The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 02, 1963, Image 3
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1963 Physics Still Seeks P A permanent head for the De partment of Physics is still being sought, John J. Gibbons, acting head of the department, said Mon day. There Is currently a list of 10 to 15 persons under consideration, Gibbons said, but additional names are still being added. He said that no deadline has been set for the selection of a FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE - SWEATERS $3.00 & $5.00 BLOUSES - $2.00 & $3.00 WOOL KNEE SOX $1.39 Reg. $2. PETTE PANTS $2.00 Reg. $3. Further Reductions On ALL Winter Dresses -SMART SHOP -123 S. Allen St, ' New College Diner Downtown Between the Movies TAKE A BIG STEP CLOSER TO YOUR FUTURE MONDAY, FEB. 4 TUESDAY, FEB. 5 If you are a qualified engineering stu dent who,feels your future lies in re search or applied engineering, be sure to see the Linde Company repre sentative when he is interviewing on campus. The LINDE Laboratories provide an ideal growth environment for the scientific-minded. Significant is the fact that, in only 15 years, LINDE re search and applied engineering people have created products and facilities which now account for more than half of the company's total sales volume. You can grow as LINDE grows. Contact your engineering placement office now for an appointment. LINDEUN _ N CA BIDE IO COMPANYR- Undo Company , Division of Union Carbide Corporation AN EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA rmanent Head new department head to replace John A. Sauer. Sauer resigned the post last spring but retained his position as professor of physics. - Sauer's resignation was fol lowed by protest letters to The Daily Collegian. President Eric A. Walker appointed a three-man committee to look into conditions in the department before accept ing Sauer's resignation. E.ZENITH Television, Color TV,= FM-AM Radios, Stereo Hi-Fi F" •IArOLLENSAK Tape Recorders _; E•GARRARD Changers, etc. = E A TELEVISION fi F I SERVICE E - • .1" CENTER 232 S. Allen St. INTERNATIONAL STAR TIME SATURDAY NIGHT FREE ADMISSION .444,00 .1 Featurilig , . ...- . Continued Rain, Snow in Precipitation, possibly beg i n- afternoon with rain. A high of 43 ning as sleet or snow early today, is expected. will change quickly to rain and Strong winds, considerably continue into the late afternoon. colder weather and snow flurries The local forecast calls for are indicated for tonight and to windy and milder weather this morrow. NEWMAN CLUB Open Business Meeting and Informal Breakfast SUNDAY, FEB. 3 10:15 A.M. Chapel Lounge Alpha Phi Omega MEN'S NATIONAL- SERVICE FRATERNITY Stressing Leadership Friendship Service Scouting will hold a Rushing Smoker for all Interested Men MONDAY, FEB. 4 7:30 P.M. Dining Rooms A & B, HUB HUB BALLROOM RAMOS & FROM THE WALTZ of Area Weather Picture 9 P. M. TO THE PUBLIC OPEN RODOLFO PHILIPPINES the LIGHTS PAGE THREE BREAKFAST SPECIAL 2 Eggs-Any Style 3 Snips Bacon e3cl T c o o as o t ee B r .l r e e l e ly %.17C Rea and Derick 121 S. Allen St. Lei Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU Through the Looking Glass with Gabbi Here we go again . . We're slushing through the snow again. Sleepy eyed again . Taking a chance on ice! (ouch, it's slippery!) On my aimless wanderings around campus to.: day, I saw several people slip and almost fall on their der- Hers, (excuse my French!) You know it's funnier to watch if they don't actually fall down. There's the first fatal slip fol lowed quickly by an astonished, "it can I happen to me," look. Thus the confused arms and that one ungrounded leg are flung ridiculously into the air in a wild attempt lo retain balance. Funniest of all is that sheepish smile on the face of The Embarrassed One as he shyly lookS around to see if anyone saw him. Click! Was that a Collegian photographer lurking behind that bush? Adopt Me! That's what the sign says at Ethel Meserve's. And when you see them you won't be able to resist, even if you aren't the adopting type. There is an especially beautifully siamese cat. (cross-eyed even!) Actual ly, it's a beautiful 9 1 / 2 x 12 colored picture of a cat, and it's even better than a real cat be cause it's so useful! You can frame it for your own room or write on it and send to one of your cat loving friends. (if you're one pf those people who have dog loving friends, Ethel has "adoptable" dog pictures too). As for writing on them, the picture opens up into a folder and becomes original type stationary. (There are even authentic cat paw prints running lightly across the in side!) As for mailing them, they come in a large, economy size envelope just for that purpose. Price? $l.OO. Purr-sonality Now you can write your letters on stationery with a -purr-son ality all its own. Ethel Meserve has "Poodleerat" stationery for dog loving democrats. Not to mention the darling "Sophisti cat" stationery for sophisticated cat lovers. You get 16 sheets and envelopes for $1.50. Only -11 more days until Valentine's day. Did you get your cards yet? Whether you want the old fashioned sentimental type, or the modern contemporary kind, Ethel has the card for you. (but you'd better buy it now before somebody else does!) See Ethel today, and don't forget to tell her who sent you, (me!) Gotta run, Gabbi r e Aa - g - 112 E. College Ave.