The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1965, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1965
Mrs. Shriner Addre'ss
Mentally Retarded Recreation
Eunice Kennedy Shriver dis
cussed the "new frontier" in an
informal speech at the Nittany
Lion Inn Thursday afternoon.
But the new frontier she referred
to is not the one associated with
the administration of her broth
er, the late President John F.
Mrs: Shriver, wife of ex
director of the Peace Corps R.
Sargent Shriver, used the phrase
to describe the use of recreation
for the mentally retarded.
the world: march 6
Viet Operation 'Fizzles Out'
from the associated press
Fresh units of Vietnamese rangers re
inforced government fighters yesterday in
a battle against the Viet Cong 40 miles
southwest of the big coastal air base of
Da Nang. The new engagement in the north
began as another massive Vietnamese op
eration against the Communists fizzled out
in the jungle east of Saigon. On the diplo
matic front, Red China' made a new attack
against the United States, in effect calling
U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk a liar
who uses "gangsters' logic." The official
New China News Agency charged Rusk
with "open war threats" against North
Viet Nam. Rusk said in a New York speech
Thursday night that U.S. forces are in
Southeast Asia "to help independent peo
ples resist aggressions. Our troops could
come home tomorrow if the aggressors
would go back North and stay at home,"
Rusk added.
Health Care Vote Soon
A comprehensive health care plan for
the aged, with optional doctor bill cover
age as well as hospitalization, may be sent
to the House in about a week. This was
indicated yesterday by actions of the House
Ways and Means Committee. The com
mittee was reported informally to have
reached a consensus. It suspended until
next Wednesday its daily closed meetings,
directing its staff to draft the language
of a bill. No final votes have been taken,
it was understood, and the plans is still
subject to change at all points. Informants
representing a wide range of views in the
committee agreed that a majority appears
to favor what some called a "three-layer
cake." The bottom layer is essentially
President Johnson's administration plan
for hospitalization, convalescent home and
limited home nursing benefits, all to be
financed by an added payroll tax and ad
ministered by Social Security. Everyone
over 65 would be covered.
Sigma Chi
Delta Chi
"There is proof that with train
ing, the retarded child can catch
up with the normal child in
physical activities," she told par
ticipants in the four-day Recrea
tion Leadership Workshop which
was held at the Inn March 2-5.
The workshop was sponsored
by. a grant from the Joseph P.
Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, of
Which Mrs. Shriver is executive
vice president. The Kennedy
family has taken a special inter
est in the problem of mental re-
Britain Faces internal crisis
Prime Minister Harold Wilson is fac
ing the worst internal crisis of his four
months in office. The Labor party's left
wing apparently was in open rebellion
against his support for U.S. action in Viet
Nam. Only Thursday night left-wing mem
bers of Parliament called on him to de
clare "publicly and unequivocally" that
he is unable to support the United States
in its air strikes against Communist North
Viet Nam. Then yesterday a junior minis
ter in his government quit over the same
issue. Frank Allaun, parliamentary private
secretary to Colonial Secretary Anthony
Greenwood, resigned his post, saying he
must have more freedom of political ac
tion. A prominent left winger, he was one
of 45 members of Parliament signing
ing Thursday night's motion. Earlier this
week, he had openly backed a ban-the
bomb march against a U.S. Air Force base
in Britain at Easter.
Marches Continue In Alabama
More than 150 Negroes made two right
to-vote marches on the courthouse in Cam
den yesterday. Both times they were halt
ed by armed police on the outskirts of
the Alabama town. The second wave of
marchers knelt and prayed and sat along
side the road for approximately an hour
and a half after they were stopped by
Mayor F. R. Albritton and eight helmeted
policemen. Three officers were armed with
shotguns and all carried nightsticks. When
they left in late afternoon, many of the
teen-agers in the Negro group waved and
shouted, "Goodby, goodbye" to the officers.
The police did not answer. Albritton, a ser
vice station operator in this west-central
Alabama town of about 2,500,, told Negro
leaders of both the morning and afternoon
marches that they had no parade permit
and he would not let them march.
tardation because Mrs. Shriver's
oldest sister is mentally retard
ed. Shriver, director of President
Lyndon B. Johnson's poverty
program, is executive director
of the Kennedy Foundation.
Recreation Vital
Mrs. Shriver said that the goal
of the Foundation is to "con
vince everyone that recreation ,
for the handicapped is just as
important as it for normal chil
dren, just as important as edu
cation and maybe more so."
The Faith United Church of Christ
will celebrate the
Lord's Supper
on Sunday, March 7
8 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
Student Seminar 9:30 A.M.
I. I've been weighing the 2. With graduation drawing near
possibility of becoming a I realized how much more
perpetual student. there was for me to learn.
Last week you said you
were considering the
merits of mink farming
‘ 4l- :
3. I must admit the thought 4. What about my thirst for
did enter my mind, knowledge?
Has the thought ever
entered your mind
that you might get a
job and make a career
for yourself?
5. You mean earn while learning? 6. But`what do I know about
Right. And you can
do it at Equitable.
They'll pay 100% of
your tuition toward
a qualified graduate
degree. At the same
time, the work is
challenging, the pay
is good, and I hear
you move up fast.
Make an appointment through your Placement Office to see
Equitable's employment representative on MARCH 8 or write
in Edward D. McDougal, Manager,
Manpower Development Division for further information.
The pIUITABLE Life Asturance Society of the United States
ROW "fiat 1285 Ave. of the Anierrfees, New York, N.Y. 10019
• • An Equal Opportunity Employer
The Foundation is sponsoring
a series of 13 of these workshops
at various colleges and, univer
sities throughout the country
this year. Mrs, Shriver is at
tempting to' attend as many as
Arrived ate
She flew to the Mid-State Air
port at Moshaimon in the "Caro
line," the late President's plane.
Bcause of a fog at the airport in
Washington, Mrs. Shriver ar
river later than was planned.
After stressing the importance
of recreation and 'physical fit
ness for -the mentally retarded
child, _ Mrs. Shriver expressed
he rhope that public awareness
would result in more funds for
the program.
She said that there are almost
no funds available locally in
most parts of the country, and,
only a few scholarships can be
obtained from the federal gov
ernment to train students enter;
ing the field.
The workshop was conducted'
at the University by the College
of Education, the College of
Health and Physical Education
and Continuing Education. Costs
were paid by the Kennedy Foun
Pavilion Tryouts
Set for Monday'
Tryouts for University The- 1
atre's production of "River
wind," a musical by John Jen
nings, will be held from 7 to 9
p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the
Pavilion Theatre, director Har
ry Miller (graduate-theatre-
Beaver Falls) announced yester
Miller said those auditioning
should bring their own sheet
music. Available roles include
parts for four males and three
females. Male parts call for a
baritone range, tenor range, and
a comedy singer. Female roles
include soprano, mezzo-soprano
range, and a comedy singer.
"Riverwind" is set in a more
than rustic motel-resort some
where in Indiana, and was suc
cessfully produced off-Broadway
two seasons ago. The Pavilion
production will be presented
April 20-24.
You didn't also
realize, did you,
that when you graduate
your -dad will cut
off your allowance?
just because you work
doesn't mean you have
to stop learning.
With your thirst for
knowledge, I'm sum
}Tull be the star
of their development
°Equitable 1985
ROTC Registrar Answers
Requirement Questions
A number of students during
the ,past few weeks have ques
tioned th need for the Reserve
Officer Training Corps program
as a requirement for graduation.
according to Warren R. Haffner,
associate registrar.
Two rules of the Senate Poli
cies and Rules for Undergrad
uate Students clarify any ques
tions that students may have.
Rule S-1 states: •
A male student with freshman
standing who entered the Uni
versity Park Campus or a Com
monwealth Campus where Basic
ROTC is offered and who entered
brisk, bracing
livelier lather ' the original
for really smooth shaves! spice -fresh 10ti0n11.25
1.00 tc- - - - -b 2
tlitias lasting freshness
glides on fast, 4.,.,<-:-,
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'0 ttl l it • •
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/4Sift K -/i
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\'''''"•-•----. \-,......, ' '
------ , ktltß SHAVE 1.010 S 1.4 Li 1..,T 0 N
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......„:/ _
eidie*,/Ce...with that crisp, clean masculine aroma!
to 0 . Whileholl 'Plato
t ::*.; •
prior to the summer term of
1963 must' complete six terms of
Basic ROTC as, one condition
to be met for , graduation.
Rules S-2 states that students
admitted between the summer
term of ,1963 ' and the spring
term of 1964 must complete
three terms of Basic ROTC as
a condition to be met for grad
The first term that the volun
tary ROTC was in effect was in
the spring term of 1964.. The
motion was approved by the
Senate in October 1962.•
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