PAGE TWELVE I - FC Approves Scholastic Penditiei A supplement to the scholastic program to set up specific penal ties for fraternities which fail to meet certain academic standards was approved by the Interfrater nity Council last night. According to the supplement, if a fraternity fails to maintain a cumulative average of 2.35- or if 25 per sent of its members does not attain a 2.000 All-University average action will be taken.• !If .a fraternity fails to meet these requirements one or two terms, it will receive a letter of warning from the IFC scholastic committee. •If the requirements are not met for three consecutive terms, the fraternity will be excluded trom participation in Greek Week • and •Spring Week. •If averages are not raised the fourth consecutive term, the fra- • New College Diner Downtown BetwePti the Movies "Tareytan's Dual Filter in dual panes divisa est!" says Ursus (Bear Foot) Sulla, popular Coliseum bear fighter. 'We animal wrestlers fight tooth and Claudius to get to that first post-fight 'llireyton," says Bear Foot. "illy a, couple of pax and 'enjoy flavor—dc gustibus you never thought you'd ,get from any filter cigarette!" - El , , , ills- DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY; PARK.; PENNSYLVANIA ternity ,will not be permitted to take part in intramural spirts. All new. regulations -will go into: ef fect beginning this term. rt was also agreed that the Sig ma - Chi improvement trophy, ROOM & B O ARDR At 2. BEAVER HALL 317 E. Beaver Ave. TERM RATES • • for Board and, Room 1230.00* $240.50* 'lncludes $5.00 Returnable Ryeakage Fe• Advantages Worth Considering:. . 1 .. , • For your leisure-hours--5 channel television. • Clean, pleasant rooms • Family-style meals (no standing in line) 3 • Convenient to town and campus Make Reservations Now fori Fall Term —Ask for-Mrs. Guenot—T7 1 " • - . • 9 , '• I 4 . • i ^ • awarded to the friteruity whose' cumulative average has' shown the' greatest increase, should lie awarded once a year at the IFC workihop. This trophy, was pre viously awarded each Iterm. I uavmud&agar • f• elb bandit 44'44a4eurfaig:4••776i4aw• . ;t_ Ad ;Agency Hecid N[ a g ed Journ Prof • - Howard L. Gossage, president pr ch he takes in the creation of of the Weiner and Gossage adverr ad ertisements. He has been in tising 'agency in San Francisco, the advertising business for 14 Cal., has come to the Univer- years. . sity,' as a - distinguished visiting He once built an advertising professor in the School of Journal- canpaign for Quantas, •an Aus ism during the fall term. : trailian air line, on the slogan: - Gossage is kno w n for -the l "Fie the first one in your block to humorous and intellectual ap. 1 wi:n a kangaroo:: COLLEGIANH. cLASSIFIED,S, FRESHMAN ENGINEERS aced used • drawing instrument; and other drawing eQuipiniest. EL 4-9292. FilliC3C--owner in Mediterranean. Good; cafe ear. Working parts in excel• lent condition. Will sacrifice for 2295. AD 1-9651. JAZZ LP.i for Sale. Good condition. Call Al UN 6-6669. 9. 952 CHRYSLER Imperial. Hardtop V.A. New ialve job. lood tires. new paint. Phone Al) 8-A521 or EH Grad Circle.- 19&9 GREY RENAULT—cIean. excellent running : condition, seat belts. Asking 9425. Will consider best offer. Frank,. AD 8-3739. MAN'S BICYCLE. Used. SIL Cell "AD 8-131311: - FOR SALE PERILLA. leas than one year old. 260 et. Call Howard. AD 15-67111. GIRL'S ENGLISH. Bike—llke new. Call AD A-9862 ask for Gary. PORT ABLE T.V., brand new. Will sell for % of price. Call TIN 5-7049. GIRL'S ENGLISH Bicycle $lO., UN 6-41343, Judy. e 1960 "ALLSTATE 126 're M.C. 8126. Call AD. 714126 between 7 and 8 p.m. SET OF Dietzteti Drawing Instruments, word in Freshman Engineering courses. Can 'UN 6-4853. - 1 1962 RENAULT Dauphin Delux., Condition gUaranteed-6 months remaining on mann. facture?. warranty. Priced to sell. AD 7-4412. for flavor? Tareytonts got it FOR SALE 111IESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1962. FOR SALE laba NIGA, excellent condition, Call AD 7- 1 27117. , 190 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000. 21.000 miles; minx ei,traue. Excellent throughout $lBOO. E 6-9614. . Mt IR SCOOTER-1961 Allstate• com pact. practically new; km mileage. scam ti . 5195 or best offer. Call Al. AD 74260. MOTORCYCLE— t 855 Harley 4 "145" ee. irtiodifird for acramblinak $175 or bisbeet offer. MUST SELL. AD 8-3826.: FOR SALE: REMINGTON typewriter, ltdoct condition. Used one ytir.; For fur ther Information call UN 5-8202. 1457 '31.6A, perfect condition, new tires. w 'clutch. Call Walt after 7:30, AR 7 ;489. •••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00000 •••••••••• 0000000 • FOR RENT • • GiZADUATE STUDENTS. UPPerelanglarTu !Comfortable rooms, running water. pri r4to bath. central location. (Double or 1141. ale./ . Quietly . conducted for , ?cat and ay D dy. The Colonial. J 23 W. Nittany. A 7-1792 - AD 7-4850. Mrs. Cox. WATER GARAGE at Beaver Ave.' and Atherton St. $lO at month. Call AD 7-4344. wAtrrEn .......,.."........... 1T....... VE MEN to work in kitchen. Call AD 7-2337. ask for Jim Spahr or Phil. 'WHEN HELP' at Alpha Epsilon Pl. II AD 7-2941. ask for caterer. YO BUY Fall Dorm Contract. Call, Henn 7-3844: WANTED: WAITERS •nd Kitchen help. 11 AD S-302L A ITER WANTED to work for meals. 11 caterer Al) 7-1931. - E "WAITERS wanted for meals sin. F dj a y r a a week. Call Al Harris AD 7-4444: 11HIRD MAN needed to share rented bolts* ot. Spring Creek. 9 miles from campus:- Minter expenses about $3B per month. Clall EL 64124 after 7 p.m. tPERIENCED DRUMMER wants - work tlx experienced group. AD 7-2926, ask ffr Tom. IRIIRD MAN for three room apartment. 25 Metzger Building. AD 8-1600. 110R11 CONTRACT must be sold for East Malls room. Contact Stan Selkowitt, UN q 3128 if you are interested. RROSH CUSTOM'S VIOLATORS by The Clustorna Board. Violator slips available at BUR desk. Waring lounge and Pollock oning hall. USED GIRL'S Bike. Call Eve. UN 6-9928. sssssssssssss srom••••••••••••••••••• HELP WANTED ; " I '." .ILENTS, UNDERGRADUATES, and graduates, earn liberal commissions sell log at home football games. Sign-up now at 237 Recreation Hall. ;AITERS AND Dishwashers 'wanted. Call terer AD 94021. - WO BOYS to work in Boarding Bonsai _meals each day except Son.a . Y. Cal B 7-7247: ' • ITCHED... ISET.P , wanted . 'gall cook at TO. AD 7-7c83. • AN WANTED full or part-time. E.x= nerienced in cabinet woik or fine wood- A 4014; to do picture .framing. Income *lasted to ability. AD i-3442. ITCHEN HELP—Dishwashers and wait, , - Theta Dejta Chi. Call AD 7-4402: ask fir conk or caterer. .•••••••••••.41 1 ••••••.••••••••••Wo•••• •11.41Nn0 LOST •••••••••./.111 000000 •111 MOO lOTA' ALPHA PI •••••••••••••••••••" , ...••••••••• sorority pin at. AEPI gaturday night. EBB Lois UN 5-41390.: IjOST: TAN RAINCOAT at fraternity Party Saturday n'te. I hare yours. Call Tilane UN 15:2987. ••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MISCELLANEOUS • 1 4 1ANOS TUNED. repaired. Dick Eisen• • -er. Call AD • 14-2102. evenings.• HE -MEMBERS of cEpsilon Phi Colony .ially invite all TEP members ' and et transfer students to an Open House elinesdaY. Sept. 26. at 8 p.m. Artie aria. chancellor. Epsilon PM Colony. ...11 W. College Ave. SOC main club melding. HUB Ansembig 7 p.m. Tueisdiy, Sept. 25. DUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting Wed, Sept. 60). ,7:30. HUB Room 21& WNERS OF .rentax Cameras please call Urgent. Bill. AD 7-2974. • : ' OR A BETTER PENN STATE. Enforce quattrens. • OCTAL CHAIRMEN t The COLLEGIANS re back on campus, with g new and II) , imic sound.• Rock sessions or pledge •rtnala. Limited• 'bookings Mill available. entact_Jeff Brown AB 7-76/13.- tHE MUSIC MART—.The Complete Mush ore Guitars and Guitar accessories. Sheet Music and a Complete Instrument Repair Service. Also Uhes. RAnios. and Mandolins. SENIPER FIT/MIS _Society Meeting' t - 1 10 1 .. 7 pan, ,Wignerißuildink . ifidatrfp. Alien: Lounge. DRUMMER. experienced.' available lamed ilattly. Call AD S-3362. , IiOQIESTORZ at Lewisburg.. 60 PK Front 4 tiro Meeks oft Market 17,000 critics/11r , leeted volumes for your browsing 'Pleas ire. Used, Rare, Out-of-Pdat. Reasonabk price". • Open daily and evenings, 1 • •