The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 6
PAGE SIX REPORTER, Rochelle Michaels, interviews USG President Dean Wharton for a' news article. After the interview. she writes her story and gives it to thi City , Editor who checks its content and assigns the story a place in the papei.. The article is then given to the News Editor who checks if for style and sppelling before sending it to the shop to be set in lead. A headline is written front -thal carbon of the story. A CLLSSIFIEDAD IS TAKEN by Pris Spring, ad staff m:rnber. from John Schiffc-ans (--41 adualc s'l...dent—nuclear engineering--- New K:nsinglon). Staff mombcrs ads from local mer chanis and national cornpunies, design, lay-out and write ad copy. SPORTS EDITOR John Morris and other members of his staff prepare copy for the Collegian sports pages. People on the sports staff cover a wide variety of varsity and intramural athletics. including footbalL soccer. baskotbalL wrestling, gymnastics, track, lacrosse and baseball.'' THE DAILY COI,I r EGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. - PENN HERB WITMER AND ANN P AMER. business manager and editor, disco the next day's issue. They plant coordinate and direct the publication of t Collegian. They are assisted in their work by the other members of the editori and managerial boards who diiect different phases of, the overall operatic OPERATION: .-04, Students interested in filling the openhouse at 6:30 tenigh are seldom this deserted as t hours and the editorial staf COLLEGIAN OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT 6:30 P.M. 128 .SA.CKETT THIJ,RSDAY. "SEPTEWIER 27:1962 Collegian Photos by De the empty places in should atton in 128 Sicken.. Actually the Collegian offic: e business staff operates during the mornin takes over at night. Neither, is The area a • • '• .4'. • - .":z.....: ..:„.- t .... 1. :.- -, 3--i4-liSi -z.-:!„, 1 ,; - ...: , - :, - ,...7...,, , , ....., ; :-.-. , :i - . - ;. - 1.-7.?: ; .;, - ,- -- 4,;.!....._:,z1,..-.:-:,.," over the shoulders of co-chairmen. j faking pictures. .. the 'holography si engravings which are - used on the E