PAGE S!X A DEJECTED FRESHMAN tells his tale of woe to the Customs Board. This is only one of the many freshmen who have dared to violate Customs rules and was punished for that boldness. Today all frosh will greet the upperclassmen they meet on campus. University to Receive Building Bids Seated bids for the construe-'said yesterday. tion of four new dormitory units,l The timetable _for the construe two in the Pollock area and two tion of.the dormitories, Campbell in the East Balls area, will be re- said, calls for their completion by ceived by the University Oct. 25, June, 15, 1964, so' that they may Stanley H. Cam ell, vice presi- be occupied at the start - of the dent for business administration, fall term that year. . 2AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUMMIIIIIIIIM = f.- -. Tryouts for THE cUNIVERSITY READERS Thursday, September 27 2 Sparks Bldg. es.ndidates May Read 5 Minutes of Favorite Prose *PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE utimiumummitiminummimmitnimmiumimmunimmimut7 3:45 'p.m. Poetry; or Drami Selection THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Froth: Violcitort - - P.,lnishi4 By DONNAN BEESON Students and faculty were pro vided with a minute -by-minute time report between 12:30 1 - p.m. yesterday outside the Hetzel Union -Building. The persOn who provided this vriusual serv ice was a Customs violator. When asked by the Customs Board If he enjoy e 4 ' , doing this penance and felt it was, wort - while, the freshman",s only. rep y was "rm hoarse." ANOTHER .VIOLATOR sported a sandwich board all day yester day and collected the signatures of 40 upperelassmenl He reported that he thought the experience was very enjoyable 'and valuable in gaining more school spirit. Both violators were asked to repeat the words Of the Alma -, I 1 1 .- 4 I :';! • , . f: ; . 1.1 -- 1 -P• ,f 1 • Mater and the Freshman Oath and then dismissed, • • Despite the rain yesterday, sev eral frosh were repoited to the Customs Board for violations ranging from not carrying the Freshman. Handbook .-to being rude, to an upperclassman. For the remaining days of Customs, Joint CustOms will be in effect. Today will be Salu tations Day. All 'freshmen are required to. speak ,to all upper classznen'whom they encounter. The greeting may be• anything as long as it is polite. Slightly intimidated by being apprehended,l the freshmen re ported to the Customs Board last night and were given, punish ments effective today. • In answer to a question con cerning her lack of school spirit, xxxxxxxxxxx,x j x.oxxxxxxx - FRESHMEN 04 Hear -i i >4 1 54 Mr. Frank Simes,lPean of Men - )4 04. \ '!A Petunia in an On ion Patch" . 14 01 ' I >4 • )4 Thursday, September 27 , • >4 )4 • . 7:00 P.M. HUB' Lounge _ )4 Sponsorei by University Christialn Assn. Student Group M )4 X X X X X X 'X x X X X X!X x-xxXix"xx e expensive Icl lck out all i • Ir. I' • • f _ :11 Lt . *1 01' . I for thO •After receivinb dad':, answer take Your present wardrobe to 10: 4 .1 1 . When they're finished cleaning and' on it with their famous pro fessional touch ... it will look as good as new.— - IFor those of you who got the money from, dad, how about letting The rest know how you did it. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26;1962 one; frosh complained 'that she just wasn't "with it" yet. To , help her ! in her quest for some spirit, the frosh is •writing a short essay on , the value of 'Customs and school spirit. Another frosh will be seen Wearing a sign reading "Walk, don't run!" in an effort to Make her, understand that it is not proper to run into the ladies' 'room when asked to, curtsy. A.. GUIDED TOUR of the cam pui will be given today at 11-a.m,, starting from outside of the HUB. Th'e guide will be a frosh who • poi only, didn't know the Fresh man Oath .but also had forgotten hi handbook. The tour will: eon chide at the Obelisk, where the-- freshman will give a - short talk oni the legend of. this landmark. All Students are welcome to -join :he ;tour. thing' you want. I'M=l :Sl`' . ney. 1 . ] : ' 3 d i : 1 • 4 t• ;:€ 1 " ;: i ' /i, I. i _ii': i :il 1:-),.: -::" . 1 1' r '.l , :::;_r.Z.lll:.t:V; ::".^ 1:"" 4 , -• ''-','oA t ';' It ',,; , 1 .:' , - ; -1 :7 ." a , rt. •,' , ..." .4.- , :' , .1 , .t,t, ~..„' .; ~ .,•1 1 ,::' :1 : 14* - ' 1 , - '.l , : jr . , If Id ',', ‘ 1 .14 ,:":".' .f. ', l . r..",:c.;;;4,-..77 1.4 d 1 , 1,4131- :. ; .-- 1 ' 0 i ., r .1,*-I - ..: ::.:1 •:' , 4,.. ,;,,„.. , ' r l- 41;': • P r- \% l ' i: v• , ' , 1-"Ilt..„"t; t , ~...', r _. r ,- , -4 - 4 - - 7 . 1 . - ', 6 ' ..,4 '".. r1 ,, -..„.0 . 1, , , ~ ; 1--- :` ' tom: " i. : ; 14: • - I • 's =IAN