The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 18, 1967, Image 2

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    !!&• Wfipd li eufe
pth IMS in for i long fight,
ht*»t booing ofsik member! of Sinoinn fora
JMprillp floplgty Imi a| tlvi ynlviimv last week
pllfWPd p QPfly oiVMlppilvP ww W HI W flf Lewis
I* iwihw'g idlcMiM ill pail nraftWAM wwnwri
bi reelsjjlf'ioti for mlilliry mpvlp*.
Ip New York, MDO gnlMvAt deiminilritnri
Htormecl up «ml dawn SlMlh Avenue la protest Sec
rilihv of Stile Hem Suik’i »pMcli,
, Mounted police beat them buck during the night,
Lint mouth) protesteri it the Midlttan unmnui
of the Unlvei'dlly of Wlmmniln eiusetl lurmlol when
Dmv dlwmluil dumpmy 'representAtives mm to
'remilt, i
pellei ones AgiliVNiepnetl In,
, In Los Aiimlfs, pi'oteilet's blocked the eiUranees
of various drsfl boards,
Qiiee again, pollee and protesters skirmished, .
„ . There lineiHlßf brand neve In eieh at the enei,
peiiee tml demenirriten Hive Hein it eddi ler i
end tlmii Only new, the pretest ifbubi ire heglnnlng
tejlfht (tie with tire In their eliihei with pellet
and; tewarde fevernment relaliatleni.
Acting on the pvemlse that warning'* fair, both
swell are preparing for a long winters fight, The
outcome .is somewhat predictable,
On the basis af.slae and hrute force, the anti
anti-war groups will probably score physical vic
On the basis of spirit, the anti-war demonstrators
Alpha Phi Omega, 8:30 a.m,,
HetzeJ Union Building Ball
Intervarsity Christian Fellow
ship, 11 a.m., 215-216 HUB
Jazz Club, 6:30 p.m., 218 HUB
Orthodox Christian Fellowship,
7:30 p.m., Eisenhower Chapel
Peace Corps, 9 a.m., 214 HUB
Persian Club, 3 p.m., 214 HUB
Student Films, 7 p.m., HUB
Assembly Hall (_
Blue Key, 2:30 p.m., 203 HUB
Church, 8 a.m., HUB Ballroom
Church, 11 a.m., HUB Assem
bly Hall
4-H Recreation, Team, 1:30
p.m., Alpha Zeta
Folklore Society, 7 p.m., 214
Intervarsity Christian T’ellow
. ship, 8:30 a.m., 215-216 HUB
Pcttti Slate Sports Car Club
Autocross, registration 12
&ttbd'«sbr tb Tit* Free Lattco, ant, i«S2
Mh QtoUtgtam
12 ¥«ih bJ Mfßflai )Muh
Itttt'SfiilE Ppm
itniinii im mm wtinw tttnmw Vfm«Vf ini «<tm m n-m-
MifflEffiLl!!)a AMMtoHfl pm*
Editor luilnsii Minsgsr
wis NivM «nrM
Jaw mm m ififii m ilfi II
page two
discover it now
DfiflfJeKMeMi *
spray. Ruaftoranti
T#lp, ffcSfl
SWANKI N' P- Jltlflf
Al lit illirnili Iftnmt,
trvJt<ii PmicpßAPflf
Warning’s Fair
p.m., Parking Lot #3O
Plymouth Brethren, 10 a.m.,
214 HUB
Stamp Club, 2 p.m., 217-218
Student Films, 6 p.m., HUB As
sembly Hali
Alpha Phi Omega, 6:30 p.m.,
215-216 HUB
Bridge Club, 6:30 p.m., HUB
Card room
Campus Crusader, 7:30 p.m.,
.218 HUB
Dean Fuller meeting, 4 p.m.,
218 HUB
GOmma Sigma Sigma, 6:30
p.m., 214 HUB
OSGA, 8:45 p.m., 218 HUB
Peace Corps, 12:45 p.m., 214-
215 HUB
P.S. Football Team, 6:30 p.m.,
HUB Assembly Hall
Student Religious Liberals, 8:30
p.m., 214 HUB .
TIM, 7 p.m.. 203 tttlfi
sAtURDAV, November Tb, \<m
Jn a VAN NeUiiN* f
, And what an eyeful he Isl A physique as
* well-built and manner as smooth as his
permanently pressed . .. VANOPRESS
shirt. A swingy style that matches the
"417" authentic tailoring of his button
down collar and V-Tapered fit. Swltched-on
stripes or colorful solids in dress or sport,
Van Heusen has them all. Will I keep hjrji
. In sight? You'd better believe itl
HH | Build up your following with Passport 330,
I the Influential line of men's toiletries by Von
Sflfurdoy, November 18,1987
Mliy Inn Mmlo b Th> Four Mt
BlwiB Inlirtnlmninl by Dm Mnnnln
are sure to win. Their gea) and delwmlHflllon la toe
«to lie stifled By elubs end. guns wnlli those
iiippertlna the nation's Invmveinint In ylet*
nam si’P wraekw with intevnsl dissension end loss
nf respect from mo outside, ~
S: Tlw Urge pwf nf fhn nation that la vndnpldtfd Is
dwldlße at laatt Gallup Pella gut Pmldanl Jehnaen'a
larlfy (baud primarily nn Iha way ha li hand
lha war) al ona of iha lowail lavala any praaldanl
has fallfad. Things ara tansa in iha Whit* House,
The demonatritlura and wrnteHlorii huvo nn anplrll
tie corps Hint Is climbing, Repi'lnnln Ity. tlw uovwvn
mem. nerve in make It oven Mruhger., And, If they
are pushed uitdergrtnmtl, the spirit probably won't
As lung ns Johnson conUnnes In he unbearably
obsiiiiele In his push flip»war that tutw seems like a
personal obsessltm to him, the oil mi side will be lot),
As long ns Juhmton eonllmtes In U\v In fnipe
Ills mime in gloi.v onto the pubes of history for a!iok=
litu lliiougb « long, unesplnlnnble wap, the mhei
side will 100, o
As long es Dip gnvpinmpnl- senins |wn)esl, tlia
nlhei side will likewise seoin Adminlslintovs when
they speak on college campuses,
In short, thi fight is aeoalarating at home as wall
as In Viainam. Both aldaa stand warnad of aach
othar's tntant and will to fight,
That may be fair, We hope the resulting dashes
are the same,
Tony Not Phony
TO THE EDITOR, Tuffy Clay’s review of “Tony Rome"
was beyond ja doubt the most immature, thoughtless'piece
of trash it Has been my misfortune to read in the Colle
gian, and for many reasons.
h, First of all, any reviewer who can't even sit through
a film until the end doesn't deserve to write a column on
it; especially when the film is a, mystery in which the
end is so important to'understanding the plot.
Secondly, it was ,a mediocre script, and not Frank
Sinatra’s ability as an actor, that made him give a sub
par (though far from as bad as the reviewer claimed)
Thirdly, I’m sure most other Penn State men will
agree with me that Jill St. John doesn’t have to say any
thing *t all to get her point across. Even so, she can be
fated no lower than a hdst of other attractive stars and
starlets (notably Ann-Margret, whit In my opinion makes
Miss St. John ibblt tike flit Oscar winner).
Lastly; ealllHg "Tony Mama” iki Want mavis, even
In a HittawHilHtUd ravliwaFi eyas, ii ibialutoly HtUcu-
Ihiiii 1h dsn 8f ids msb af iaw-budgst bsatb party - wbh
itst: Jktillsii bull km kit tki tHsrksl rsasHtly, eat ia
{Hidden wilhidsifdiiti MtigigguUF kswki lilts ,} oaiiHd
beyili'H wklgk l Ikeuekt wn gßHiliiiF&kly wetii ikio
BBfflSi 1 ' sil its im\ THE wefiSTi
Ho WMi .TOD Till) HKVIHWBi I WANT T 0 lliul
iftikklbibg \\wmw Ihp a pUm\p- >
, Ifßlun 'll
The Brothers of
Alpha Kappa Lambda
proudly announce Their Fall Formal
Oddessey and The Ecstasy"
In honour of the Theta pledge claw
Joffory John
ItophOH Clerk
Cherlsi Felglstek
JehH Plllpiiohi
Themes drees
Cileries Henkils
dery Heusk
Hebert Msuiten
Wishes! Nine
Letters To
John U Barton
Horiihol Loeks
David Leng
dsergs Luke
Nliherd Mehensy
ielm Melnisk
Berry Neese
Wllllem Pesneii
Heneld Stryker
Jeniis Wegner
The Editor
Institutions and Protectors
TO THE EDITOR! The scene: It is a balmy spring day in
Manhattan. Thousands of seedy looking youths are mill
ing about in a large center-city park shouting “Hell no,
we won’t go’’ and other sundry absurdities such as "Rusk
kills kiddies.”
In the midst of this euphoric group stand the pro
tagonists, Stanley David and Sally Doris Student, Clad
In mind-bending rags and engrossed in tearing up a two
and one-half by three and one-half inch piece of paper,
they are cheered on in their endeavor by their com
rades. The ritual ends in the igniting of the pieces.
SALLY: 1 know it’s symbolic and all that, but BIG
BROTHER told us not to do this and he might become
angry, with us.
STANLEY: That's all 'fight. Nothing to Wotty about.
We'il just cut 't-ight back to Happy Valley atid MOTHER
MAIM. Elia always takes good cai-e ot us. All thus*
head-slviHkeh* atid tbs PILh MOH (albeit tot a
HdWlHal tag);
SAIMi Hut whal it we want tea tat Ms lime and
tiltt BHtWHflit mm* lb Heppy Velley ate us? MbUM
MAIN might Hbl lei us hide behind m sltltl eHgmsife!
i¥Aj|hl¥! I'w ihsughi et lluii \ Iftink we ean (elk
18 Mil! uii
"'hi'mu AGAIN?"
Jmi Club
Cheaper than a nmk ani
Trnee as gmvy\
It's only a hack
So try your luck!!!
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Sunday, November 19th
8:30 P.M. Rec Hall
Tickets still available at the door
(Ticket office opens at 8:00 PIM,)
xzof qnp xzof qnp xzof qnpzxof
mu tlillljilng-
tha «Af«
W«IW Wpphiinn and T nwlhy wWy. 1
Unnmmn im»m«»»WO p.m. Jomomnv mi in ilnlw*
vlaw mVicam wlVh »w Oniiff* lUidaiili MUM (ns q«ai-
Hum du i wlrie inn** of tuplca, i
Lilly dtfoMii, Mm 'llrlun.of Lttb Willi .Pliy(%alii
> i^^|Bß
ittnin ea * Jl f ®* R «•«•¥ II,R n«!.
„ o,n pundw. nilbt oa ABC, »Riai> Bilillli" UMSK.^hi
L%r ?b
ihwwhlTm Hwntar, Mini, milky /wmii and Birhirg
Hdan, It ii obviously imindtt only for iflotanadoi of tna
wiyi rldari, inn to hr ns wit w tha »yw,
CBS on Tbwadiy r|laht nrawnti "PT<lot>" (18(18) with
Cliff Bobertaon «i John F, Kennedy, Out of r«ipact|ta the
memory of the late Preildent, J will not comment on the
motion picture, j I
"Around the World Under the Sea" (1980) is ok CBS
on Friday night. It atari Lloyd Brldgea and Shirley Hatton,
I suggeat you turn off the volume on your act and just
watch the underwater scenes, Shirley Eaton is more|fun to
look at than listen to. Bridges is better at acting with coral
and fish than he is acting with other people. |
At this time, I shojuld like to call to the attention of
whomever this may concern, that at 8:30 p.m, weekdays
starting this week, Santa Claus will be on for a full-hour
program. For those of you who can’t wait that long! Santa
also appears at 5 p.m. jn a half-hour segment. j
On Thanksgiving jDay, the networks express their
gratitude to the nation’s merchants with three hours of
parades. CBS will carry professional football at .6 p.m.
with St. Louis at Dallas.
Today at 4:30 p.mi on ABC, UCLA takes on
Los Angeles, Gary Beban versus O. J. Simpson.
WDFM Schedule
TODAY 12-12:05 a.m. - WDFM New*
9-1 p.m. Joe Berwanser with « » •
Top Forty, news on tile hour MtiMliAV
\\ S' S' “ I 4-4:o' *tn. - WtUrM ’’New*
‘wiiitsfeWiSt SHi'suviftt
«?:*'*■ ifeifaw
|f Ifi- r LK-S."
vlp# (foV tomliWh JWIVh Rill .
7-10 »-m- - Till Third Pm- }HMS J'pwi
rtteiu,« SfE
smr iS ii, r $ J^rjafev
Hettuieitr 18-tiiins a.m, News
ub 7eii Club Jan Club - #
Jem C
IVWts !
~lm MM
r *