The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 14, 1963, Image 2
PAGE TWO allons au cinema Cry Along s ° igoir By VINCE YOUNG Collegian Reviewer The camera scans the Parisian horizon for a minute, then tilts downward and follows a cat scampering down an alleyway into some dark mid dingy basement. INSIDE, the cat leaps upon a colossal bulge on a bed. The bulge stirs. Two massive hands reach upward toward the sky, and a billowing mass of protoplasm rises and yawns. What is it? The Collosus of Rhodes, a tame ele phant, or three people glued to gether? No, it's Gigot! Yes, it's "Gigot." It stars ,Jackie Gleason, was based upon an idea by ,Jackie Gleason, and has a music score written by Jackie Gleason, and if Charlie Chaplin had never made a film, "Gigot" Wouldn't no around today. Ball To Honor Senior Cadets, Midshipmen The 37th annual Military Ball to he held from 9 p.m. to I a.m., Feb. 22, will be didicated to the senior cadets and midshipmen. These students will be present ed in a grand march and also a square dance. In addition, the top cadet from each of the three services will be honored. _ . The dance will be sponsored by the cadets and midshipmen of the University's ROTC program with music by the 4th Naval District Band from Philadelphia, Cromer Williams, ball chairman, said yes terday. Susan Krotzer (sth-arts and letters-I) lsburg) and Virginia Cohn (4th-arts and letters-Broom all) have been named winners of the Military Ball decoration con test and will share the $25 prize. Five girls have been selected as Mil Ball finalists. One will be crowned queen during the dance. She will receive a sterling silver Revere Bowl and a gold charm bracelet. The members of her court will each receive sterling silver charm bracelets. Dress for the dance will be either military formal or tuxedos. Tickets are on sale in the Hetzel Union Building or at Wagner• for $4 per couple. NEW COLLEGE DINER D9wnkkwr 4 - Between Y the - Moves - • ; - - , - ALWAYS drioN. with Jackie Arrives ere Gleason's imitation of Chaplin is to be admired, however. Even though the little man's shuffle has been replaced by the big man's waddle, it still has that magic combination of sadness, humor and irony that made Chaplin a legend in his own time. Gigot is a retarded mute work ing as a janitor in the slums of Paris in the early 20's. He be friends a charming six-year old girl and her not-so-c harming mother. He desperately tries to keep them in his downtown flat, and when the mother decides to walk out, he reluctantly steals money from the neighborhood bakery, later nearly drowns in a river and gets to watch his own mock funeral. A LOT of celluloid has been through the projector since such an all out attack on the lachry mose glands has been performed. Also, some of the situations are about as sticky sweet and gooey as a twelve-ton marshmallow. But fortunately, most of the film's rowdy farcial moments overshadow this main fault in a generally delightful and senti mental comedy. Around the corner, Tony Curtis in "40 Pounds of Trouble" seems to be apologizing for his perform ance in last week's Cossack horse show, "Tarns Bulba," in which he showed how much nature never intended him to act in anything else by com e d ie s. "Trouble" doesn't make too much sense, but the gags come so rapidly that nobody seems to care. It's now a truism that the wider the screen the more meanings the wise cracks assume. CRIS COILS THE CONTINENTALS AD 8-2523 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Grad Student Aid Office Sets March 1 Application Deadline Graduate students who wish to apply for one of the eleven Grad uate School Fellowships for 1963- 64 must subinit their applications by March I. A Graduate School Fellowship provides a tax-free stipend of $2,000 for fall, winter and spring terms,- plus a grant-in-aid to cover all tuition for the three terms. Any outstanding student work ing toward a doctorate who will have completed at least 30 semes ter-equivalent credits of graduate work prior to September is eli gible for a fellowship. Fellowships may be award- HUB TERRACE ROOM Valenfine's D Id ay Cand , ~,v‘ <.; ~..1 .....,'i-7 1, '.)!/k hi Dinner r :_ ..".1"-"T.rr- ./ • ',... = ',l .4:-,-1-ZZ.,....;.$ - 7 - ) .-\(.<--',l? •,`,.\:4__-A,;-;•-•:::, - ! ,,- , --- k . .. , T , t>ei - .l t it' etil \,.2 itor. 41 .7• 6 k A ..41 c , , r7 r• 1 ,•:-,\,V4P•-•::-,-.1/2.,-A-. •\ I I , :, • ', ll.iip- " ...:` c. '..-- ..2,.. f ort - ,q.J, • • •• :::•-••••-•_-- -_,- '''...• • ::, •:i " • . ~. - \'• -...• .- c , ,•. -. . ,-- , , k • a :: . • •111, , ‘•1 .;•". ". ' . Thursday, Feb. 14 5 - 6:45 .:litfi7',:r..4„*.vi NO SIN OR SPECTACLE ON EARTH TO EQUAL IT! SODfi ~ '---.....,':„._::';‘,..,,,:r., ,-„,, , , f ,',.. , ,,,.,..4,::.„....,:.,, , ,, , • ...„,.;.,,:.„...„,„,..,..,,_....,.,,,,;,„.., ANDA,...,,, 1 ,.. t .:',- ~ y , ..„.. :.. iiq,' . k.°.'i : .:-!; , !‘ .-:.. , ,i , ';', : t! 6.psi PAGAN PLEASURES OF THE SODOM COURT! with Stewart GRANGER s Pier ANGELT e Stanley BAKER and a cast of thousands! in COLOR by DeLuxe "**** HIGHEST RATING!" ---N.Y. Daily News "Gleason's performance a world classic . . . AN OSCAR BET!" XME GLEASON M*GIGOT *Pronounced GEE-GO in COLOR by DeLuxe If you see no other mo this year . . . We urge you ed in any area of academic work although preference is given to areas where other types of aid are less frequent. Students desiring application forms may obtain them at the Graduate School Office, 101 Wil lard, by presenting a note from the department head, stating that the department will be able to support the application. A recent Miller Analogies grad uate scholastic aptitude test score is required for application. This test will be given locally Feb. 23. Time and place will be listed on an information sheet given to all applicants. NOW . . . 1:30 - 4:00 - 6:40 - 9:20 TONITE at 7:00 and 9:00 --Earl Wilson THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 FREE Skin Swing Dance FRIDAY- FEBRUARY 22 after skiing at the SKIMONT LODGE 10:00 til 12:30 SPONSORED BY PENN STATE OUTING CLUB ALL TYPES OF DANCING FOLK, SQUARE, FRUGE, POLKA CHA-CHA, TROIKA WALTZ etc. EVERYONE WELCOME SWING FREE WITH PSOC