PAGE TWO ecovery of Hijacked Ship Planned CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) Venezuela got U.S. naval help yes terday and sent its own warships and planes racing after a gov ernment ferighter hijacked by Communists. Authorities called the hi jackers pirates and said they were be lieved headed for Cuba. Terrorism flared again in Ca rer's against the anti-Communist Betancourt regime. FOREIGN MINISTER Marcos Falcon Briceno said American Navy planes spotted the hi jacked 3,127-ton Anzoategui steaming in the Caribbean about halfway be tween Venezuela and the Domini can Republic. Denntment officials in lEW COLLEGE DINER ntOwii BetWeeplic! Movies ALWAYS OPEN :,. Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara E ct, c 4 o The This i Sahara Saturday Evening 0 .0G Room from 9 to 12:30 04 .§'7, 0 Proudly In . 6 cs ;.. 0 -o $ o Presents The 0 cf.) 8 E c 4 The HUB gt r z Aland& , Ballroom &. • 0 .0 t 3 Tickets are $l.OO per couple at the HUB Desk, Cf Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara Room Sahara WEST HALLS RECORD HOP TONIGHT THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Washington said late yesterday that U.S. aircraft and U.S. sur face vessels are searching for the freighter. When they locate it, these in formants said, they will imme diately report its position to the Venezuelan government and pre sumably the Venezuelans will try to intercept the freighter. If the Venezuelans are unable to, they may ask the United States to make the intercept. SHIPPING CIRCLES in Ca racas said the motorship Sucre sighted the freighter yesterday morning about where it was re ported sighted by the U.S. naval plane. The Communists boasted of CA*Af 'AWN' NO SIN OR SPECTACLE ON EARTH TO EQUAL IT! SODOM, GOMI" PAGAN PLEASURES OF THE SODOM COURT! with Stewart GRANGER • Pier ANGELI • Stanley BAKER and a cast of thousandsl in COLOR by DeLuxe "**** HIGHEST RATING!" —N.Y. Daily News "Gleason's performance a world classic . AN OSCAR BET!" Wilson ACME CLOWN A*61601 COLOR by DeLuxe *Pionounced GEE-GO If you see no other motion picture this year . . . We urge you to see GIGOT! TOMORROW at 1:30-3:25.5:20-7:15-9:15 TOES.Cid Charisse iiipRIGADoOr Gene Kelly u 8-12:30 seizing the Anzoategui Wednes day to dramatize their war against President Romulo Betancourt as he prepared for a trip to Wash ington for talks with President Kennedy, Unofficial reports said a brother of a Venezuelan naval captain, jailed for leading an uprising by a marine battalion in Puerto Ca bello last June, was the pirate leader. These reports said Wismer Me dina Rojas, second mate on the Anzoategui, smuggled abo a r d pro-Communist gunmen. A NEW WAVE of Red terror ism, timed with the hi jacking burst upon Caracas.. A score o persons were wounded. . . 1:30 - 4:00 - 6:40 • 9:20 TONITE at 7:00 and 9:00 Feeling Crabby? Didn't get any Valentines? Flunk All Your bluebooks? Give life one more try. Come to the WARING Reds. Fight Ne BAGHDAD, Iraq OP) Urged by secret Red radio broadcasts to rise against Iraq's new regime, Iraqi Communists battled troops in this capital through the night. Bursts of rifle, machine gun and tank gun fire echoed around re sistance pockets in the capital. THE FIGHTING was the heav iest since anti-Communists over threw the Kassem government last Friday. Troops, police and students wearing the green arm bands of the revolution's national guard moved systematically through the city, clearing out resistance, • Fighting began Wednesday and battling continued sporadically, climaxing just before dawn yes terday with a heavy outburst near Baghdad's main intersection, ELECTIONS for EXECUTIVE POSITIONS on AWS SENATE •President • Ist Vice President •2nd Vice President • Secretary •Treasurer POLLS OPEN: MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 18 & 19 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 4:30-7 p.m. Area Poll Location South Halls . . . . . Redifer Simmons . . . . . . Lobby McElwain . • • • • . Lobby Atherton . . . . . . Lobby Pollock . . . . . . . PUB McKee . . . . Waring Lounge Runkle . • • • • . Warnock East Halls . . . . . Dining Area Town Women . • • . . . HUB BRING MATRIC CARD & MEAL TICKET Vote In Your Community Area FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1963 Iraqi Regime The situation semed to be settl ing into a long-term struggle be tween communism and the new regime. Informed sources said about 2.500 persons have been jailed. Some merely worked for the old government but the ma jority are Communists. JII1111111I1111I111111111111111111I1111111IIIL • RADIO . PHONO g • SERVICE • 1.". r -= 232 TELEVISION SERVICE = = CENTER ___ S. Allen St. :7uninnininnumninninnninniii
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