The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1962, Image 10
PAGE TEN Liston PfOMISeS rOtterSoll.Rematth; Fights - ContOnders s 'As, They Come' • -- CHICAGO (1 1 1 7)- - 7A smiling, wise-cracking Sonny List? promised Wednesday to keep phis word about giving Floyd Patterson a rematch—even it has to be held in a training ia4np, After that, the n4ir world heavyweight boxing champ said, he would fight the contenders, "as they list them jin the book; Liston appeared at a noon news conference with the harassed pro .moters who tried to explain the government's move in seizing some $5 million of the receipts ;of Tuesday night's fight. The 28- year ;old champ abandoned his 'training camp scowl,. chewed gum and grinned as -he - parried the questions asked by some of the, several hundred newsmen. THOUGHT I'd get him much: earlier than I did," Liston said of his gnockout over Patterson in 2 minutes. 6 seconds of - the first round. Somebody asked him to compare ' Patterson with Albert Westphal, the German heavy weight who also was a first round victim last Dec.-4. "Well, I wouldn't say this fight was easier," Liston said. "A lot of people.iook only at the time in the ring: They don't know how much time and aggravation I went' through before. Like in the training camp with the newspa per men . ` A fellow would ask, Tunney Calls Fight 'A Terrible Hoax' SEATTLE (AP) Gene Tun ney called the Sonny Liston-Floyd Patterson fight "a terrible hoax" yesterday. The former world champion, visiting Seattle on business, viewed the title fight Tuesday night on closed-circuit.-television. "The people who paid were bur glarized," Tunney asserted. "When you put on a fight and ask people to pay for it you must have some sort of guarantee they will see a show. "It is shows like this that are rapidly killing boxing." Tunney said he believed Patter son went into thq -ring a fright ened man. r. "lie was so frightened he didn't even box, - said the man who re tired an undefeated champion in the late ]92os. New College Diner bo'v.i..c.% , Between th.P/Mcvies introducing . . - INTER-VARSITY - Christian Fellowship FROSH.NIGHT Speaker: Skip Drake I.V. Staff Member 7:30 Sept. 28 ttt Routh THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVIiRiIIY PARK. t PENNSYLVANIA 'Sonny, is the sun shining?' I'd i • The champ from Philadelphia; tell him to loOk for himself. And !via Pine Bluff, A'rk. and St. Louis, he'd say 'I want to hear it from lis obligated by ,contract to fight you:". .... ... 'Patterson agam,, if Floyd wants .- . . _ Liston, unlicensed in New York because of his criminal record and the boxing commission's "pattern of suspicion" that he still might be associated with per sons of unsavory background, re newed his dressing room plea for a chance to prove himself. "GIVE ME a little time," he said. "Allow me a chance to pr ov e I've been rehabilitated Jack," to Jack Nilon. his adviser. °Rehabilitated," said Nilon. _Al p lea / 9 4i Ome g a MEN'S NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY invitai You too ." ' Ku.ihtng Strioter • OCT. 1 at 7:30 in NUB Dining Rooins A & B . MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT* . • to render service. •Previous or present effilintion with scouting nurietnent " I (can be fulfilled during pledge period). •Satisfactory scholastic average. - COLLEGE MEN Part Time Employment for Fall A few openings exist for men wanting to work en ci part time basis during the Fall term. Only those with neat appearance - will be interviewed. Working schedule will be arran Interviews by appointment only • Special Sale . EXOTIC - AQUARIUM.FISHES • Green Swordtails 4 'sl,oo • reg. "$1.56 value • . Neon Tetras 511.00 H reg. $2.45 value Blue Moons 4 'sl.oo , • , reg. $2.36 value Zebra Dallies 4 /SIM reg. 51.56 value COMPLETE 10-GALLON AQUARIUM with pump, i filter. heater, and all supplies to set it up only $19.99 `. reg. $25.00 value We carry a complete line of Architect supplies: lychen. l trees and shrubbery, modeling cempound, earth. grass. lees. etc . .; BALLENGER'S Pet and Hobby hop 104 W. Beaver Ave. it. . Patterson said., Tuesday night, before leaving 'll.y car for New Yea with his wife, Sandra, that he wanted to rematch but would make a definite decision In a week or so. There was a $1 million penalty clause in the contract to make sure Liston would go through with a return' bout and all but $50,000 of his purse, estimated at about $282,000 was held in escrow. CALL Mr. Young AD 8-8992 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. for interview appoiniMent Giants App Pressure to SAN FRANCISCO (AP) San Francisco's Giants withstood an eighth inning I three , - run pinch homer by Stan Musial and beat St. Louis 6-3 yeiterday to keep the pressure on National League leading Los Angeles. Tom Haller' knocked in four runs with a dpuble and two-run ;;;:: CAMPANIA'S SHOE STORE and REPAIR t>~'e ~"';4 J=_ GIRLS --, Dyeable Pumps Mandarins by Citation nf LOAFERS square or tapered toe styles - MEN - Latest Styles In OXFORDS o 1 LOAFERS Wall-Streeter, Foot - Pats, Apache-Mot IN THE CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER .._Terntimres f,%* -41Z.,* HILLEL, CALENDAR, Friday Rosh Hashanah Eve Services 8 p.m. Saturday Rosh _Hashanah Morning Services 9*a.m. Mancha-Maaßv 6:45 p.m. Sunday ; • Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service 9,: a.m. • Mincha-Mairiv 6:45 p.m. Monday Hillel Bigirmers & Advanced . Hebrew & Yiddish Classes— - Organisation Meeting - 8 p.m. : HILLEL FOUNDATION 224 Locust Lane ROOM & BOARD BEAVER HALL TERM RATES - far • • Board and Room: $230.00 = $240.50* "Includes $5.00 Returnable Breakage Fee Advantages Wirth Considering . . . • For your channel television • Clean: pleasant roc l imr • Family-style meals (no standing in line) • Convenient to town and campus Make Reservations Now for Fall;Terra • Ask for llrs. Gutz6t— IHURSDiY. 'SEPTEMBER 27; 1962 Um Dodger NL Lead homer. Orlando Cepeda belted a solo home run. Southpaw Billy ,Pierc4 pitched seven brilliant innings for = the Giants, :giving up only three lilts and not walking a man. ' Cepeda's 33rd home-run, which appeared to be only insurance when he rapped it in the sixth, proved the winning tally. 317 E.-Beaver Ave. $ 8.99 Includes Tinting