•THURSDAIf. OCTOBER. 25.1962' OAS Mem To 'Assist . WASHWdTOI4 Offers to help in the quarantine blockade against Cuba poured in from Lat in iilmericim countries yesterday. Pleased ,U.S. of fi cials' predicted that if tho crisis continues, more thin half of the 19 inter-American allies of the United States will join in' rical action against the atomic "e build-up in Commu nist Cuba. ' , No ipreose tabulation was im mediately! available 'because' the offers'wete'not arriving through centralized channels, but officials said aid' hild been volunteered by Argenting t Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican ltepublic, Guate mala, Honduras, Peril and Vene zuela: The offers,. ranging from naval support to base facilities, Were, in some cases, couched in vague terms. U.S. diplomats were, check ing them out to determine what they might amount to in "specific terms. • American diplomats appeared to be reasonably 1. pleased with declarations of support that have been made by North Atlantic Treaty Organization-lallies. The U.N. has also been confer ring ' on Cuban crisis. Acting U.N. secietary-general, U Thant of Burma, weighed an appeal by 45 .smaller nations, to intervene in an efort to head off a U.S.- Soviet showdown., Later 41 Thant was repoTted to have appealed to Kennedy to sys-, 100 Denionstraii; Ante-6.5. A; 114 shaking. ink throwing demonstration by. 100 youths raged for four hours outside the US.'Enabassy in Moscow. Partic ipants shouted "Hands off Cuba!" The 'crowd swelled to 500 . before it was dispersed by police. TV RENTALS' by itley ' week, month TELEVISION SERVICE CENTER et! State College TV 2.•.2 S. Allen 'Street . ~"--•.huimazitzator..r.43.l3.34 - Somewhere at this University-here is a man who understandi what we are talking about. i J ,~.,- . ~ ~. tiers Offer Blockade Pend the blockade of Cuba and to Khrushchev to halt all Soviet ships headed for that county. Informed sources said he had asked - for 'a 14-day freeze and offered his - offices in setting up negotiations. • , White House press secretary Pierre Salinger confirmed Ken nedy • had received a menage from . U, Thant and would reply to ;it tonight. The creative individual can only develop if he is presented a challenging opportunity. But oppoitunity is not enough. You must hive freedOm to =ppm your ideas; to bring into focus all that you have learned,in college and elsewhere. If you consider yourself creative . . . we hive the challenge . . . we :have the freedom. We need You to help us market our products. Packaging is today's fasteErt growing bulimia function. In 1.963 total packaging salesVl exceed 18 I:Mon_ Experts agree that if packaging were a business and not a function, it would be Ole nation's largest. For the past 35 years, Dow has been e ; central, dynamic Amxe in the packaging field. Our padcal products are used daily by millions of amsumers. Everything frOm cigarettes to photographic film to cosmetics. If you, can see yourself u part of a marketing team that specializes in-creating new ideas and patting them into force yon are the man who knows what we axe talking about ... we 'wonld like to tali to you. The FLEXIBLE PACKAGING SALES GROUP from the DOWiCtUEMICAI. COMPANY will be interviewing on camping , .., THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK.-ZPENNSYLVANIA JUST CAN'T HAPPEN 'MTH AN c a_ r_Nre d DIAN . IOND. RING _With too many Don't be misled! * Nobody sells a diamond worth $5OO for only 3250 ! What you'd pay is full price for the quality you'd be ruing very likely even more than that ! You may not knnit diamonds, but you can use your common sense. You know you can trust a nationally advertised diamond name like Artauved, which hu been famous for over WO years. Artaartled guarantees your 'dia. mood On may '41111E4 point and far lasting diaioOnd worth. Yon get true value.'We invite you to see our fine selectkn. Engagement sings from $75: IC I I[ I 1 I ANOII.I WIND SP . I I. \ .1- Es lEasappoomi Rai 1130.00 Irldis Clothe .... f 12.50 Colve.9e. d;rsioisei. • m4 . .1;..1 L 4 J•welit i October 29, 30 4.• _ • DOW . . • B.liu up it placetnaut adieu (an WPM OPSIOCIArnitY IBMOO,III* [., By The Associated Press Civil Defense Officials Prepare for U.S. New Across the nation Civil Defense agencies and officials sprang into action yesterday to meet with all available resources any emer gency arising from the Cuban sit , 'nation. There was no panic, but there was fast action toreview pro cedures and measures already taken, designate new shelters, and stock Mein with necessities for survival . Numerous meetings at all levels were' called to_•study the current THIS _ -- -, .3 ":",-, .' .. ' (40 4,.. ..., CM" - :...r , c(11 , . -rmr--or ~ tog: -.. ,- ..-...? ' ' and ether - loading magazines ib. o sdi nw a s• shoo MIK AS SEEN IN SUDITEDI state of preparations and make plans for the future. The empha sis was on moving quickly to aug ment present arrangements to the fullest .degree possible. Atfiregt a coltecp4e r -{ a l e $. In Z < vs D Nlx < 7 tp & lag 0 Z tir.a M. 0 Lt.! 2 7 UI n. **IR ROM *JTHURS * NOV * 8:00!n TICKETS: 0,4 SALE• AT 'HUB DesK • OCT 29 SIGMA TATJ Initiates 64 New Members Sigma Tau, national ' engineering honorary, initiated thirty-six new members last !eve ning. A banquet was then held at the-Eutaw House to honor. the new initiates. Sigma Tau recognizes the achievements of students hi the field ' of . engineering on the basis of scholarship and character. SAM Y. ZAMBIX, Instructor in Engineering Mf chaoice was initiated as an alumni member. Frank V. Banos .Charles W. Bierly Wnber A. Blain . • Jerry*. Boger Michael E. Boyar Samuel D. Fiord Thomas W. Burtheit Marion H. Campbell William J. Casper - Anthony J. Chernoske Charles J. Connan Daniel W. Cwytor • Gregory F. Flemming James P. Foster - David G. Fraser . ' Barry 1.. Garner John P. Gibson Ronald. E. Gormoni Henry J. Greslab Fred V. Hellricb William T. Reminder George W. Housevistri Francis X. Hurley David W. laicism Peter G. Juliano Bozo M. Kauffman Ellwood R. Xerkesbigort Ronald W. Xing Eugene W. IClabet DieSind Kr/miler Donald E. Krider Edward W. Landis At Washington it was • ed that the capital's emerge relocation center at nearby ton, Va. ' is being manned 24-hour basis. The new initicnes' are: Ronald M. LatanWon Roger H. Long Stantoy C. Mader .Hugh 11.'11610n* .4 David E. Millar Emory L. Moore Edward J. Mules A. Joseph Nara John L. Panicsla Jamas D. Emir David H. Rich Edmund T. Roberts Duane H. Rockandlow Mantord E. Rydhoins Lao Roornberferr Carl A. Schlappa Jack Shatchaelt Keith F. Shomman WMlinnJ. Taylor _ Henry J. Thacik David H. Townsend Agar V. Trrip Alan C. Yerbil Gerald S. WaJiro Jon W. Wayrdelc Lawroom P. Wennlk Harry H. Willard Larry A. Wooldridgo Edward M. Wylonls William L. Yoder Seigel Tineludr. ' PAGE-