TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1962 Trustees Approve Sketch* Plans For 3 _ - Campus - Building PrOjecis Sketch plans for three budding projecti at the University have been approved by the Board' of Trustees, Walter H. Wiegand, di rector-Of plmdcal plant, saidins tenla3N; The irustees . have approved plans for .additions to Willard and Pattee -Library and for, the first unit of a physical sciences building. - • - Ther ,, addition to Willard, con sisting I primarily ofclassrooms, will be:located to the east 'of the preSent structure; extending from Pollock Road south alongi the Mall, Wiegand said. Tl}el library addition wil be constructed to the west ot. the main building, he said. A clupli 'cafe; wing to the- east is also un der consideration , he added. The physical sciences unit, to be located south of Giaduate will be the first portion of a large structure extending from theiPsy- . _ THE DILEMMA OF OUR TIMES. • - A Speech 'by Dr..Milwer Alexander • Dept. of Political Science _ • 8:30 P.M. 12 Spaiks Wednesrlay,,October 3 = • Everyone , invited - SEP4SE • STUDENTS FOR PEACE • E. COLLEGE AVE. QUALITY . FASHION STORE SALE FAM"S MAKE All Wool Socks 69c HUITY in to Schlow's tomorrow and help yourielf to this fabulous buy! Wonderful, nationally advertised (ill-wool socks in a choice of six 'colors: pale blue, gray, black, sapphire blue, charcoal, red. Sorry no white. All sizes. :A NI I) Es • ClO ,• . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PBINSYLVANIA etiology Laboratory - Mirth of Schwab to Osmond. The sketch plans- will now be returned to the General State Authority so that architects can proceed with final plans, he said. • Although the' GSA! allocated funds for the design and planning of the buildings last year, Wie gand said, appropriations for ac tual- construction will not be requested until final architects' plans have - been submitted. i _ Who Authors Article Harold P. Zelko, professor of speech. has publishes:Lan z , articie in the Journal of Cominunication dealing with - Trends in Oral Com munication Training in Business and Ind,Ustry."- The Journal is the quarterly publication of the National Society for the Study of Communication. I~~h~x~~ 2 for 1.25 TODAY ON CAMPUS Tickets Free tickets for•the talk to be given on Friday by James B. Van Zandti (R-Ps.). -are now available at -the Hetzel Union desk. Van Zandt! who is the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. will speak at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Schwab. "fly Sigma Pi Sigma, physics honor ary society, vfill present the film NOMINATIONS COLLEGE COUNCIL Self-Nomination Forms Available at the Deans' Offices Nominate Younelf "Stellar Evolution" at 8:30 p.m. in 119 Osmond. .Myron L. Coulter, assistant pro fessor of elementary education. and John D. McAulay, associate professor of elementary educa tion, will speak on "Adventures in Central America" at an Edu cation Student Council coffee hour at 7:30 p.m. in HUB dining room 'T.". For Positions on Your Monday thru Friday Chemistry & Physics-2f t Whitmore. Eaucathm-275 Edication Engineering & Architectur e- - 101 - Hammond Home Economics-101 Home Et Liberal Arts-104 Sparks Mineral Industries-101 MI Deadline for nominations— Friday Oct. 5 Noon COLLEGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS -Next Week - Tues., Wed., Thurs., Lectures 'Other Events Education Student Council. 6:3 liktua, Hu% Greek Week eatnrott I" 1:111 *M. uua. ICCB, 6.11 p.m., 214 11PD. ]lon's Debate tryouts, I p.m., 2)2 Pershing' Rifler' rush/n. simet•r: 7 11 L'it taltro444. T 174 movies, 4 p.m., HUB sartlobt? Lintrsrsity Chrfttiain Alsockstiott T pAn... Eisenhower Chapel 1. was. Soro►itp Rush Mamas awl 1:30 , p.m. 203 HUB. Elections Next Week
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