The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO Joint Resolution Permits Use of Troops in Cuba WASHINGTON (AP) Con- All seven who opposed it were gross yesterday officially pro-; Republicans. But 144 Republicans claimed U.S. determination to use :joined 240 Democrats on the af troops if necessary to halt the , firmative side. spread of communism from. Cuba ; HOUSE APPROVAL came after to other areas of the Western four hours of debate, involving Hemisphere. r. i some sharp criticism of Kennedy's • By a sweeping vote of VA - to 7. , Cuban policies, and a 253-140 vote the House approved and sent to i d e f eat i ng a motion - to send the .:President Kennedy for signing'', resolution back to- committee. a joint resolution endorsing:what-1 The recommittal move was 'ever means are needed to prevent : sponsored by membecs wanting to Castro's doctrine from being ex - , write in tougher language, incltid ported to other Latin nations. ! ing some •who wanted to slap a - THE' RESOLUTION, approved .blockade on Cuba or take other 86 to I by the Senate last week.ldirect action. r reaffirms the Monroe Doctrine.! In the heated debate Democrats voices determination to prevent . blamed former Republican Presi the Communist buildup in Cuba dent Dwight D. Eisenhower for from developing the capability of allowing 'communism to develop endangering the United States.' in Cuba. Republicans said Presi and pledges help for anti-Commu- . dent Kennedy was responsible. nisi Cubans in achieving self- w . - The House action capped a day determination for their nation. 'marked by a U.S. pledge to watch Book Dealer Asks Court to Half Colleges' Text Tax Exemptions HARRISBURG (AP) A corn 'mercial book dealer told Common wealth Court yesterday that a' State Revenue Department regu lation exempting .college book stores from the sales tax is.causing ' him irreparable financial harm. The claim was made by :counsel for Richard W. Foster of Phila delphia.. The book dealer ;is chat lenging the regulation announced earlier. this year which exempts! college book stores froth: paying the 4 per cent sales tax. "We are losing a great; deal of money by this regulation," Atty. Thomas S. Weary of Philadelphia said in presenting Foster's peti tion. "THE INJURY is going• on now and here today," he coritinucd, Weary 'asked the court to ,issue a summary judgment as Soon as possible in order to "stop the ir reparable ,harm to the plaintiff." The summary judgment would have the effect of an injunction against the exemption if' granted by the, six-member court; five of whom were present for the oral arguments yesterday...ij Therh was .no immodOte indica tion when the court wotild rule on the request for a summary judgment. Foster's petition was opposed by the Commonwealth, which was represented by Deputy AttY. Gen. Edward T. Baker. New College'Dmer Downtown Between the Movies tuuiitOulfilutulhillininlntutuluninimuluininiumultullukuluinlic: Penn State Catholic Center FALL FREE ---Members Only Meet at the Chapel for Rides GAMES and FOOD glIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM111I11111il111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i• Baker argued that the Revenue Department was acting in accord ance with its assigned duties un der the act. which - he said au thtrizes •it to promulgate regula tions as required bylaw. Wry contended the regulation is "flatly and completely in con flict With the statute and is com pletely illegal." lie said . the sales tax act does not. allow 'an exemption for the sale of books by a university to its students. Aeioie! Considers Quehanna Center HARRISBURG (AP) Go v. Lawrence said yesterday the nation's largest manufacturer of rockets and missile engines is con sidering establishment of a pro duction center at the idle Curtiss- Wrig h••t facility at. Quehanna, Clearfield County. !'Aerojet officials have entered into discussions with Curtiss- Wright and the state, with the ajm of developing suitable terms for the acquisition 'of at least part holdings," Lawrence declared in a statement. aunouricing Our Evening Menu 9 pan. & : on Watch for Our • Specially items PENN STATE DINER "Eat at the Sign of the Lion" Newman Club of the PICNIC Sunday, Sept. 30th 1:30 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA closely the new Soviet shipping base to be built in Cuba and by other expressions of concern over its potential threat to the nation and hemisphere. The. State Department voiced apprehension. some ;Congress members attacked American and European handling of the Cuban issue, an defense 'sources I cau tioned that the Soviet facility could threaten the , Panama Canal. Castro disclosed Tuesday that the Soviet Union would finance and use, a ' port to be - built in Cuba for fishing fleets of both na tions. The docks and facilities` for 115 and 130 medium trawlers will be in Havana Bay, Where Soviet crewsr, would instruct - Cubans in using .vessels equipped with'thod ern electronic gear, :good for both fishing and military- STATE DEPARTMENT press officer Lincoln White told his news conference the only informa tion available so far was con tained 'in Castro's announcement, but added: "Any activity' of the Soviet Union in Cuba is a matter of concern to the United States. "ThiS late: t Soviet attempt to increase its involvement in Cuba will be watOed closely by the U.S. government to determine whether and to what extent it may affect our national security." LAST DAY: "'THE MUSIC MAN" in Color at 2:20-5:25.8:30 P.M. Begins TornorrAw "Woits Are Completely Insufficient To Express The True Quality And Extent Of Eloquence Got Into This Picture!" Spanish Floods Kill 333, Hundreds More Missing. BARCELONA, Spain (UP) Flash floods from drought-break ing rainstorms ripped through in dustrial centers of the Barcelona ea early yesterdaY, killingliun dieds-of people and destroying many factories, horn e s and bridges. By: nightfall, more than,333 bodies had been reported recov ered. _Officials - said hundreds of persions were missing. The injured totaled at Least 1,000. Damage estimates ranged Over $l4 — IT-. WAS THE worst natural disaster in the modern history of Spain. eclipsing the 1959 tragedy that killed 300 in the villages of Rivadelago in central Spain in waters from a collapsing, dam. The destruction centered in a heavily populated industrial cbm plot of roughly 150 square. miles fanning north . and west of Barce lona, a Mediterranean port of two NOW-- 1:15, 3:56, 6:37, 9:18 1..0111.11 i A _ - is a continual cinematic delight. Every perform- -l ance is 'downright _-- _ brilliant." —Beckley, Herald Tram. FOR PERSONS OYER IS YEARS OF ASE - . STAN /PS MIXVIOPIS • MIS :MAMS sol SIAN% T Exto l LOLITA 1••••, JAMES MASON SHELLEY WINTERS.PETEEi SELLERS . 4...,5t1E IM( /10XION *Rll43+ l llOll Starts WED. -- "WEST SIDE STORY" • STATE THEATRE, Stale College, Pas Rita Ttilbk, Winner Best Performance! Aaard.Cannes Film Festival 1982 Norm Melvin Winner Rest Performance Award, Cannes Film Festiyall9o2 "They Have Given Us A Memorable Film. Enough Can't Be Said Foi Everybody Who Had A Hand Or A Role In Itus Fdm. Theirstkliss Delaney And Mr. Richardson) Wu The Rare Achievement 01 Creating Poetry Amid Uoness, Of Discovering The Richness 01 life ln Squalor... A Sweet And Delightfully lingering Thing." —sof r iv CROIMIER, NU TINES aTa o s s e Holieg Wiring of 4 Stisk Academy kinds SKI; los :74s ber.) . IS Snap Sas NI be 1,-49....-•• •-• at.r...; VOW .4 , 4 •P. i 0....246. RAY** h SAL,kie X.14 , 408 . 7. ,1 1>ired% m.o.+ y. .. 16.. J. 11G • It ••••••••-••• TOMORROW at 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:31:1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1962 million that is Spain's chief In-. dustrial and commercial city. Fed by a nine-hour rainfall, flood waters pushed ' along Iby hurricane-force winds crumpled indiistrial plants and cottages in their path. Many persons died in their :sleep as' their homes fell under the combined force of wind and water. Others 'died at work, - trapped in collapsed:build ings. i z The racing waters swept more than two ddzen bodies out to sea. Harde:st hit was Tarrasa, an in dustrial city of 120,000 in a hilly region about 10 miles northwest of Barcelona. In the evening res cue ,workers said Tarrasa had ac countedfor 150 of the bodies re covered and predicted the town's total. dead would pass 200. BEAT AIR FORCE Feature Tomorrow Begins at 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30