The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 11
THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1962 Trainer Jolley Scrat .NEW YORK (W) Trainer Leßoy Jolley said yesterday that Ridan,definitely will not start Sat urday against Kelso. Jaipur and others in the $lOO,OOO-added Woodward Stakes at Aqueduct because of a. cut foot. Mearairhile a field. of from six COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1955 BUlCK—owner :In Mediterranean. Good. safe ear. Working parts in excel 'lenti condition. Will sacrifice for f243.' AD fi-9689. • SET OF Diet:gen Drawing Instruments used 'in Freshman Engineering courses Call UN 6-44145. 19Gb - MGA. excellent condition. Call AD 7-7757. . • 1960 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000. 11,000 &Hes Twiny extras. Excellent throtilhout. 81300 EL 6-3671- MOTORCYCLE 1955 Harley "165" ee. (modified for scrambling) 1175 or highest offer. MUST SELL. AD 84826. 1957 MGA, perfect condition, new tire,, new clutch. Call Walt after 7:30, AD 7- 2139. COMPLETE SET OF Array officer's uni foims. Blues. • greens. TVA,. dacrons; trisuser*---waist 33. length 28 1 1., blouse 11. cap 74 4 . Call :culla AD 7-2038. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle. 125 c.e.. two passenger. Call after 8 p.m. UN 2.- 2 H. John. .G.A. TWIN CAM divisional champion of Northeastern United States in 1961. I.lndisputedly ['Skeet M.G. in United States. Suitable for road' or track. Contact Stese puny, Room 215. Hotel State College. Buie Brubeck Daman Meal Ray CO muff rj,. W a y yo,„ 004 Ton pht Miles Davis Weft a eel The Brothers Fo . • • Andre Previn GM loot Duke Ellington Carmen Mcßae * Paisidee Joe Roy Hamilton Anis , Eros - Vicry Mu ll igan whae it Then To sir The Hi- - lo's -Ersoyih , ro Comm, Up Rows Lambirt, Hod' , , Buddy GO eco the Lidy IS a Tramp Great new record offer (3.98 value)...just $l.OO wheh you buy Sheaffer's back-to-school special! Now wbeci 'yid buy your Sheaffer Cartridge Pen for sehookyoU get 98etworth of Skfrip cartridges FREE...a $3.33 value for just $2.95. Look for Sheaffer's back-to school, special now at stores evtrywhere. On the back of 'the package; there's a bonus for you ... a coupon good for a $3.98 value Columbia, litiited-edition recCsk. It's . ‘Swingin' Sound", twelve top nrtista playing top hits for the, first time on a "12' double-value back-to school Offer good only while they last! So hurry, choose your SheaUer Cartridge Pen from five smart colors... and lstail your "Swingin' Sound" record coupon today. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. U hes Ridan From W to 10 is lining up for the 1 1 / 4 mile event, wop last September by. Bo hemia Stable's Kelso, 1960 and 1961 horse' of the year. Jolley said a cut suffered' in Monday's Discovery Handicap - is healing nicely, but we don't think it advisable to run in the Wood ward." Kelso and George'D. Widener's FOR SALE BICYCLE, brand new man's Riletgh Sports with bynahub generator. lights and horn. Worth d'79.:.0, gelling for VA. Call AD J. C. HIGGINS lightweight hicycle. Oat year old. very good condition, Call AD It 121.1, POCKfT 5fA CN I Da us , c h and Lomb: for Racks ■nd ,Thnerals courses. AD 7-4203. Bob Diroock. ENGLISH BIKE—S 36. like new : 26-inch bike for ns. Call Ted. UN 6-2.349. 1953 iiTUDI:BA El Commander Coupe. Needs work but mkni S SU. Call AD El -2206. MOTORCYCLE for sale. 5011 re -*Peed A.J.S. No reasonable offer refused. Will accept bicycle as part payment. U 1.- 5745. Rill. MOTORBIKE. eleellent condition- Leval fur Freshmen. See it and price• IL AD S-fin 73. - - TWO PENN STATE•AIR•FORCE bamball ticket+. Cheap. Cal! Marion UN S-3+82. PHONOLA RECORD PLAYER. Excellent condition. Half price. Call AD 7 2111. MOTOR SCOOTER 19111 All State Com pact, practically new. Low mileage. ■Pare tire. $1 . 45 or beat offer. Phone changed. Call Al AD '4-2504. • and Stakes Jaipur, BelmOnt Stakes winner and top contender for the 3-year. old title, are, certain starters along with Hobeau Farm's Beau Purple, Robert Lehman's Ambio poise. Preston Madden's T. V. Lark, and Ogden Phipps' Hitting Away. Beau Purple won the Su burban and Brooklyn Handicaps, beating Kelso in the Suburban. FOR SALE lib/ RENAULT Dauphin Delux. Condi. tam ruarautart“-S mouths remaining on manufacturer's. Warranty. rrice.l w sell. AD 7-4412. [ LIGHTWEIGHTI AMERICAN BOY'S Dike. like new. Rimionahle. Call Pete AD 8-2040. TERRIFIC Mill Girl's Enicfish Budge Bicycle. excellent running condition. Origi nally $65. saki*/ sat). Make offer. Call UN S-6000 alter; S. Gail Radcliffe. FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDENTS, Upperclassmen. Comfortable rooms. running water. OHs sate bath. central location. IDouble or +Male. r Qiiiet.lcondocted for rest and study. The Colonial. 123 W. Nittan,. AD 7-7792. AD 7-4A50. Mrs. Cox. HEATED GARAGE at Beaver Ave. and Atherton St. $lO a month. hall AD 7-1344, ROOMS FOR RENT: ?yew campus. 20 S. Puith. Smelts. $lO Myr weal: Double's. slb. till available. ADis4slbr. •0111000114••••••••••••••••••••011.• WANTED •••••••••••• FIVE: WAITEItS wantedh••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• for meals sit days a week. 0411 Al Harlin AD 7 4144. Tllll4ll MAN ;for three room arsrtment. Metzger RtiiWing'. AD i4 -Irmo. SHEAFFER'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL New cartridge pen with 980 worth of cartridges FRU. $3.93. VALVE FOR $2.95 SHEAFFER3 em••••e• ••• POE•ree, now ••••••....a. IVERSITY PARK. • PENNSYLVANIA ROOK WANTED desperately. Single or douhle. Nort.linkohrr. Al. AD 7 211 S. NEEDED: FOVRTII Id 4,N for apartment at 4000. S. Allen St- Call Steve Ferris' AD- v_o3lll. • TWO BOYS to work in Boarding 3 nieai• each day Ircorpt sliadaY. C.I! AD 7-7141'. Promoter Plans 1962 U WILMINGTON. Del (R) Henceforth the . , annual Liberty Bowl football game in Philadel phia will be played for charity. Ambrose F. (Bud) Dudley, pres ident of the Liberty Bowl Asso ciation, made the disclosure Mon day in a speech to.the Touchdown Club. The game has had rough going financially since its inception in WANTED THIRD MAN heetied to share rentrel house, on Spring Creek,"ll — ardleo camp4l4. Winter expenses about Vs we mouth. Call EL 5-1124 atter 7 p.m. EXPERIENCED DRUMMER wants work I with eNperiencesi group. AU 7-2926. ask' for Torn. . FROSII CLTST‘IM'S VIOLATORS by The euatome Hoard. Violator 4iiiNa available ■t ItUlt desk. Waring Wong, a n d Pollock dining hall. DORM CONTRACT mu.t- Lr 3..01d for F...“ 1 Rails room. Contact Stan Solkowits CN 5.312 J if you arr Interested. WANTKI): A DISIIWASIIKR and ■ liVaitet for Drlta Sigma' KELP WANTED WAITERS AND Diahataaher. wante.l, Call catrrer AD S-'14 1 2 I. PAGE. REVEN- rty Bowl for Charitj - '1959, This year's game is sched uled for Dec. 15. Dudley said the Liberty Bowl Charities A_ociation would be non-profit, adding that the mayor said he could give more support under that setup. BEAT AIR FORCE HELPWANTED HELP WANTED K ITC KN V.I.P wanted Van took at ATO. Al) 7 704. 'IAN WANTED - full or pkrt-ttnw. Rc t.rrienrni ea eakanot work or ftn• WOOd• 'ROT It, to do picture frarntnkg. Intim* voljuktrsi M ability AD 7.01 f: K ITCUEN oilikkiwashrr. and wait efi, Theta Deft* ehi. Call AD :-110:, akk for rook or caterer. TWO W . IT rRN work - for meetly. Call AD 5 1, 0407 or AD 14 , ....0,412... 'trot fool ootos. WORK WANTED •••••••••• ••• 000000 •••,•••••••••••••“••••••••••••• DRUMMER.* rsprrienn.Q. oo.anAbl. C*ll WM* 999999 •••••••••••••••160•••••••••••• AIWA lOTA AIXIIA enevrit% pin A t Azri Siouniny nicht 4; nit Lai , 11N 4.410 lAIST: TAN It A. Ilea'OAT at tratorrolt* party ,Ariturrints .title. l Aar. youvo. C*l.l [hang. UN 7. 213X7, 14/Y.003A1 - taken 14 nii%iuke , •t Pi K•pptt Phi op Saturday niiiht. %outs, Call UN ,!..1:14. 1 On; 'S3 e1.A:48 It1N1: loft to It 6 Vet , nt-Rtv Whitt. roitt with itrt`trrt ttittne. 44.00 re.nrt. Chtl O.wohy UN LosT F.N(oNtwittNc. MI(14 12 WK.► otrt.i.lo ULIA . Alan.iwt n , trrnotttt. I. r t .11 AD tt , t0.22, - hied. I.4ls'r , 11M1(11.)N I`I,IISF at l'hl Kappa T.." 1 Jikennq Satur.l6). Itrh■nl Cad! Shim 1-110.111-. 1.1);:r TAN It 114 N(1) Saturd tv n light . 1 $ Veal call l rrn, I. N 101t3.... LOST cot.n 'ofitAwt. lelmtv of ti. Alin. Roo wt.! roll Starter I'N rosv:D. T (fst NA I Nro4T fakyn by n..isturbo rn MoYdry• I bw. oar.. Csil b.:IYY. ITN b 1111111. r•I ti 4 ON Sal, night ryfb..byt, by lit blur li , t4isk wttH, itityl , as lictlybi: 11..yAnreb Siwkii , UN' imsT: Hints ttimmEti ln - jrryn, tter rAnn on /Swots.. Rani, l'N vino. BLACK! ktNet)Vr .k.E. Set. ;thsery 'NOTICE AAt to,;:ls ci v at Kim (".4.11ta, ftuterv.itvmet., ! - '4l24tt•la tie 11.'011,0. Tlanal KIM MISCELLANEOUS ........... ... No. I . tiCIF. reNto. Ukh Elwyn. .., ht..‘ser r3ll An • A.; P.2_,vc•n[rigy twsvp,..; C • sm4rra• can thitritt. IWL AD 7-2074. Ilitt A' 111 , 71710. PENN ST %Tr. I . for , * Ciaintrok. A I 4 111CN: 'the COLl.Vt.l,ktti 14 ano hook on - omornOoo with r. moo tend eihr namio onond. Roolg Plido• r. rma b k . Li tn iu t d b, , ,,, 01.1444gr run •voilsblo. l'..ntiort Jolt Itt4rocrA 1-74v1., Tic If A KT— Th.. C 4 *mkt. - Music Pit r• :ultat• Cu; tut' tiMet /41111ir and a Camtsl.4e butt itihkr)t 16t.air Xopry ire. Att. t kpu. ltr.nk+.7-snd Mlbattalinc . . . ... > 1100Ki.11 IttE it T.rwtodlourff, 40 -N Groot lit two 614.-4, off %to hit..., o.tion erst•Follr ralettol vnlornal ft., your - hrtmolfilf NOW.- or .. 1'..,1, Hort. Out of• Pr int. liestoollobro or rPt, ()pen Mill *WI wrouvUuwqr -.— 1.1% A liN f 01.. K I:11T lilt I v , of•Aokiwoll lo .ttortit ni la ' , light-hand ~.tY'.. Ifl.orleriltir o-ri....... colt - Nina Al) ii :iii" ,- . •- ..-.. _ Nit a11:i1..... a',..." Is herThY .: 11. ." "' Patrol, on Thor- Poonarivools htale if voy4lly •It in ;if viambiiiin 0( * num hi.r et i f laryci , * l'on n ,l oh or tamoql the. tompult. 0vr0.1 , 4 unkist n. Orrforro - arr. I p0..1011 ta rh.on their h yrloo, of Poldro•• lolow by fort.orh•sv proper Wont:ft...Kt:ow Ittryokkir not rtto.iffrort w ti b. rot, • larfc vi .I. 4 f o imik.ll and le.ttort ma dosie. ...t , oiblie .u•-Gaon. Miff 11.14/ : ' Caino AO Plitt...l. f,,prOfW r'. ,1 .11r. I:niV.illit Y P,I,X, PPA A. VI Y AlliA .4 A 1.191 A PHI )14 El ;A. men'. ootYiko • fro , tarbitY. lowil You tu A ltuithing Solokor, on to/. I •t.lii in lIIIIs 4jniny loaapaw- A awl O. I YAXOYHONIHT. ill typo* of mow c:sig 1 1. :`; r&l4o+ Wok for St y.., itera• Im. rtwAisiftrif; • gIIcIAL CHAIRMEN: Wairth hwy. w. stain! Th estalinwt,••• prinkilnit " . .bolueniss • " sound* kw anoth.r C:vntort : 141. 11N 6.031, gr;ittitrrito :TA it work., ft . awrrienejol. Can ,txl. P.A. Oaf, *ll RA ft proxrmaii,n , ■ntl 100 0 • t "vit 1146 Ruth, UN 4:-Astlki. THU EAST *HO...m* TIIV. I", 121.* at AOPI J *pont** T.* Pi t v ALPHA I.ANIHO A DKLI•Ii MtrofrorAphip r.irtlifitatow Po, plpring init4lo... &reit *MP at 1.211` Grimm Hourr: 142. 1.4. ivrww;iai "CL AI ' Cotittulfr. C.llO, tali bletsie 1:40 144 x. Sept. AO. Ht.lltio Yostar Park. Gftrisirl. 'mot. CATHOLIC' f,Y.STIO4 Kira Party. Oct. Wind ' Fro far stew,' 5 , tr. Via.a. Chstiol Ltroneer. WHICH AIM . 1...5d.r- or a fol. USW.? If via Pa a, !ratter, and at. ea ,. rolled in Artily ItOTG a* it frnhmsn, prosebonseArr, of lutskrt, tluerref odily ode thine you eat do to delittmo your Cone' to tit. rux n.a molorr of the A 040. tkm of the ILA. Army at a . m.. day. 0.1. i os Tor. warn., 14..• a A.m... a tya tem of Awry. a...ammo and Natlifralellik and 11141 ler, ref...4M