WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1966 Scholars To Address Bibliography Meeting Literary scholars from across the country graphic work in the learned journals of the make up the list of guest speakers for the day. • * - * : sity ' Con - The first program will feature papers by u Stephen Mitchell, of the University of Syra-: joh.'ff'lf'S SStiS »S£r/S £ American Modern Language Association who „ • ® »rown university, will open the program Nov. 10 with a paper on Harrison T. Meserole, professor of English "The Discipline of Bibliography," at th « University, chaii'man of the conference, 1 In succeeding sessions, James Meriwether , anci „newly-appointed chief bibliographer, for of the University'of South Carolina, will dis- the Modern Languages Association,, will take, cuss textual problems in Faulkner’s “The Ham- part in the panel on graduate W(srk iri 'biblio let; Gerard Brault, head of the department of graphic studies Joining him.wffl be Richard French at the University will' examine the D - Alttck, of ohi ° State * and Charles C. Mish, critical techniques of editing the Old French of Maryland. Song of Roland" and Helmut Lehman-Haupt, The editors of the new "Chaucer Review," of Yale, will focus on "The Microscppe and "American Quarterly,”'and- "Papers, of,-'.the the Book." .. Bibliographical Society of America,” will make Other speakers will include Albert Gerard, up the panel for the third special program, of the Universite de Liege, who will consider The newly : established ■ Educational , Re bibliographical problems in emerging African search Information Center, problems of'Renais literature and Matthew Bruccoii, of Ohio State, sance texts, and the feasibility of, a. biblio who will discuss editorial handling of trans- graphic network system for language studies, atlantic texts. will be treated in papers by Kenneth Milden bpeclal panel sessions also are planned on berger of the MLA, W. T. Jewkes, associate machines and bibliographic control, ah invest!- professor of English at the University, and gation of the aims and methods of graduate Alfred Bietrzyk, of the Center for Applied courses in blblography and the use of biblio- Linguistics. > Book Acquisition Methods Studied Evelyn M. Hensel, deputy of the University libraries, study will be published in assistant director of systems who is one of the originators a monograph for the guid and processes of the Univer- of the study program. Jack- ance. of librarians and book sity libraries, has been named son is at present chairman dealers director of a. study aimed at of the Library Bookdealer- Miss Hensel ■ recentlv elect correcting abuses in supply- Library Relations Commit- ed Amerlcan’Library Asso devekming s°t andTr d/or ° f - American Library Councilor, past guidelines s for the evaluation As i° clatiol V , president of the Division of of book sunnbers evaluatlon , The study is intended to Cataloging and Classification „ develop improved procedures of the ALA and has had .ine study is jointly spon* for the acquisition of library many years’ experience in sored by the American Li- books which will correct cer- the field of acquisitions and brary Association and the tain abuses that have arisen cataloging. She has been a National League of Cities, under the competitive bid- member of the University with assistance from the ding system. Results of the library staff since 1939. Council on Library Re-—— - sources, which has made a,, , «. . , _ , S”h,"p,g;f *E£ University Establishes Teaching Fund will work out of Washington, To stimulate improvement Walker explains that the D.C. The study will be con- in teaching, the University grants will be made to sup ducted between Oct. 1, 1966,' has established a program port the exploration of new and March 1,1967. providing awards from a instructional methods, for the An ad hoc committee ap- Central Fund for Improve- development of special in pointed to advise the direc- ment of Teaching. structional materials, or for tor of the project is headed Outlining the new pro- the self-improvement of by W. Carl Jackson, director gram, President Eric A. teachers on' the faculty. i i 1967 MATH AND ENGINEERING GRADUATES FOR SYSTEMS, PRODUCTION, RESEARCH, QUALITY CONTROL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, TEST ENGINEERING, FIELD ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND SALES The Inland Steel Company, East Chicago, Indiana, invites you to investigate our many career opportunities. Consult the specific job descriptions in the pocket of our brochure. Our representative will be on your campus on October 31st. Please contact Dr. Norman Frisbey for an appointment. INLAND STEEL COMPANY East Chicago, Indiana 'An Equal Opportunity Employer In The Plans for Progress Program t, ' . This is Russ Kennedy of Balboa Island, California, on an in-port field trip as a student aboard Chapman College's floating campus. -The note he paused to make as fellow students went,ahead to inspect Hatshepsut’s Tomb in the Valley Of the Kings near Luxor, he used to complete an assignment for his Comparative World Culturesp'rofessor.' ■. Russ transferred the 12 units earned during the study-travel semester at sea to his record at the University of California at Irvine where he continues studies toward a teaching career in life sciences. As you'read this, 450 other students have begun the fall semester voyage of discovery with Chapman aboard the s.s. RYNDAM, for which Holiand-America Line acts as General Passenger Agents. In February still another 450 will embark from Los Angeles for the spring 1967-semester, this time bound for the Panama Canal, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, Senegal, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain arid New York. - For a catalog describing'how you can include a semester at sea in your educational plans, fill in the information below and mail. ‘ I Director of Admissions | Chapman College j Orange, California 92666 | Nami | Addre;