The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 5
%THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1962 Pelton Warns Traffic Violators Stiffer enforcement of Univer sity traffic and parking regula tions may be in' the offing, Col. William C. Pelton, director of the Department of Security, said yes terday. Continued violations of regula tions may force the depailment to set up traps to apprehend vio lators, Pelton said. \ TRAFFIC problem is ex tremely difficult and to solve it we, must have. cooperation, from students, faculty and-staff is well as from visitors to the University. "If \the cooperation of students isn't forthcoming we will have no alternative but to make a special effort tee \ enforce the , regulations, which might include setting up traps." _ '„ Peiton said that the action may be taken this week. "So far thisAerin we have been particularly concerned about the parking violations by students and the lack of attention to the reg ulation which bars students from driving on Pollock Shortlidge, Curtin and Burrowes Roads during the day." , Scboter drivers \ ,have been among the biggest violators of the Pollock Road driving ban, Felton added.;- Partly for this reason, he BEAT AIR FORCE 'SAVE SP TO 50% DANCE PROGRAMS Personalised matches; napkins Commercial Printing 152 IL College Ave. AD 114025 BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto New Bikes-1 vr. Guarantee 112 S. FRAZIER ST. AD. 741352 The Used Book Agency Located on the Ground Floor of the HUB BOOKS 'will be. SOLD Today thru Saturday, Septenther 29 MONEY RETURNED for Incorrec 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPT. Monday - Friday Saturday. . Nee-Prefit BEAT 'AIR FORCE THE DAILY 0:)1L.MIAN I UNNERSHY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA said, scooter parking in the Hetzel Union parking lot is not being permitted during the day. Scooter parking areas have been establis' i ed in a number of park FRESHMEN FROTH NEEDS YOU! POSITIONS NOW OPEN ON THE ADVERTISING STAFF MEETING: THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. ; - 215 NUB OLD and NEW MemberslWelcoma y~~ k~s% -17 - 7-T7irz=vn-qr7E. (ÜBA) STORE HOURS: Student Operated SduW Supply ing lots j around . campus. There has been! no change in the policy governing -student driving or parsing during the evening hours. lton said. UPPERCLASSMEN %:%:. Books 1 8 and 29 D :00 1:00 9:30 - 9:30 - It is generally agreed that authentic jazz music is. still not exactly a mass i counnodity. decade has produced a few completely unique jazz artists who have immeasurably enriched our musical culture. Ray Charles. like Louis Armstrong. Nat Cole. and Ella Fitzgerald and precfc•us fevi others, has . the ability to com municate which defies analysis. He "reaches" the complete neophyte just as surely as the most literate, avant-garde jazz musician. or critic. Therefore. it is . especidlly rewarding to see an anthenlic artist of Charles' statiae attain real commercial success. Not generally known is the fact that Ray Charles has been a living legend to many jazz musicians for several years. Even though he hasi performed as a rhythm-arkblues artist, his grSat jazz gifts have illuminated his every performance. Although Ray Charles has successfully displayed many facets of his talent he has always been fasci nated by new possibilities such as the Ham mond Organ; showing once again what'happens when a real jazz artist applies himself to a new situation. Sunday, Sept. 30 MEMBER'S TICKETS - 51.25 ON SALE AT JAZZ CLUB BOOTH (Ground Floor HUB) NON-MEMBER'S TICKETS -4L75 Penn Store Jazz There have been very few singers in jazz who could shout the blues convincingly and be just as at ease in softer stories. ',There have been even fewer who could hue , a band together from the piano at the 'same time. And—if need be—also write the, arrangements. The combin• ation of rare talent plus uncommon craftsman ship produces the timeless quality and innate taste that is uniquely that of Ray Charles. 8 p.m. RECREATION BUILDING ON SALE AT HUB DESK and NITTANT NEWS Memberships on Sale at Jazz Club Booth PAGE RA y CHARL ES Stat Club