The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 17, 1962, Image 3
WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1962 JRC Tax Approves Revision WASHINGTON (4') Presi dent, Kennedy signed the new tax revision bill' yesterday. He said in a statement that it "will stim ulate the economy and provide a greater measure of fairness in our tax system." The bill carries a $1 billion business modernization incentive feature. Kennedy aimed at the 'avoidance w distribute 1 burdens in fairly and crease :even Various pr( ions are ciesil to reduce avoidance of es on into) earned ,by American panies arul viduals:: in this • J '' raaa.el • country' and abroad. Kennedy called attention also to the .provision for an invest ment tax I credit "Along with newly reyised• guidelines for de predation rat assets," he said, "this credit will provide added stmiulus to investment in ma- -JFK, Plays Host . To Schirra Family WASHINGTON (A ) }--In a hom ey,. relaxed 'fashion. President : Kennedy played -host in his office yesterday to Crndr. Walter M: Schirra Jr., the aix-orbit astro naut's pretty blonde wife and their two red-haired children. The President, sitting in his rocking chair, swapped small talk with the youngsters and dis cussed with the 39-year-old com mander his nine-hour space flight This was the windup of the glary days Scbirra has been en joying since his whirl around the earth two weeks ago. It's back to work now. • Schirra enjoyed celebrations In Honolulu and in Houston, Tex., where- he now lives and got a wild 'confetti ride through a string of-towns -in his native New Jer sey on Monday. • Meni t s Blazers Black or Blue . factory Direct $3B Value for $ 25 Steve Seitchik AD 84718 THE DALY COLLEGIAN'. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA chinery and equipment, and give American firms tax treatment which compares favorably with their competitors in world mar kets." CONGRESS TURNED down the President's proposal for setting up a system of withholding taxes on interest and dividend income; But it did establish requirements that such income and interest be reported. Kennedy said that this will be helpful, whenautomatic processing of returns is in opera tion by the government, in im proving compliance with tax laws. The investment credit of up to 7 per cent on purchases of ma-I chuiery and equipment, is the principal revenue law change that Kennedy asked when submitting the bill to Congress in April. 1981. Gromyko to Confer With Kennedy On Berlin Before. Return to Russia WASHINGTON (AP) Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro myko will discuss the Berlin cri sis with President Kennedy here tomorrow before returning to Moscow to report - to Premier Khrushchev. _Kennedy reportedly plans 'to emphasize to Gromyko the United States determination to defend West Berlin and its access routes against expected new Communist Pressures and to tell him the Nov. 6 congrissioual elections will make absolutely no difference in U.S. policy. THE ADMINISTRATION has been attempting to convince Kh rushchev of the danger of nuclear war if Khrushchev presses too hard later this year in attempting to force the Western powers out of Berlin. West German Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder is conferring here no' with secretary. of State Dean Rusk on what response , the West should niake to challenge WHO ME 1 1 Yes ...YOU I Join the Hillel Foundation , - Jewish Student Organ4ation ONLY $3.00 a year Membership Drive now going on —Discount on brunches & films. A Representative Will Be Contacting YOU • - JOIN ;TODAY U.S., Britain Cheer Congo Cease-Fire UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JP) will receive medical supplies, fuel —The United States and Britain and food supplies under U.N. welcomed a cease-fire agreement guarantee. It calls also for an signed yesterday between Kam- exchange of - prisoners. It ends, gan and Congolese armed forces year-old sporadic hostilities in' as a step toward implementation= northern Katanga that were a of Acting Secretary-Generart major source of friction in the Thant's unity plan l for the Congo. Congo. U.N. sources: close to Thant said Still to' be worked out is a signed in Elise means of obtaining a pledge of the agreement' bethville, capital o f secessionist allegiance by the Katangan Katanga Province, was :an en- gendarmerie to the Congolese ar couragmg sign. But they cau- my. U.N. military observers on tioned also against making t oo the scene satethey were hopeful much out of it at this stage. this - could be put on the dotted THE AGREEMENT provides line today.A SPOKESMAN for the U.S. for a freezing of troop movements delegation hailed the agreement by the central Congolese army as a hopeful development that and the Katangan gendarmerie of might pave the way for the long- President Noise Tshombe pend- sought unification of the Congo. ing arrangements for their inte- He - noted that there is still a long gration. way to go before achieved. Under the agreement both sides . British reaction was similar. Both the United States and Brit ain along with Belgium support Thant's plan. for Congo unity. Word that the agreement was imminent caused U.s. Ambassa dor Adlai E. Stevenson to tell President Kennedy on Sunday there is now some hope of work ing out a solution in the Congo. the Soviets and East Germans present. And U.S. Ambassador Foy D. Kohler had a three-hour confer ence in Moscow iyesterday with Khrushchev, his •first - official call on .the Soviet premier, There has been no announced report on what they discussed. SCHROEDER TOLD A luncheon meeting of newsmen his govern ment. has "unlimited confidence" is' determination of the United States not to permit the Soviet Union "to violate ,the freedom of the people - of Berlin." Schroeder and Rusk began their talks Sunday. The West German leader is expected to confer with Kennedy before ending his Wash ington consultations today. It is understood that Rusk and S chro e d e r are substantially agreed the Western powers cannot permit any deterioration of their Berlin position or any new gains for the Soviets by what diplomats call "salami tactics" slicing away the Western position a little at a time. ICC Hears Arguments For Railroad Merger WASHINGTON OP) More shippers told the Interstate Com merce Commission yesterday they would benefit if the - Pennsylvania and New York Central railroads were allowed to merge. A dozen representatives of in dustrial firms testified in support of the proposed merger at a hear ing before two ICC examiners. They are among more than TO such witnesses who have tesjilied or are scheduled to testify at the sessions. Most of them cited as benefits they expected from the merger to bring improved service and greater availability of freight cars. TAKE A STEP CLOSER TO YOUR FUTURE THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 If you are a qualified engineering stu dent who feels your future lies in re search or applied engineering, be sure to sei the Linde Company repre sentative when he is interviewing on campus- The LINDE Laboratories provide an ideal growttv envimment tot the scientific-minded. Significant is the fact that. in only 15 years. LINDE re search and applied engineering people have created products and facilities which now =mint for more than halt of the company, total saks volume. YOU can yaw as LINDE grows. ContaCt your engineering placonea, office non for an appointment. LINDE COMPANY c449E. Lla Cospol, Slum 0 "um Cartelso Corpitstio• All EQUAL-GPIOATUNITY MOTES PAIN THREE TAratgA ihe Looking Glass wttb Gift! The tigers are coming this week. Get out you nets, cages, guns, bows and. arrows t , beebe guns, pea shooters, etc. Be on the lookout for any stray tigers roaming around campus. Stop them - ---no matter what. Use your 'oie peo shooter, if neces sary. While looking amund for tigers, don't let your beady eyes miss Ethel Monfort Vs. You'll miss so many wonderful things. Stop in —to buy or to browse. SMALL, Smaller, smallest Once upon a time, there lived a very very small boy named Peter Pauper. He was ahays much much tinier than the other boys. So, when he was grownup, he was still kniall only 3 feet tall. It was so so difficult for Peter to hold a normal size book in his small small 'hands. To him. every book was a big big one. One 'book maker" decided to print books to match Peter's size. So, since -this printer was so so original, he named these books "Peter Pauper Hooks." Even though these books are tiny, they are packed full with licierns, or riddles, or recipes, or sayings. or fairy tales, or . Some of the books are "Sayings of Buddha", "Sonnets from the Portuguese", - Japanese Fairy Tales'', "Emily Dickinson Love Poems", "ABC's of Italian Cookery". Many many others to choose from -- at Ethel Moservis. of course. For such big tiny books, you pay only $1 DO each. BIG, Bigger, biggest For all ymi people with big minds or bag mouths (and for you "normal" type people), Ethel ha., big big greeting cards. They're not the usual large studio cards, but a new type. On the covers you will find beautiful drawings sketchy type ones in color of little girls, or sad, clowns. won't tell you the other kinds of drawings. Come in to Ethel Meservo's 'and see for yourself. And they are only 50r or 75r, DRIP DROP ... DING DONG . . . Hear the drips drops_ and the ding donipe! (If you do, drip dropstoo too crazylp The drip drops are for showers and the ding dongs for weddings, of course. Showers, weddings, and anniversaries are always going on. And for the perfect gift, stop in at Ethers. There you will find sOOOO many beautiful things from whieh to choose. How about a wooden salad bowl? or maybe • glass dish? Stop in at Ethel Meservais any time. Just tell them Gabbi sent you. Must run! Gabbi 112 E. Collog•