The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 02, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO JFK Blunts Port Strike NEW YORK CAP)—Union long shoremen . struck Atlantic and Gulf Coast deep water ports from Maine to Texas yesterday in a con tract dispute. President Kennedy immediately invoked the Taft- Hartley Act to blunt the multi million dollar impact of the walk out-. "If this strike is allowed to con tinue for any length of time," said a White House statement, '!its effects will have grave and far reaching repercussions on domestic economy and upon our ability to meet our- ur gent commitments around - the world.'! Later, an official of the long shoremen's union•annouriced that Seven - other maritime unions had agreed to respect picket lines and -walk off- all American ships that dock in struck ,ports. • THE STRIKE began at mid night Sunday over the issue of productivity on the docks. The 195 affected shippers want the International Longshoremen's As Norwegian Shipominers Stop Trade with Cuba OSLO, Norway (AP)—The Nor wegian Shipowners Association called on its members yeliterday to' make sure their vessels are not ,used in carrying cargoes "to and from Cuba." Norway is the second NATO conntry to take steps - toward bar ring traffic - to Cuba after pro tests in the United States that Western Allies are hEiping the Soviet military buildup of Cuba. Turkish shipowners said last week they had voluntarily stopped their vessels from operating on the Soviet-Cuban route, Autumn is in the Air! Treat yourseff to: CREAMY CANDY MINTS BEST CANDY CORN HALLOWEEN NOVELTIES THE CANDY CANE "Between the Movies" 9:30-9:30 & Sunday Afternoon BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto New Sikes—l yr. Guarantee 112 S. FRAZIER ST. AD 7.7032- Dry debt al tfix sti slept of Went. tftw waft ftsia as maw vaftr a tau skirt or firtagt. MN . Itaal tet:VgiAt Inst e.g, ritiq torukaft sr row sforts p t .; poimit skatift. WSW mitt is I potion/ kiwithnne girt .ado at %Wally built tilts* lnti "taximeti" tlastitited "als-ue pet 14 tufts. nits, laid. On, &Witt. polder tin, /tip Antrise tie , vaaary. Stele Sites: S. Y.l. Xt. resale toes: S. Y, L SHEPARD & HAMELIE SURLINOTON, VUMONT WPM! & MOIL JL c St. Bellegiik TURTURECti Pa Plttfail i . sociation to reduce the size of dock work gang. .. . Advance preparations had cleared most ports of ships: More than a score, however, were caught at their berths. Leis than 10 hours after the walkout began, President Ken nedy set up a three-man fact-find ing board, first step in the Taft- Hartley procedure. It i sched uled to report on Thursday, after whjch the President is free to ob tain a strike-halting ` injunction. It was the fifth time the Taft- Hartley Act had been invoked against the dock union. Alexander P. Chopin, chairman of the 145-member New York Shipping Association, said it was Spank Backs Common Market UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. UP/ Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- Henri Spaak declared yesterday that attacks on the European Common Market by Communists and others are based on ignor ance and unjustified fear. Spaak delivered a vigorous de fense of European economic and - political union in , the - 108-nation U.N. General Assembly that brought him a 37-second round of stormy applause. He said ' if political union is achieved through the Common Market lt- will rank in importance to the world with the - Communist a t. 111.1. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UMVERSITY PARK. IPENNi'LVANIA Currently in .its American Premiere Engagement in New York TOMORROW Penna. Premiere et Luxurious New. :',./vit......:.::4.,.:* I'OttiORROW it 7:30 & 9:15 P.M. We Bring You the- most - hilarious,, uproarious saga in all wartime ... peacetime . or laugh time . . . the craziest monkey business since the invented Terry-Thomas! "LA BELLE AMERICANE" Delightful French Comedy ifitl a ."senseless and needless strike!' He said it defied the President's efforts to tie wage increSses 'to productivity advances. THE 'UNION 'had lermed the strike a form of "lockout?' Thomas Gleason, I.L.A. vice president and chief• union negotiator, said he re ceived a telegram from Antwerp, Belgium, which reported that Bel gain dock workers would boycott American ships and refuse to un load cargoes from this country. - He said he expected sirnilafac tion from dock orkel in Eng land and France. Negotiations collapsed last Sat urday between the I.Z.A. and the shipping association after weeks of fruitless bargaining. revolution and the end of cold nialism in Asia and Africa. HE - DESCRIBED as cold war talk the charges by Soviet For eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko and other._ Communist speakers that the European Common Mar ket was created to support "NATQ aggressions." Actually, the Belgian/ foreign minister said, NATO would run the risk of disiolution if European political unity were achieved. The United States 'and Canada. he added, might find themselvesiso . late& . . 7 . e.s C .. . . . w , t: -- -- • - t. : % •,.. _ , e -, Sthirieci Rody•...tO„ r i - t-,., But Weather Ho ds Key'. - : • • - , ~ CAPE CANAVERAL Fla. (17) -- areas fr m which. Schim woul . 4 Astronaut Walter 1%.-: Schirra Jr. #e recovered aftec..two or three - passed a health examination yes-orbits,_ and thus the winds could terday with flying colors, but du: imuse trouble A they ; continue bious weather clouded prospects strong. I for his planned six -orbit flight tomorrow.l powers said that squalls =Ft • 1 loudin s could affect ;recovexy- Schirra and his backup pilot , ctivitt in those two areas,' but: Leroy Gordon Cooper Sr., corn- eather is not expected to be: pleted physical tests at nearby roblem in the Pacifier landing Patrick Air Force. Base Hospital- eas th t would be used if the Dr_' Howard A. Minneis, astronaut trona went four, five or .sjx flight surgeon; pronounced both in s r bit s. excellent shape. ' . ..„ , _ `0 RS DECLINED. to 1.1-. Pt ____ _ ?SL nate t ht weather odds and re terated at the storm was under :onstan surveillance. : ; bleat r'_ planes located the Otorm - y sterd 300 miles east-of Puerto Ric. Wien the storm was Oiscoverd in the spawning ground f htirricanes, late Sunday,- she wa's 4201 miles east of Puerto Rico. I To agd to the weather Grob-, lems, a cold front moving in from Winds extended from the storm I Texas ii expected to arrive rover • Lt. Col. John A. Powers, infor mation officer-for the astronauts, told a news conference yesterday that no major difficulties regard ing the - forthcoming flighthad developed but that ithe weather situation remains under close scrutiny." • HE SAID a tropical storm named Daisy, 300 miles northeast of „Puerto Rico, was moving north westward at 35 miles an' hour. center for distances up to 115 miles. 'The storm was moving into the MATINEE at 2:00-4:004:00 P,M, DeLUXE P g rfonnariiii TONiTE 8:30 P.M. Glorious Songs! Glorios Scenery! in CinemaScop and COLOR! iost° 33l \ sow , Crit. Olt Atai.s„: "FT/UItINC ANN 0 LAST CHANCE TO BUY SERIES TICKETS ALL 1 1 6 Operettas for bully -4.50 * . i "*** it.. HIGHEST ' RATING! NW.NEWMAN, Ives a . k REMARKABLE Ppr ,RMAIICE!" 'MY NEWS IN A HUM Fitt CAE CLARK i ~n HEMANDEZ IN COLOR and Chlanascope _ Tu4AY. OCTOBER} 2.494-2 he Capie area Wednesday morn ng bringing a heavy cloud cover along I.mith it. NO WRITE! KENNEDY MONTAN SMSBERG TAM NM I HEWN as Battler" ;2►