PAGE TWO $12.5 Million Deficit Seen For Welfare Department HARRISBURG (AP) An an ticipated $12.5 million deficit in the Public Assistance Fund can be traced lo bad guesses made about 18 months ago, the Public Welfare Department said yester day. BUDGET MAKERS missed the mark by more than 10 per cent in the amount of money that would be needed for the relief program in the fiscal year ending next June 30. They estimated the need would be $lO7 million, while the actual spending will run close lo $l2O million, according to the new wel fare secretary, Arlin M. Adams. State License Head Resigns Post HARRISBURG (AP) The Scranton administration accepted yesterday the resignation of the administrative officer for the 16 professional licensing boards. Robert N. Hendcrshot said he had resigned the $10,954-a-ycar job, effective Feb. 4. PTC, 7WU Agree On Strike Contract PHILADELPHIA (AP) Lab or and management negotiators agreed yesterday to a new con tract for settlement of the 10-day strike that has halted buses, trol leys and subway-elevated trains in America’s fourth largest city. Officials of the Transport Work ers Union said they would urge their 5,000 members to approve the proposed two-year contract at secret balloting today. . The agreement retains the con troversial no-layoff clause which the Philadelphia Transportation Co. sought to drop. It was con sidered the key issue in the strike, although wages and other benefits also were in dispute. Michael J. Quill, fiery TWU president, said PTC vehicles should be carrying the city’s half million daily riders again by the homeward rush hour today. Quill told newsmen the agree ment provides for a 33-cent-an hour package increase. Broken down, it adds 20 cents an hour lo present wage scales and 10 cents in fringes such as pensions and hospitalization. uiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiimiiimmimimi^ 1 RADIO*PHONO I 1 • SERVICE • 1 TELEVISIONS SERVICE | CENTER = disc = 232 S. Allen St. 5 Tiimmimimmmmnmiiiniiiiimih? EAT AT THE SIGN OF THE LION STATE - NOW Feat. 1:46, 3:44, 5:35, 7:33, 9:31 STANLEY KRAMER p,«enu BURT LANCASTER JUf A CHI IS W THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA The shortage is the largest sin gle item in the $34 million budget deficit projected for this year by Gov. Scranton. “We were unduly optimistic,” said Edwin J. McMahon, a staff aide who. had served under the Democratic administration of Mrs. Ruth Grigg Horting, Adams’ pred ecessor. Budget estimates are made far in advance and are pegged to the vagaries of the over-all economic outlook of the state and nation. IN THIS CASE, the department underestimated the number of persons who would seek relief by The position reportedly will be given to Alan Emlen, Philadelphia real estate man and son-in-law of Jay Cooke, former Republican na tional committeeman. Emlen at one time served on the state Real Estate Commission, which is in the Bureau of Profes sional Licensing. The bureau is an agency under the Department of Public Instruction. William G. Murphy, secretary to Gov. Scranton, said no appoint ment has been made to replace Hendershot. Hendershot, a 31-year-old Philipsburg resident, took over the Bureau of Professional Li censing in August, 1961, follow ing the dismissal of William J. Kilroy, Philadelphia. Kilroy was dismissed on charges of interfering with the operations of the licensing boards. Scranton plans to revamp the professional licensing setup by creating a new Commission of Professional Affairs within the Department of State. This com mission would take the licensing board out of the DPl’s adminis trative jurisdiction. A/if-TANY TONITE at 7:15-9:15 Sat. 1:50-3:45-5:35-7:30-9:20 thfl ACADEMHWARD winning _^ mr COLOR Wide Screen An Embany Picture) Release Operetta Tues. “NAUGHTY MARIETTA” HELD OVER 2nd WEEK NOW at 1:30-4:00-6:40-9:10 LET ME \ / ENTERTAIN YOU I / A/araLieuooD *l/ os gypsy pose Les The Cnl who put the show hi show business A f Kiwi / OOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOODa 0000000000000000000 in Technicolor - Technirama Starts WED, Herman Melville's Masterpiece of Adventure on the high seas! "BILLY BUDD" Robert -jL- Peter - RYAN * USTINOV and introducing TERENCE STAMP as Billy Budd as much as 25 per cent a month. This past December is a prime example. The department estimat ed 336,100 persons would be on the relief rolls, but the actual count was 451,498. Since last July the actual monthly figures were below estimates by between 60,000 and 115,000 persons. Why? Department planners took the forecasts of expert economists that there would be sharp im provement in the nation’s growth. But it failed to match the pre dicted rate. WELFARE PLANNERS were not alone in missing the mark. The Scranton administration says tax revenues will fall $lB million behind estimates for many of the same reasons. Adams said the public assist ance situation was made more difficult because his predecessor failed to provide for about $6 mil lion worth of bills incurred this year, but which won’t come due until after the fiscal period on June 30. Despite the pinch in the fund, Adams is more epneerned with the future; specifically how to reduce what was a hard core of persons who havp been on relief for years. He said industrial automation and mechanization has resulted in a group of unemployables who have not had training. “And because they remain on relief so long . . . their inspiration begins lo disappear completely,” he said.- “So from a total dollar stand point we are going to have to take, a hard look at the entire program. STUDENT MOVIES Sponsored by TIM Council FREE Every Tuesday 12-1 P.M, 6-7 P.M. HUB Assembly Room France Cancels Talks On British ECM Entry PARIS (TP) France defied its European partners yesterday and summarily. told them that nego tiations with'Britain on European Common Market membership are broken off. Reaction was swift. Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak told the Belgian Senate the prosper ous trading bloc might be wrecked on the rock of French resistance to Britain’s entry. IN LONDON, British negotia tor Edward Heath informed the House of Commons that Britain will press to keep the talks alive with the active support of France’s five market partners, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The day of reckoning may be Monday, when the negotiations are scheduled to resume in Brus sels, Belgium. President Charles de Gaulle’s spokesman, reporting after a Cab inet meeting, deliberately de scribed the breakdown as an ac complished fact, and said there is no point in resuming the talks with Britain. purpose: CONCERT performers*. RAYMOND BROWN LEONARD RAVER PENN STATE SINGERS UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY place: SCHWAB period: JANUARY 26, 8:00 p.m. GOME ON I OUT OF THE GOLI WEATHER INTO TH WARM ATMOSPHERE SAHARA R THE ONLY STUDENT NIGHT CLUB ON C THIS SATURDAY FROM 9-12 IN THE HU FEATURIN Lou Chic and T TICKETS are $l.OO at the HUB D< Supplementing our regular daily menu are many of our regular and special Hot Plates, Pastries Sandwiches, and Drinks featured each day at . . . (Corner FRIDAY. JANUARY 25. 1963 The action by 1 the Cabinet dis regarded the 5-1 majority at Brus sels last week against a motion by French Foreign Minister Mau rice Couve de Murville to suspend the negotiations. THE CABINET confirmed Cou ve de Murville’s position. But it added that. France is willing to study a suggestion from West Germany to ask the - Common Market Commission to look into the state of the British negotia tions. West German Foreign" Minister Gerhard Schroeder is expected to make this suggestion in Brussels on Monday. This might avert a showdown between - France and its allies for the-moment. De Gaulle’s action, flying in the face of the community’s majority opinion, opened the prospect of-.a grave split within the Common Market. Spaak made this point clear in his blunt speech. - “If .the five, other community members must give way to diplo macy based onMmreality,” he de clared, “the economic community will become impossible. If we have to give way, the crisis will be deep.” “It tastes better at The Corner"