THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1962 TODAY ON CAMPUS Lecture Dean of Men Frank J. Simei will. speak on "A Petunia in an Onion Patch?" at 7 pan. in the Hetzel Union main lounge. The talk, sponsored by the Uni versity ! Christian Association, is the first in its series of lectures designed for freshmen. 1 Applications Homecoming Queen applications are 'available at the HUB desk. The. deadline - for returning the forms is Oct. 8. • Applications for the AWS pri mary elections are available at the HUB desk. The forms are due by Oct. 3. AWS Talk4l Thirty - three representatives from the Association of Women Students will speak at junior resi dent meetings in each residence hall. .The, purpose of the meetings is to inform students of ithe structure of AWS, Commtmity conncit. structure and representation, judicial pro ceedings and the forthcoming AWS elections will also be dis cussed. SukomTiffee Suspends Sophomore For Altering Mafriculation Card One student was suspended and three others were placed on dis ciplinary probation Tuesday by the Senate. Subcoffimittee on Dis cipline, Le Roy ' S. Austin, as sociate dean of men, said yester day. The fifth term agricultural stu- , dent who was suspended until the winter term 1964, had altered the birthdate on his matriculation card. , THE ALTERED card was dis covered when he registered for the fall term at Recreation Build ing last week, Austin said. The student had also been pe nalized by the subcommittee in February and that. penalty (dis ciplinary probation) had not yet expired. At that time the student was disCiplined for making mali cious phone calls to students in other residence halls,: - Austin said. In the other case heard—Tues .er and sleeker than some is you see: Our uk-A-Luk" casual h zingy front welt, elastic side gores fine fit. pa Chuk-Allui • t 4 Glick 143 S. Allen THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA University Readers The University Readers will hold tryouts at 3:45 p.m. in 2 Sparks. Candidates should be pre pared to read up to five minutes of their' favorite prose, poetry or drama. Meetings A pledge meeting of the Penn State Camera .Club will he held at 8:15 pan. in 213 HUB for all those interested in becoming mem bers. . "hers. News and Views, the College of Home Economics publication, will hold open house at 6:30 p.m. in 117 Home Economics. The publication will hold its first meeting at 7 p.m. in. 209 Home Economics South and' the senior board will meet at 7 p.m. in 355 Horne Economics. Other Events Gamma Sigma Sigma, 6:30 p.m., 212-213 HUB Greeters Club, 8 p.m., Home Eca- nomics living center. WRA Bowling—Club, 7 p.m., 2 White Hall WRA Swim Club tryouts, A-K, 7 p.m., White Hall pool day, two Ist term students, Mid in liberal arts and the other in the Division of Counseling and a•4th term student in - liberal arts,lwere placed on disciplinary probation until the end of the winter term 1963, Austin said. THEY WERE apprehended by the State College Police Saturday night at a local tavern where they were served alcoholic beverages. The students are all minors. Aus tin said, they appeared for a hear ing before a local justice 9f ; the peace on Monday, pleaded guilty to the charges of drinking alcoholic beverages as minors and each paid a fine of $25 plus costs. The case was then turned over to the University because the student&tiad also told police they were dfffflcing at the football game on Saturday afternoon. Consump tion or possession of alcoholic beveages is not permitted on cam pus. 4 -Cr GSA Loans Funds The General State Authority al located $138,438 to the, University Tuesday for the plannuig and de sign of ;an academit services build ing to replace Graduate Halt which I was damaged by . fire on Aug. 20. GSA[ officials said in approving the allotment that it is to be repaid] from funds the Univ• *ty NEW SELECTION OF PRINTS , To Decorate Your Room-. Ready - to-Nang $2.15 Main Prints 75c l ~ l I.+3'..Ai.iYz/ b.9~i+~i"r~i+'i~ «: ws,.~"h°.r`~c#~ii#'~".'.c :' - I =:-.'~5"+.~''.~.~"i~::.~' ::l - rrir~T` C~~::,:31 :mss o TONITE: "MR. HOBBS. TAKES A VACATION" a NEWifti'ArirAlL :/OIL v THEATRE' Begins TOMORROW MITE at 7:00 - 9:15 P.M. "La Belle Americalnels loaded with high-octan'e' hilarity., "ROBERT DHERY DEMONSTRATES THAT HE IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST MEN AMP or New Building expects to receive :from tire in surance on Graduate Hall. ' University officials have in formed the GSA that a % grant of $2,215,000 will be requested as a part of the next building program for constritction of the proposed academic services building. A site on east campus is being considered for the building, (includes tram• & wire) (can b. prepared for hanging) HOUSE with merriment! 100 minutes of almost continuous get•a-horse laughs!" "Math , . 1 6%11 1 k WW I a nay BEAT AIR FORCE ==E YO CAN TAKE A BIG STEP CLOSER TO YOUR FUTURE That's when the Linde Company rep resentatise will he on campus. Hs will be interviewing qualified engi neering students who feel their fu-. turc lies in research or applied engi-, necring. The LINDE Laboratories, for ample—a t Tonawanda (Buffalo), Speedway (Indianapolis). Intl., and, Newark. N.3.—provide an unusuallyi stimulating enviromrsent for the scs entific-minied to grow and develop. 'The many achievements of UNDO people in research and applied alit; neering have borne a rich harvest of progress: Over half of LENDS"' Cur.! rent sales volume--Comes from prod.; ucts and facilities that did not even( exist 13 years ago. Plan now to save this date tor thal LINDE representative ... and jet and step closer to your future. Conlae4 your engineering placement office foe in app oi ntment. LINDE UNION CAROM' COMPANY _ U4de Cempsoi. 114Iva' of doion Carbide Ciwparinel AN EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY ENIPtOYES will undoubted/ PAGE THREE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 Mapers.• '3 lives Atha'
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