HAGt SIX SURE Freedom CdTniichael ; ■ (Continued front page one) versity involve Itself in- the w.ork-study program -also sponsored.by the OEO. In this way, Federal funds -cart ,be> made available to pay"’students to. do 'part time, extra-curricula work during their stay at the University., ’ - . SURE voted to request a public ex planation from President'. Walker con cerning the awarding of a gold medal,- for "contributions to humanity,” to- a former member of the Parliament of the Union of South , Africa and mayor of Johannesburg. President Walker • pre sented the medal at the Second Annual Gold Medal Award Dinner at the Al toona Campus Oct. 11. - It was suggested that SURE write to state senators and various newspapers FOR THE HOMECOMING FINALE • / ’ M • , , * The Folklore Society presents ■ . ; . "TAKE A WALK WITH ME? TOM RUSH - 8:00 P.M. - Sunday, October 1 30th . Members $l.OO Schwab Auditorium » Non/Members $1.50 Tickets on sale Monday -■ HUB, ground floor FRIDAY: NICKELODEON NITES 6:15, 8:30, 10:45 , Tickets 25c at the HUB Desk i ’ . i , Ffed Haupt at piano \ Presented by: THE HUB ARTS COMMITTEE i > \% j| £ 'W* I */% , f '* i' ** ipmi *f x fks/ ... (PS -nH Special offer to pipe smob these bitinds First-of ail, congratulations On-your good . stay lit rigfi't down to the bottom of the bowf. They're fine tobaccos every one. 3. The aroma is pleasing to 'most everyone* - , But I'll bet that, like most pipe smokers, every Especially women.. (so often you get the urge io try. something 4. Most important, the flavor is smoothed * [different. ' r . t, y rewarding. The result of the,careful blending And so‘Kentucky Club Mixture makes this of, 5 important tobaccos: White Burley,'Vir rteffer. If you’re in the mood,to try a remark- ginia Brights,. Weeds Cavendish, Turkisn and lobly mild and aromatic mixture .one Of the Perique[ plus a dash of Deer Tongue for flavor.; fastest growing brands in America ... send (Deer Tongue; by the way, is a variety of wild |us the empty pouch you’ve just finished and vanilla. It’s used as seasoning. The way you fyou’ll receive a fresh pouch'of Kentucky,Club might add salt to stew.), ' (Mixture*. Free.-. ( >• . ~. So that's it. Kentucky Club Mixture is‘a'mild ' I ’ It’s an offer you ought 'fa consider if yo.u’re aromatic blend m s ade by’people' whd-bq|iev'e „ SO serious pipe smoker, and-here's why; ' it’s the best and are ready to prdve it by send j. 1. Kentucky Club Mixture.js?probably the ing you a supply. m :dest aromatic pipe tobacco aro.und. Most For your free pouch mail your empty to; ■ ,6mokers can enjoy pipeful,after pipeful with-- '.Kentucky, Club Mixture,‘Box -$2,, Dept,. 00, fput "bite", - '! ..V' Wheeling, West Va. And when you've smoked . 2. It's a.cjeon, easy-JcylighMobacco, cut tp Jt, write and give us your opinion*.. ;’l V.V ■ r *Untartunarelyws conY picture oil tobacco?. But itio oiler’s | good on ony brand-(except Kentucky Club Mixtur'el., . ( 1 throughout'The slate accruing I Ills.issue. , ' One SURE member said he felt strongly v that "wej should not accommodate,silch /'actions." The final deulstiin was to wait . ■for President Walker to discuss.,and ex - ikain what nclvmll.v happened in a public statement or befovd representatives 1 of SURE. ■ ’ It wns announced that Janies ;E. Grant Jr., member of,SURE, will speak before the Hillel Foundation Ncv. 1. The meeting has been scheduled for 7;30 p.m. and lhe subject of his tpik will be /‘black power.” , SURE will also publish a newsletter during this term and periodically for the rest of tile year. This will, cover past projects and plans for future action with . general commentary articles.. •j i wjP9^SSSSOS»3jBRS» asv i. y i '.-A A>. . A rf ty-j* X» r% y-y -f W Week— '/Jr Glob - Mixture THE ; DAILY' 1 COLLEGIAN. IJNIVERSITY PARK,- PENNSYLVANIA QQPSL A Fallacy Uncovered A MISTAKE ' w,as • made .in yesterday's Sievensi ‘kappa Kappa Gamma; Nancy Homecoming ..Queen Finalists., picture in . Welch, Kappa Alpha Theta; Miss. Yates, the, Collegian; : Susan Hansl,’ second from ’ Delta Gamma. A student referendum to left,.and Jane Yates,, r,ighi; had their names choose the Homecoming Queen will be reversed. Read"correctly from left to right, held- Tuesday and Wednesday in the the finalists are Janet /Harizeil, Delta . Heizei Union ;,Building. Gamma,'MissHanst, Pi.&eia Phi; Deborah Skaters Scheduie Meeting \*SL*?±P£!%' ■ Lipp Harris, is attending the Two professional skaters will The 15-week skating season meeting of the International give -group lessons 'to members runs through the dnd of winter • Association for Education and of the . Penn State Fig u r e term at which time an ice show Vocational Guidance held Oc- Skating Club', this winter. The will be held. Anyone wishing to tober 17-22. in Vienna, Austria, club ■is holding its organiza- join the group or help with the as delegate for the American tional .meeting at 7:30 p.m. show is invited to attend the Personnel and Guidance Asso ;Wednesday, in 111 Chambers. meeting, tomorrow night. ciation. / - FORREST.RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLA! ~ , *'! ; Partofthe Allegheny Power System IfL ISSIFIEDS - Why doesn't someone invent.;; Don’t blink-your eyes, or someone mil. It seems that no idea is beyond the power of electric service. And that's what makes the future hap pen—imagination, plus energy.' ' The imagination of people, plus the energy of industry in .meeting* the needs of people, lias 'helped create many of the good things Americans enjoy today. Playing a large part in this partner? 1 ship have been the' people of the investbr-owne'd electric v compariieS—and the people, they serve. Together they have built an electric power indus try, that has helped; America grow. . • , f ', 'V Dean Harris is a member of the Executive Council of, the Association. : SDS To issue White Paper The first of a series otwhitc ' pagers dealing with freedom-at the l . University will be distri buted on campus Monday, • by members of the Students for a Democratic Society Political Action and Evaluation Commit tee, which-prenared the paper. “The Powerful, The Power less, The.. Controlled: The Ad ministration - USG Coalition”' compiled from Daily Collegian reports, documents the atti tudes administrators and Un dergraduate Student Govern ment “leaders” regarding stu dent freedoms. The committee has compiled a list of quota tions from, the ■administrators and USG leaders which “shows conclusively, the lack of regard for democratic processes and representation.” For instance, the white paper quotes former, vice president for Student Affairs- Robert G. Bernreuter-on the .University arid student rights: “This isn’t .a democratic society . . . any ■‘rights not delegated to the stu dents are not' student rights.” The pervading attitudes of- USG “leaders” concerning the Administration, ~ according' to the white paper, is shown 1 in a statement 1 by John, Hunt,, former Interfraternity Council president: “‘Don’t look at the Administration as an antagon-. istic - body;, but. • work with them. v 1 SDS 1 states in the White paper their, belief that attitudes such as these are proof positive that student, freedoms are limited on campus and that USG .will not act’ iri accordance with the ideal' of ’ for students. Most of the white paper, focuses on the apartment visi tation controversy of last-year- A day-by-day , chronology of events shows how USG passed bill after bill “trying to please, -the Administrative Committee &EROX COPIES IMMEDIATE SERVICE QUANTITY RATES We provide complete , ■ Office Services - TYPING, MIMEOGRAPHING, Twrcrc ADDRESSOGRAPH, PHOTOSTATS, . • NOTARY PUBLIC , SECRETARIAL SERVICE . 352 E. College Ave. 237-1905 Entrance next to Record Room , Laughs That Don'i Stop Battling Comedians And Comedy Teams ' In DICK WALDEN'S WORLD OF COMEDY Schw.ab Auditorium; 1. ’ , 8:30 P.M., October 22,1966 Performer’s Credits include .Playboy Clubs, Las Vegas , ' and , • , , Television - ( ' • ■ DICK WALDEN'- - under contract , - ' with. 5 ■ f , JUBILEE RECORDS ‘ on,;Sale at HUB t HERLOCHER RESTAURANT s Y SERVING ■ 4 PilKI. ’TIL G P.M. ■ CijSTEAK ©SPAGHETTI ©LASAGNE • SHRIMP • SCALLOPS • CHICKEN • RAVIOLI • VEAL PARMIGIANA SNACKS 8 P.M. 'TIL 2 A.M. • PIZZA ©SUBS ©SANDWICHES ; NEW !! ! SHISHKABOB Serving Your Favoriie Beverage On Both Floors Now UNIVERSITY THEATRE 9 shows for the price of 6* The Playhouse Theatre box office opens Monday af.lo a.m. • V .'for season subscription* sales. Brochures available on request. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21', IVba for Student Affairs without re gard for the demands of stu dents.” • SDS contends that these de laying - actions by USG were Veallv directed by the Admin istration and not by a desire to compromise. The paper documents the “lies and promises made with out • the thought of action by “leaders” such as former USG President Katzensteiri,” said Neil Buckley (chairman of SDS-PAEC). Katzenstein stated, in January. 1966, that a referendum on the first USG visitation bill would be called after a “definite lag."'in ad - ministrative actiori. By the time of the sit-in' at Old Main by 1000 students, (mid-May, 1966) no referendum had been called. SDS interm ets K-’t-’"nstein’s promise as “a lie which originated in Old Mai':.” SDS ends the white paper with the following statement: “USG could assume the power to be truly'representative. We know they will not. We there fore suggest they declare tiie organization null and void. If they will not do this, they should give themselves the only title they deserve: Lackeys of the Administra tion.”—Steve Accardy. ENJOY ATMOSPHERE AND GOOD FOOD? f ■A TRY OUR NIGHTLY SPECIAL! HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH AUJUS! 50c yjitlcuuj oCoclcje 'll3 Heister St,. O After 8:00 p.m. lo Midnight* : TWO SOPHOMORE BUSINESS MAJORS to Operate Own Retail Business off campus. $25.00/week ; ’ and commission. Sell to students and faculty. Chance to huijd future with national corporation. Wesfinghouse Electric Corp. ’ Rt. #27 /. Metuchen, N.J. 865-9543