new regu
lations against mailing sexually provocative advertising.
The increases become effective on mail postmarked
after midnight tomorrow. The increase will raise the cost
of maliing a regular first-class letter from 5 to 6 cents.
Airmail letters go from 8 to 10 cents; postal cards from 4
to 5 cents; airmail cards from 6 to 8 cents.
The post office expects the increase to go into effect
without any hitches.
The State
Shafer Vetoes Controversial Pension Bill
HARRISBURG Gov. Shafer vetoed the controver
sial legislative pension bill yesterday moments after the
House and Senate officially had requested him to return
it for remedial amendments.
"I have vetoed this legislation, not because I am op
posed to helping our legislators achieve better retire
ment, but on the basis that certain aspects of , . . the bill
are unconscionable and contrary' to the tenents of sound
and good government." Shafer said in a statement.
The governor said he was fully aware that the law
makers wanted the bill back to remedy its next con
tentious aspects—as evidenced by unanimous voice-vote
approval of a recall resolution in both chambers.
But he added that he had been advised by Atty. Gen.
William C. Sennett in a binding formal opinion that it
would be unconstitutional to ,honor the request.
Sennett held that the legislation had passed "beyond
the control" of the General Assembly since it was ap
proved by the 1967 session and the 1968 session was now
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‘uition Increase Oi • l^
Collegian Administration -Reporter
"No tuition hike"—that's the decision
now that the University and the State have
passed the "financial crisis" caused by budget
delay in Harrisburg.
According to spokesmen for the Univer
isty, a bill now on Gov. Raymond P. Sha
feet desk will renew the flow of State funds.
Tuition raises will be postponed for this
year, and the University's borrowing of
money from private institutions will end.
When Shafer signs the bill, it will end
what University President Eric A. Walker
described last month as "the most serious
financial crisis the University has faced since
the depression."
Loan Interest High
The University has been without funds
for the past six months and has been forced
to borrow heavily to cover maintenance
Interest on the loans did not reach •the
$1 million mark,:as Walker had feared, but
the total has been described by the ad
ministration as a "substantial sum." ,
Well-Deserved Rest
MIS AND M. JOE PATEEItio: ,advantage of the , homer'frOM 'Florida' to
catch up on some smuch-needed rest. It was a hectic Gator Bowl trip for all involved, as
Penn State and Florida State tied in the tension-filled 17-17 game. Sports Editor Paul
Levine analyzes Gator Bowl Week in Jacksonville in pictures on page nine and in
words on page ten. In addition, three former Collegian SportS Editors who were covering
the game give their views on page 11. Assistant Sports Editor Ron Kolb gives his account
of the Holiday Basketball Tournament on pages 12 and 13.
Indian Ambassador
Leaves for Cambodia
WASHINGTON (if')—Ambassador Ches
ter Bowles will go to Cambodia soon to
seek a way to deny Vietnamese Communists
a Cambodian sanctuary--hopefully without
sending in U.S. troops to do the job.
President Johnson announced yesterday
in Texas that Bowles, the American 'ambas
sador to India, will represent him in talks
at Phnom Penh with Prince Norodom Siha
nouk, the Cambodian chief of state.
The meeting was suggested last week
by Sihanouk who broke relations with the
United States in 1965, asserting that the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency was plotting
against him. Since then he frequently has
criticized the American role in Vietnam and
denied that the North Vietnamese or the
Viet Cong were using Cambodia as a sanc
Sihanouk Changes Course
But last week Sihanouk acknowledged,
in effect, that Cambodia was being used to
some extent as a refuge by Communists
withdrawing from engagements with U.S.
forces along the border between Cambodia
and South Vietnam.
Reversing an earlier position, Sihanouk
said he would not attack U.S. forces who
might move into Cambodian territory in
hot pursuit of fleeing Communist units. And
he said he would welcome a visit by a repre
sentative of President Johnson to discuss the
PR Conference Tomorrow
The University's first pro
fessional Public Relation Con
ference will be held tomorrow
in the Hetzel Union Building.
More than 75 students are ex
pected to attend.
The Public Relations Confer
ence, sponsored by The Daily
Collegian. will feature speeches
and workshops led by profes
sional public relations people.
Ralph H. Wherry, professor of
public relations and insurance,
will serve as moderator for the
conference. The major activ
ities will begin at one p.m. in
the HUB Assembly Hall.
The keynote address will be
given by Ron Rich, president
of Communications Inc., the
largest public relations firm
between Pittsburgh and Phila
delphia. He will speak on the
merits of public relations.
There will also be speakers
from radio and the press speak
ing on publicity.
The lectures will be followed
by three half hour workshops,
accordine . to Ronald Resnikoff,
chairman of the conference.
There will be workshops on ad
Immediate relief for the sorely taxed sidered the expected deficit in this year's
resources of the University will come short- expenditures, an increase in tuition, and a
ly With the reimbursement of Sl6 million in moratorium in hiring new faculty members
vouchers by the State Auditor General. were advised.
• _ _ _ _ _ _ _
These obligations had been building up at a
rate of almost $4 million per month, ac- Walker conceded that a tuition raise
would be a "backward step" but a necessary
cording to the President's office. one if the legislature failed to act.
This fall, the University accepted 2,800 Fellowships Withdrawn
more students than it did in 1966. Expan
sion of the physical 'plant on this campus To make matters worse, Walker said,
and the Commonwealth is already 'under graduate fellowships supported by the fed
way. According to the President, the expan- eral government were being reduced by one
sion is a commitment which if ignored would third, "seriously curtailing the flow of
be a "shattering blow to the students of the trained manpower in all universities of the
University." state."
Bowles interrupted a vacation in South
India to hurry back to New Delhi for a con
ference with Indian Prithe Minister Indira
Gandhi on the• Cambodian question. Bowles
is to go to Phnom Penh in a few days.
India, Canada and Poland are members
of the International Control Commission set
up under the Geneva agreements of 1952
which were intended to neutralize and stabi
lize the states making up what once was
French Indo-China.
ICC Ineffective
The ICC, among other things, is charged
with protecting Cambodia's neutrality, but
it has been almost wholly ineffective in
policing the nation's borders.
Sihanouk has suggested the strengthen
ing of ICC capabilities for patrolling the
border and Bowles is expected to assure him
anew that the United States—although not
a signatory of the Geneva agreement—is pre
pared to provide helicopters, trucks and
other transportation and - communications
equipment to enable the ICC to keep the
border area under close surveillance.
This would be in line with the American
desire to avoid sending troops into Cambodia
to prevent use of its territory as a haven
where Communist units can rest and regroup
without the threat of ground or air attack
by U.S. forces.
First Ever on Cam •us
vertising creativity, radio cov
erage of local events, adver
tising in The Daily Collegian,
professional public relations
and publicity in The Daily Col
legian and The Centre Daily
Times. The five workshops
will feature small group dis
cussions and case problems
dealing with actual experi
The Daily Collegian re
sumes publication for the
Winter Term with this
"Registration - Gat o r
Bowl Issue." Regular
publication will begin
Tuesday morning.
Charles Lewis, vice-president
for student affairs has said that
the University is suffering from
a communications" - gap. There
is little communication among
students and between students
and faculty members. "We are
sponsoring something that has
been needed at the University
for a long „time," said Dick
Weissman, Business' Manager
When administration officials con-
—Collegian Photo by Paul Levine
of The Daily Collegian. The
Public Relations Conference
will not eliminate the communi
cations gap that exists but it
will be, a step toward the solu
Jeffrey Long, president of
the Undergraduate Student
Government. has said that The
Daily Collegian is the only form
of mass communication at the
University and that it is con
trolled by a handful of people.
Dick Weissman said, "That the
conference will be geared to
help organizations and individ
rqls use the mass media more
ffectiv2l ,, . The conference will
instruct those attending on the
nroper nrocedures for receiv
ino, nublicitY on some event.
Those who have not already
done so may re-aster for the
Public Pelafiens Conference by
contacting Ronald Resnikoff
chairman for the Conference at
238.1448 or 865-2531. There is
no charge for any one that is
interested in alten-ling the con
ference that will be held Sat
r-riay from 1 to 5 p.m. in the
Acts on Budget;
Ends Borrowing
The President asked for a "more or-
Walker Urges Students
To Accept Challenge
In his first address of the
new year, University President
Eric A. Walker reminded new
students of the changing role
of education. He delivered his
remarks Wednesday evening at
the Winter Term convocation.
"Twenty years ago," he said,
"the purpose of a college edu
cation was to prepare students
to earn a living.
"Today, we face something
more demanding and challeng
ing. We must educate you to be
responsible citizens in a com
plex world."
Students are pri - A - eged mem
bers of society, said Walker,
and must accept the responsi
bility of its leadership. They
must use the facts they learn
in school to form their own
opinions, he said.
"Facts are the tools of learn
ing," said Walker, "and one is
not educated until one learns
to use them."
Walker told the group he be
lieved that eagerness to act
is a significant characteristic
of the present generation. Wit.
'..H4oort - Troosptont
Progressing; May
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) Dr.
Christiaan Barnard said yesterday heart trans..
plant patient Philip Blaiberg is "progressing
extremely well" but there were signs his body
might be reacting against the new heart.
The surgeon vowed not "to make the same
mistake" he said might have beep made in
the case of Lewis Washkansky by treating him
too quickly to overcome the body's\natural
tendency to reject foreign tissue.
Barnard told newsmen the 58-year-old re
tired dentist showed the same signs doctors
had interpreted as rejection of the new heart'
by Washkansky, the first man to receive a
human heart transplant.
No Antirejection Treatment
Barnard has indicated intense antirejec
tion treatment may have weakened Washkan
sky's resistance to infection and contributed to
his death by pneumonia 18 days after the his
toric transplant of last Pee. 30.
Barnard said Blaiberg's condition probably
was better than Washkansky's, at the same
stage. "His circulation is very adequate and
his organs which had been affected by his bad
heart are now returning to normal," he said.
The medical superintendent at Groote
Schuur Hospital said the chances were "very
remote" that Blaiberg's body would reject the
Lawyers for the Blaibergs, meanwhile, said
they would share money they are due to re
ceive under a contract they signed last week
with the National Broadcasting Co. of New
York for television rights.
The lawyers hid first announced that the
Blaibergs would not keep any of the money for
"personal needs." A spokesman for th , l lawyers
, .
Cold , Cruel Registration? -
SIGN LEADS THE WAY TO REGISTR ATION for coed as she heads for Recrea
lion Building's maze of IBM cards, schedules, courses, sections, stations, matricu
lation cards, and fee receipts.
he warned, this eagerness must
be guided by wisdom and hu
mility, not arrogance and
Undergraduate Student Gov
ernment president J e f f r e y
Long, who also spoke at the
convocation, said that "being
here gives a student a chance
to be himself, perhaps for the
first time in his life.
"At Penn State," he added,
"as big, as it is, with all its
impersonalities, you need not
be a number. It's up to you."
Long concluded by challeng
ing the new students to commit
themselves to the University
and its activities.
Of these 560 new students who
will be registering in Rec. Hall
for the first time this week, 130
are freshmen, 210 are transfers
from common,vealth campuses,
and 220 are from other colleges
and universities.
ConvocaCon was the first ac
tivity in the orientation pro
gram planned for students new
to University Park this term.
Because of interference with
Blaibergs on TV
—See Page 2
deny system of appropriating money to
state educational institutions." /
"To my knowledge", Walker. said, "no
other state universities in, the - country face
the kind of financial uncertainties that seem,
to be chronic in Pennsylvania.
"The result is that large expenditures
must be made to pay interest 'on borrowed
money, and the universities are unable to
plan with any degree of assurance that
goals and obligations can be met. -
"The result is a serious devaluation of
the educational dollar in Pennsylvania."
University R e 1 a ti o n s Representative
Reed Ferguson said in December that the• ;,
state assembly is acting more tardily every ;
year on university appropriations, and the
University must expect longer delays in the
next years.
The administrations of the University
of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and Temple
Universities, and the Drexel Institute of
Technology have also asked for a more pro .
gressive. attitude by the General Assembly
in dealing with state educational funds.
sorority rush, orientation' is ex
tending froln Jan. 3-14
Last night an informal wel
coming session was held in the .
Pollock Union Building, •with
Lawrence Lattman, professor
of geological sciences, as
speaker. A jammy in the lietzel
Union Building Ballroom hon
oring the new stud e n t s
Sunday evening the new stu-*
dents will .neet with their,
orientation leaders to discuss
the , academic and social life
at the University.
A "commi.nity night" pro
gram will be held in the resi
dence hall areas Thursday eve
ning to provide new women.
students with the opportunity
to meet local officiers from the
Association of Women Students
and members of the Dean of
Women's staff.
Orientation will be concluded
on Sunday, Jan. 14, with a re-.
ception by Dean of. 'Women•
Dorothy L. Harris and AWS.
President Faith Tanney in the .
PUB lounge.
said later the Blaibergs would, however, share.
in the money, with undetermined percentages
going to those involved in the operation.
The contract was disclosed Wednesday.
when NBC obtained a temporary restraining
order to prevent the sale of pictures of the
operation said to have been obtained by a South
African photographer who slipped into the
operating theatres' gallery. While the contract
was for $50,000, half the sum apparently was
nullified because Barnard refused NBC per
mission to take pictures of the operation.
No Film Crews Allowed
Dr. Jacobus Burger, the medical super- ,
Intendent, said these pictures were not allowed
because of the risk of infection from
Ines crew. The South African photographer, '
Don McKenzie, was ejected Oom the. gallery
when his presence was discovered.
"We caught some NBC people in the cor
ridor and threw them out," said Burger. "I do
not know if 'they had taken any pictures." •
Blaiberg's \lawyers said money received
"will be donated \ to organizations and individ
uals connected with the heart transplant opera
The lawyers said the Blaibergs had avoided
publicity until they we're approached by NBC .•
for exclusive rights. They, added the BlaibergS
contracted on the basis \that shares' of the
income be paid to the hospitakor to the recently
established Chris 'Barnard Fu d for heart re
search or the estate of the he rt donor Clive
Haupt. ,
Haupt, a 24-year-old factory orker, died :
of a stroke. Mrs. Haupt declined to say whether
she knew anything about the prospect of re-.
ceiving a share in the contract.
"It's a lot of money," the young la *dow ,
Blaiberg remained in an oxygen tent unde
constant observation and the hospital, said he
was making "satisfactory progress."
"He has had no solid foods yet, but gen
erally he is in good spirits," the bulletin said. '
—collegian Photo by Mike Urban