The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 02, 1963, Image 2
PAGE TWO Freedom Rider Will Speak John Maguire, former freedom rider and professor of religion at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., will speak at the 10:55 a.m. service tomorrow in Schwab. His topic will be "Waiting for Some one Alreadti• Here." One of the original freedom riders, Maguire was imprisoned briefly in his home town of Mont gomery, Ala., in 1961. Willa Taylor will direct the Chapel Choir in "0 Lord, in Thy Wrath Rebuke Me Not" by Or lando Gibbons. The Rev, Donald Ts/Leib:ride, di- Dinei Diikih!own Betw6n the /Vievresi film/ HE ENDER' RAP SAT. FEB : 2, 1963 50c SCHWAB AUDI 7:00 & 9:15 Benefit the H.Ec. Student-Faculty Board RE-9 OVER! Today thru Mon! 111 TA Sensational Double A ?NEIL . INGMAR 2 , , , - INC A t ~,.::! Two of the most OPERETTA-TUESDAY Jeanette MacDonald and Alan Jones in - "FIREFLY" AWS Applications for Elected Executive Offices are available at the HUB Desk Executive Officers are President, Ist Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary and Treasurer 2.5 Average necessary Previous Senate experience is required of President and Ist Vice President aspirants Deadline: Noon, Saturday, February 9 If there are any questions, please call UN 54459 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, * PENNSYLVANIA rector of the Westminster Foun dation, will he the speaker at the 9 a.m. service tomorrow in Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. His topic will be "The Intruder." The Rev. P. Barrett Rudd, di rector of studies for the Univer sity Christian Association, will assist in the service. James W. Beach will direct the Meditation Chapel Choir in "Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy's Sake" by John Hilton. Blaine Shover (Bth music education-Bangor) _will be organist. at 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:25 Mightiest High Seas Adventure Of Them All! "BILL' BUDD MAY THE FOR PICTI OF T 1 YEAR " - _ROBERTAVAIV PETER usravov MELVYNDOUGLAS 2FRE*I7STABIP Coming NEXT Collossal Spectacle! "TARAS BULBA" Tony Yul Christine CURTIS • BRYNNER • KAUFMAN in Eastman Color "DARKLY" 2:00-5:10-8:25 "SPRING" 3:30-6:45-9:56 Today Nuclear Reactor Tours of the nuclear reactor, located on the eastern end of campus, will be sponsored by Chemistry-Physics Student Coun cil. The tours, to be held today, will start at 10 and 11 a.m., and will last from 30 to '45 minutes. The public is invited. Other Events Freshman Advisory Board, 7:30 JAMMY • TONIGHT AT . SIGMA CHI with The CATALINAS OPEN TO FRESHMEN Open at 11:00 for Greeks with dates RUSHEES, Did you ever think that you and your date might be- 3 • • exchanging items of clothing this Saturday night at 10? --- Here's how... Hit Lambda Chi Alpha's rty - Pa SWITCHATHON - Remember though, for heaven's sake --- dress appropriately wear "extras" lAMBDA CHI ALPHA 351 E. Tairmount THIS WEEKEND ON CAMPUS p.m., 217 - HUB. International Night . , 7:30-11 p.m HUB ballroOm. Model U.N., 9 - 5 p. m., HUB Assembly hall. Pennsylvania State Education Association, 10 - 3 p.m., 212 HUB. Stuctent Movie, 7:30-11 p.m., HUB Assembly hall. Reverend Boyer will lead a dis cussion of the movie Billy Budd Ice Cream Pasfeurized Milk Chocolate Milk Butler Milk Creamery Butter Tomorrow AWS University Creamery Dairy Products Sales Room SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19 3 p.m. in Simmons Lounge. The program is sponsored the Associated Women Stude Religious Affairs Committee is open to the public. Dance Club The Dance Club of the men's Recreation - Association, rected by Mrs. Helen Hungerfo instructor in physical educati, will sponsor a master dance cl 3:30 to 5 p.m. in White Hall Gy nasium. Jose Limon will. present. Brick Cheese Cheddar-Cheese Cottage Cheese Trappist Cheese Grade A Large Eggs