The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 02, 1963, Image 7
SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1963 Lion Fencers Open Horne Season Today The sophomore-studded Penn State fencing squad, fresh from a 15-12 conquest of Temple, will meet a strong Johns Hopkins outfit this afternoon at 2 in Rec Hall. Lion coach Dick Klima plans to go with the same lineup that routed the Owls Wednesday. The team will be led by number one epeeist Dave Lewis, who was elected captain before the Temple meet. After finishing - third in the Middle Atlantic Conference last year, Hopkins figures to have an other fine team this season. They are particularly strong in epee, where the Lions may have their toughest battle of the season. TOM AHERN, a strapping 6-5 epeeist who won first place in dividual • honors in .the MAC championships' last year, appears to be the top Hopkins fencer. Also returning are co-captains Tom Koehler and Tom McNamara, who fenced well last season. Like Ahern, McNamara performed well in the MAC epee finals with a third place finish. Last year the Nittany fencers traveled to Baltimore for their opening meet and defeated Hop kins, 15-12. If State can hold down Ahern, Koehler and Mc- Namara, Klima feels the - Lions have a good chance of repeating last year's victory. But it won't be easy. "I believe we have a better squad than last year," Klima said yesterday. "But Hopkins has probably also improved. It's likely that it will be touch-and-go right from the start. In short, the meet shapes up as another close one" LOOKING BACK on the Tem ple meet, the Lion coach said that State had the Owls figured pretty well. Al Gallo, Temple's outstanding foilman, 'performed as expected, -taking all three of his bouts. But there were also a couple of surprises. The Lioris hadn't New College Diner DoWntown Between the/Movies By JOHN LOTT DICK KLIMA counted on sabreman Dave Pol lack and epeeist John Finkel stein, who won five bouts be tween them. In today's contest, State's line up will include sabremen Chick Poole, Jerry Evans and Chuck Dooley; foilmen John Cooper, Ken Vandenburgh and Art Ful ler, and epeeist Dave Lewis, Fred Davis and John Hansell. '4110000•0000.410000040000•00 0 • • I • ALL NIGHT - • co • 4110 :BOWLING : . • : Saturday 12:30 - 6:00 A.M. -L I • • 2 Per Person • • (Minimum 4 to a lane) • • ' o • • Ca ll AD 8-1431 for reservations • • • 0 : CENTRE LANES : • • North Atherton Street 0 SO•0041.0000119.0000000•00 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Riflemen Seek sth Against Middies The Nittany Lion rifle team hosts the shooters froth the Naval Academy at 2 p.m. today in what could be labeled a must win for the Lions. The rifle Men have dropped suc cessive matches -to Army and Maryland and a loss to Navy would dampen chances for an out standing season. State is 4-2. According to coach Sgt. Joe Watson, the Lions - could pull ,an upset. - "If we can duplicate our score of last year, we stand a good chance of winning," Watson said earlier this week. The sharpshooters dropped last year's meet, 1444-1432, at Annapo lis. However, -Watson pointed out that the Middies tend to have lower scores on the road. Navy coach Kendall Barber has four returning lettermen from last year's team which was un defeated in 10 outings. Heading the list is junior Mike Caputo who won the National Collegiate Rifle Championship last winter. The other three letter men are Web Wright, Ken Longe way and Niles. lannone. lannone is the Navy captain. In an attempt to gain their first win in the last three starts, Wat son will send . the following 10 to the firing line: capt. Rich Gogolkiewicz, Bill Shaffer, Den Brumbach, Walt Estep, Neil An derson, Chuck Nagel, Hiram Wolfe, Warren Grossman, Les Parmele, and Warren Morrow. Against common opponent Maryland, Navy tied at 1435, while the Lions lost their second meet to the Terps, 1443-1418. Beta Sig Nips Phi Psi By AL MILLER Phi Sigma- Delta, Beta Sigma Rho and Alpha Tau Omega splashed home to victories last night as the intramural swim meets moved into their third day. In the closest match, Beta Sig nipped Phi Kappa Psi, 21-20, as the diving of Pete Roth proved decisive. ATO easily whipped Delta Theta Sig, 24-15, despite having to forfeit the final relays, while Phi Sigma Delta topped ZBT, 29-10. Delta Tau Delta won by de fault over Theta Delta Chi. Outstanding performances went to Phi Kappa Psi despite its loss to Beta Sig. Tom Ferguson won the 60-yard freestyle in 33.5, the best time this year, while team mates Gary Mason, Ed Ablard and Curt Bagley joined him for a relay victory in 1:02.9. Beta Sig swept the breast- SUPER SMOOTH SHAVE New"wetter-than-water" action melts beard's tough. ness—in seconds. Remarkable new "wetter-than-water" action gives Old Spice Sdper Smooth Shave its scientific approximation to the feather-touch feel and the efficiency of barber shop shaves. Melts your beard's toughness like hot towels and massage—in seconds. Shaves that are so comfortable you barely feel th 9 blade. A unique combination of anti•cvaporation agents makes Super Smooth Shave stay moist and firm. No re-lathering, no dry spots. Richer and you the most satisfying _shave...fastest, cleanest—and most comfortable. Regular or mentholated, 1.00. stroke with Hank Lubin leading the way, and the backstroke as Roth won again. Phi Sigma Deit swept all five events in its romp over ZBT. Steve Lampf took first the freestyle; Steve Serepca copped the backstroke, and Fred Wolfson won the breaststroke. Al Green's diving and the relay foursome of Wolfson, Lampf, Ed Grinberg and Serepca completed the sweep. Jeff Brown victories in the breaststroke and diving events sparked ATO to its win over Delta Theta Sig. Crier Cooper scored a win in the backstroke, while Chris Kimmel took the only first for Delta Theta in the freestyle. BEAT NAVY aefoe'm PAGE SEVEN