The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 7
1962 " and editor. discuss publication of the bers of the editorial D overall operation. . ' r 4. •1 _. .0 . r Bldg Fri .7t' 4 • 11;-t4 (I,nlitgititt 4 .r.,,e,„ ~ . .. Photos by Den Coleman and Tom Browne le Daily Collegian. quiet as the tranquil scene implies. The noise of typewriters, telephones, 'fice should attend- the wire machine, Scan-o-graver and assorted staffers provide the proper Le Collegian offices atmosphere for newspaper work. uring the morning . (Special Wide Angle lens used to take this picture WCI3 fllntiAed by ark ler, .the area as Brown, Cent Daily Times , photographer.), R Den Coleman lakes a picture of Freshman Customs Court of oe-chairmen. Herb Witmer and Judi Buffington. Besides 'holography stall develops, prints and makes "the' plastic roused on the pr i nting press. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,19 PHIL GUEST. circulation manager, operates the addressograph machine which is just a minor phase in the process of circulatir.g 9,000 copies of The Daily Collegian.; - . -1 . t , 'N.,:i-v:',:.?:ro: r:' - ir %.,t..4 '.. 5..1„-zi, ~,, , i• cse,r4s.:l4,: , - DAILY COLLEGIAN. , MOW/ PARK. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGIAN OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT 6:30 P.M. 128 SACKETT ROLL PRESSES: At 5:30 a.m.. when most people aro► in bed. the Col legian goes to press. The Collegian is printed on the Centre Daily Times' press. About half an hour after the presses start to roll the papers are ready to be distributed to various points around campus and town. THE PRINTING STAFF at The Centre Daily Times Shop begins its work idler the Collegian office on campus closes. They set the type on the Linotype machines and lben make up the pages on the stone. In the foreground Jim Kidwell, printer, and John / Morris. Sports Editor, make up while in the background Winnie Boyle, adruscid reporter, and Bill Canouse, shop foreman. discuss copy changes. AFTER A LONG NIGHT'S WORK Coil,ip in staffers take a coffee break before going to the shop or back to their rooms to study. PAGII WEN