PAGE FOUR Lewis Presents Answers To Student H UAC Queries An iudience well sprinkled with members of SENSE banter ed with 'Fulton Lewis 111 Thurs day evening, in a question and answer period which ranged from one-sentence comments to full scale debates, and kept the YAF-sponsored discussion in full swing until close to 11 p.m. Lewis spoke on "Extremism and the House Committee on Un- American Activities," a com mittee whose search he headed for some time. One question which seemed to pop up quite frequently was the' question of a "subversive list." several students questioned the purpose and advisability of such a list. Lewis objected to the term "list," although he pointed out this was a matter of termin ology. "I've tried to point out that there is no subversive list," he said at one point. "We do have files, as does any organization." He also pointed out that these "cards" had known facts printed after these names. "I am on the list," he said at one point. Privacy invasion Another question raised was the matter of invasion of pri vacy and social persecution, which may arise from being questioned before the commit tee. Lewis said appearance be fore the committee is preceded by ,two signed statements that the witness is a member of the Communist Party (one from a known Communist), that full testimony is given to the witness, and that his name is not sut; , mitted, before an investigation. to the press by the committee. He also stressed the right of an employer to hire and fire as he chooses He continually used the ex ample of James Haifa, team Fulbright-- (Continued from page one) 0 Establishment of normal trade with the Soviet Union in nonstrategic goods, "involv ing neither special favors nor special discrimination either. He said this should have "poli tiCal and psychological effects in reducing tensions, improv ing the general atmosphere of international relations and opening up one of more areas of practical East-West co operation." Proposed Before Fulbright recalled he first proposed Soviet participation in an international arrange ment for operation of the Pan ama Canal a, year ago. He said an opportunity for such oper ation "may arise out of plans for the construction of a new, canal across the Central Amer ican isthmus or devising of a new regime for the present Panama Canal." Under any reasonable ar rangement, the senator said, "no member of the consortium would be in a position to close the canal or disrupt the flow of its traffic. No Threat "There would be no threat to the security of the canal in Soviet participation," he con tinued. "On the other hand, participation in an interna tional canal company could be an extremely useful experience in international responsibility for the Soviet Union—and for all other participants as well. 'NEW COLLEGE DINER Downtown Bet Ween the Mavie „.; • AI WAYS OPEN - BICYCLE - PARTS REPAIRS • ACCESSORIES Western Auto 112 S. FRAZIER ST. THESIS PRINTING - and Binding See COMMERCIAL PRINTING 352 E. College • 238-3025 TIM-AWS-MRC , PRESENT Spring Fling Jammy LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION 8:30-12 P.M. HUB BALLROOM ADMISSION 35c , • • • ~„.„ „, 5,,p;••;.,,:f. • " • A -4" i ,‘"AiSti2ILW:r.4.2 s^ - • ,„ MALCOLM BOYD playwright, freedom rider, Schwab speaker tomorrow, will be at the. Jawbone TONIGHT with his guitir, frank opinions and observations ,ihe,'Jci*bo'no 415 e. foster, 8 ;. midnight sters' union president, on the question of the fifth amendment. Simply becau;e. Hof fa refuses to testify, Lewis said, does' not mean he cannot be judged as a "crook" by an; individual. Klu Klux Klan When asked if the Committee investigated right-wing groups with the intensity it seems to probe the left, Lewis replied that the Klu Klux Klan and the Black Muslins have been under investi gation foc sonie . time.- In speaking of the Minutemen, a group which plans to spring to action should there be a Com munist take-over, Lewis quipped, "If this country ever is headed by a Communist regime, I would Lewis Views HUAC— (Continied from page one) Communist Party after 1950. By that time, Lewis quipped, "he should have realiied he has not should realized he was not in volved in an econimic study group." He also pointed out that the Committee has other restrictions Placed upon it, some by the House ,or the Committee itself. Live television hearings, for ex ample are banned. Anyone called before the committee is entitled to legal assistance. his name cannot he released to the press Prior to the investigation and he can demand a closed commit tee. The constant Supreme Court review of the Committee he labeled as "good." The vast majority of cases," he was quick to point out, "are decided in the Committee's favor." Furthc.rmore he stressed the BARABBAS Starring Anthony Quinn 25c Record Albums as ' Door Prizes SUNDAv, MARCH 7TH SHOW TIMES - 2:30 & 6:00 East Halls Rec. Room ATLAS CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. Offers Programs Of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT For CHEMICAL ENG. - BS, MS CHEMISTRY - BS, MS MECHANICAL ENG. - BS, MS INDUSTRIAL ENG. - BS, MS ELECTRICAL ENG. - BS BUSINESS ADMIN. - MBA, MIA MBA WITH BS IN CHEMISTRY, OR CHEM. ENGINEERING Atlas has long recognized the college campus as the most valuable source of professional manpower. We have had an active college recruiting program for many years. In conjunc• tion with current openings, we have expanded our professional development for college graduates to include: 1. One year of on•the-job training in productive work with planned rota tion to both line and staff assign ments providing broad experience. 2. Regular seminars on company policies, operations, and subjects necessary for professional devel opment, If you would like'to discuss our programs further, plan to ' meet us for a campus interview on APRIL 18 For Further Information, See Your Placement Officer ATLAS CHEMICAL . INDUSTRIES, INC. An Equal Opportunity Employer Wilmington, Delaware -;.%;',i ...;.,,,,,.:Li.:.,:1/4. ~i .k'n:.»;3a~"a:.v~.wN:' have to .join them!" I Asked if he had any reserva tions about the committee, Lewis replied that he had the same reservations about HUAC that he had about all Congressional committees; that, from a con servative stand-point, it could', be entrenching upon an indi vidual's rights. "He later added, 'thought, that he sometimes felt 'the committee wasn't working within its full capacity. James Goodyear, chairman of YAF, said, "We thought 'Buddy', as we call him, did a very good job tonight." Speaking of the question-anSwer period he added, "you should have been here last year!" fact that the Supreme Court has never ruled that- the Cmmittee invaded privacy or was unconsti tutional. Court Behind It "The Supreme Court basically has stcod behind the Committee except ,in a few cases," he ex plained, and said it rules on nrocedural restraints, not the Committee's function. He further pointed out that in 1961 the House of Representa tives voted 412 to 6 in favor of the Committee. "There are no simple solu tions to the Communist Party," he said. "We learn more by mistakes. We have learned what not to do. We will not take authoritian action." "It is easy and exciting to be a critic of any government in hp said • "It is far more productive to work with ievernment." 3. Periodic appraisal of individual progress. 4. 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