The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 02, 1963, Image 6
PAGE SIX A t 4 /^q '„. - 1,, n Gymnasts -Navy •• ans To 'Expel= .„, By JOE GRATA State's gymnasts, out to w. their third meet and continti , unbeaten, drop the anchor of University bus at the U. Naval Academy in Annapol. Md., today. Coach Gene Wettstone's pe. formers plan to conduct an to official research project durit the i r stay by experimentil against a. "weak" Navy spin with more difficult r o u,t in e They're doing this in preparatir for next Saturday's crucial mei against Army. According to an optimist Weltslone, who usually drafts h. team's blueprints of strategy wit a maximum of caution, the mei with the Midshipmen shoul prove to he a fairly easy one. "I MAY BE taking this Na team too lightly," the vetera boss said. "And in that case w may win by only 51-45. Ou balance should be too much fr them, though, so we could even better than that." This year's Navy contingent one of the weakest-in recent yea: The Middies' only victory of t: season was over Springfield, they dropped decisions to Temp. (59-37) and Syracuse. Last year the Nittany gymna: completely dominated the Na _ squad with a 62'/2-33 1 / 2 victory and raised their all-time series record to 16-9. The lineup for State remains the same as - last week when the gymnasts defeated a highly-touted Temple squad, 55-41, before an estimated 6,000 fans who packed Rec LION CAPTAIN' Torn Seward will compete in free exercise and on the horizontal bar and parallel bars. Vaulting on the long horse IM Results Handball Fraternity Aspinwall, ATO Fedor, A.C.Rho 12-21, 21-7, 21-16 Brodkin, Phi Sig Delt Znbatta, Pi K. Tall Forfeit Hamblin, Phi Sig Kap Hoffman. Al. Zeta Buck, Pi Knp. Tau Hultman, Phi Mu Del. 21-12. 21-6 Compilelll, Theta Chi Sheila, Tau Phi Del. 21-20, 17-21, 21-20 Caum, Phi Cant Delt Notnr, Pi Lam. Phi 21-0, 21-1 Paddleball Fraternity Ligo, Delta Tnu Sig Heiser, Lnm. Chi Al. 21-16, 21-19 Independent Rennert, Lyons II Weiss, Butternut 21-15. 21-9 Burleigh, Luzerne Turek, Columbia 21-0, 21-13 SIGMA CHl's RUSHING SMOKER Open to All Rushees Sunday 2:30.4:30 Penn "State vs. California FOOTBALL and REFRESHMENTS Saturday Special Italian Style SPAGHETTI, Our own meat sauce served with lettuce, tomato salad with oil dressing or creamed coleslaw and French bread sticks Choice of beverage from: coffee, tea, milk, or buttermilk ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK $ l.OO • Penn 9,06 'Rimer * * * * * * will be the veteran F. P. Sforza, Pete Saponaro and Tom Burtnett. Sforza, along with sophomore standout Bill Jenkins and special ist Bud Williams, will also per form on the still rings. Junior Al Porter and letter winners Ray • Cherry and Gene Harlacher are on the side horse. Assisting Seward in free exercise will be Bill Schlegel and sopho more Jim Culhane. Mike Jacobson, another of Wett stone's prize sophomore products, will perform as No. 2 man on the horizontal bar and parallel bars. Harlacher will also be on the par allel bars and Culhane on the hori zontal bar. . Heading the Navy cast, coached by Chet Phillips, are horizontal bar specialist and captain Ed Hutcheson. Other veterans on the Middie squad . are Art Day and COMMUNION COMMUNION Lutheran Service of-Worship SUNDAY --- 10 A.M. • Eisenhower Chapel Sermon: Love God and Do As You Like Rev. Arthur Seyda, Campus Pastor • . . DOLLAR DAYS AT LEVINE BROS. MEN'S SHOP GROUP SUITS IOF ONE GROUP / / OF • A. TOPCOATS DUFFER SPORTCOATS Off COATS Off ONE GROUP OF HEAVY SWEATERS SHAKER SWEATERS $5 56.50 • VALUES to $16.95 = SIZES SMALL & LARGE Every Winter Item Reduced Greatly For This Special Sales Event AT LEVINE BROS. MEN'S SHOP. STATE COLLEGE, PA THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA AL PORTER • top man on side horse * * * Bob Giddens (floor exercise), Lar ry -.Silver (still rings) and. Roger Stetrault (horizontal bar). STATE'S SEWARD, who has won five of a possible six first places in the Nittanies' first two meets, stands a good chance of upping his mark in all-around competition to eight of a possible nine winning finishes. Last year against the Midship men, Seward placed first in free exercise and' second on the par allel bars and horizontal bar. He was runner-up in these events only to now former teammate Greg Weiss. The Lion freshman gymnasts will tangle with the Navy frosh in a preliminary battle to the main event. In their only' start this sea son (last Saturday), State downed Queens College (N.Y.) varsity, 621/2-331h. * * * State Faces In '63 Indoor The Nittany Lion track team officially launches its 1963 indoor season this afternoon when it tangles with Ohio State at Columbus. Although the Lions competed earlier in the year against Slippery Rock, this will be their first scheduled meet of the campaign. The Nittanies trounced Slippery ROck, 6246, on the Rockets new-indooi- track. • The Buckeyes have also competed in one meet thus far. It was in a losing cause, however, ,* * * 57-37, to Michigan State. The Lions will be seeking re venge for an 81-60 loss which Ohio State handed them last year. With nine returning lettermen coach Larry Snyder's Buckeyes could cause State a lot of trouble Among the lettermen, five finished third or better in last year's competition. They are; Bill Huckaba, second in the shot put; Bob Middleton, third in the 880; Dave Paige and Bill Robinson, who finished first and second re spectively in the 440, and 'Bill White, who" came in second in the two-mile run. In contrast, the Lions have nine men on this year's squad who finished in the show position or higher. Those thinclads are headed by senior standout Howie Dear dorff and junior GeOrge Barn hill. Deardorff capped first places in both the 1000- and 880-yard runs, while Barnhill led the .field in the 70-yard high hurdles. The one. area that the Lions are weak in this year is in the sprint ing. However, OSU failed to score against Michigan State in the sprint events, so Lion chances aren't as bad as they appear on paper. "You can be sure that I'll be taking a lot of sprinters along with_ me," Lucas said. "Those points will certainly be impor tant." The Lion coach will probably turn to three men to carry the greater part of the load. These runners will be senior. captain Bob Grantham and sophomore Tom Bedick -and - Bob Manniello. State is in pretty good shape in the broad jumping event. Last year • -CHI PHI presents The Scotsboro Singers Saturday, February . 2 10:30 p.m. - All Freshmen Welcome Formal ACACIA I\4 Y TONIGHT 9 12 Music by . Mike Raymond & "The Midnighters" OPEN TO FRESHMEN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY_2, 1963 By ED CARPENTER HOWIE DEARDORFF . . . thinclad standout * * * Ohio State's Paul Warfield took first place with a jump of 24-3 3 / 4 ''. However- Warfield, who in Lucas' opinion will be the next 27 foot broad jumper, is ineligible this year. This may leave the field open- to Grantham who finished third in last year's competition. Ohio State's Frank Parks is a definite threat in the. long dis tance events. In the meet against Michigan State, Parks took first in both the one and two mile runs. - "They've lost I,Varfield- but now we'll have to contend against Parks,”_ Lucas said. OSU Debut