WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1242 (TODAY ON CAMPUS Lectures • iThe Christian Ethics discussion group wilt consider euthanasia at 81 p.m. in the small lounge of Eisenhower Chapel. • William M. Carroll of the Agri cultural Extension Service will speak at 7:30, p.m. on "Land Re source Development" at Delta psilon Fraternity sponsored by "I t e Tenn State . Forestry Society. . i * • • . • I Milnor Alexander, instructor of political science, will, talk on - p . pech -- the Dilemma of our z i iMes" at 8:30 p.m. in 121 Sparks. e program is - sponsored by SENSE, Students for Peace. The Sociology Club will present _film on mental illness at 7 p.m. 214 Boucke, followed by a dis ision of student experiences .in ental . institutions. i: Today— LUTHERAN VESPEIS - • Thursday (tomorraw)— HOLY -COMMUNION Eisenhower Ohapel . \ - I • - ; • I - \i - 71 1:1 I'l'l t ; . - I , • I "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duos par di visa t svisa es 199I 99 tei - 1 ',' says Romulus (Alley-Pop) Antennas, agile acrobatic ace of the amphitheater, while enjoying a TaTeytim: nrn6 sure does fly when you smoke Tareytiieri," says AUey-( ) op. "Marcus my words, one Tareyton's worth all • ' the Julius in Rome. Because Tareyton brings ypu de gusti -;! - &Us you never thought You'd get from any - filter cigarette.' the ..- - .it 1- .... , 1 . Du!! rater makes the difference , ~. _ . _ • IMMEM Ag Howdy Night, IS p.m., HUB Bus= m. Administration Student COuiicil, 7:45 p.m., 116 Boucke. Chemiitry-Physics Student Coun- cil, 7: pan., 217 HUB. Chess 'Club, 7 p.m, HUB card- room. Episcopal Holy Communion, 9:15 pan.i Eisenhower. Chapel. Gamma Sigma Sigma, 6:30 p.m., 212nrUB. Economics Club , Economics Club, 6:30 p.m. Hoe Ec living center. Management Club 7:30 pin. Lamb 'da Chi Alpha. Men's Debate classes, 7 p.m., 201 Boucke. News I and Views training board me ing, 7:30 p.m., 117 Home Ec. Presi ent's evaluation committee, 9a ~ 214 HUB. Slavin Chorus practice, 7:30 p.m., - Slairic center, Myra Dock House. Women's Chortis, 6 p.m., HUB as serribly room. You Ar 6 Welcome THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY i PARK. Other Events 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. DIAL FEUER Tareyton i+4.14 Ze. Senate Approves (Continued innn page one) . I effect, make ROTC voluntary be cha- man otthe educational policy cause of their selective nature if committee, spoke in opposition to adopted. the proposal.l Schanz. too, dealt with the , Rayback centered his: remarks I proximity of new ROTC pro on the apparent nearness and grams. Additionally he said that, concreteness of Army and Air many problems would arise when. Force proposals whiCh would, in student* switch in or out of the EPISCOPAL HOLY COMMUNION Eisenhower Chapel Wednesdays, 9:15 P.M. with Music Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at 8:00 B.M. Breakfast fellows. ":17...t.1=4,1:7135=W1:1P.r.Mt- - I.: 'in'. 77777777777.77`77, , 1%. : , e. • P 9 aperbacks . .„ e. y " 0 - .4 e. . . .. ip. NITTANY NEWS has lots of them! You're sure ~) to find the edition, you've been looking for 4. lately. Bring your paperback problems to .4 (.. NITTANY NEWS .:. ' 108 W. COLLEGE AVE. and remove the question mark from your mind. w L'L LE L1LLL411,1444 COE PENNSYLVANIA oluntary ROTC-- t+r~rsN,~~sS.Y...«:.i. «~~.._...w.i~ use.-L4~ V. Y : ~i: .. • i~ i f N~ 's ~8 x a <1 s~ i S ♦e R :H 00, Ilungry for flavor 9 Tareyi got it College of Liberal Arta which would have military requirements different from those in'the other colleges. At this point. Gorlow suggested. and the Senate approved without discussion, the amendment which made the liberal arts recommen dation applicable to all students. CREDIT STAFF MEETING Thursday, Oct. 4 5:45 P.M. 731 Sackett COMPULSORY Bring Pens THE. BROWSE New books are arriving by the tons. -It is difficult in a small space to Mention all the books which arrive in a week.' The best thing to do is to come in to see them all. We will, how ever, today mention a few of the new books which we think are important. One of the most beautiful books we have seen in weeks just came in from Doubleday: Bradley Smith's, COLUMBUS IN THE NEW WORLD. The book retraces in pictures and words the four voyages of di.4- covery, explor,/ton, and colon ization made by Columbus be tween 1492 and 1504.. There are 250 beautiful photographs in the book, 11$ of which are in full color. If you give• gifts on Co lumbus Day, what would make o more suitable book? `Want to have fun? Remember ,when you were a kid and made Cat's cradles with a piece of string? A, now paperback has come in. which tells you in words and pictures how to make 107 different string fig ures. A the same time another new chess book arrived. This one by Edward Lasker, CHESS FOR FUN AND CHESS FOR BLOOD. This will be our favor ite book this fall we always liked chess for blood. If you are eating peaches with out washing them, you'll won der that you are still alive after you read Rachel Carson's new book. SILENT SPRING. This will undoubtedly be the most talked about book of the fall crop (Ha! Ha!) One chapter alone deals with the widespread use of certain chemicals and the incidence of cancer in man: ,another with the genetic effectv of certain chemicals. • A sequel to THE JACK ACID SOCIETY BLACK BOOK by Walt KeIIy—INSTANT POGO. Be sure to read. "GETTING MR. ePIG'S GOAT," the Walt Kelly you would not be able to read it you lived In Japan or Canada. The Pennsylvania Book Shop 129 West Haver Ave. "Where Your Education Continues* PAGE EIV,E