The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 16, 1962, Image 28

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Merchants to Greet Freshmen
State College merchants win
greet incoming freshmen and
;heir families this afternoon with
gala community welcome desig
mated • Hospitality. Sunday." Re
freshment stands and information
booths will line S. Allen Street
from 1 to 4 p.m. and freshmen will
:have end opportunity to meet the
merehants and other citizens of
;State College.
Prepared for the freshmen by
the Downtown Retail Division
the State College Area Chamber
of Commerce, the plan was de
signed to relieve traffic conges
tion that normally occurs on cam
pus during student arrival hours,
Welcome Freshmen . .
We Have 6 Expert Barbers
to Keep You Looking Your Best
During Your Stay at Penn State
Penn State Barber Shop
110 S. ALLEN 5T.... Dorn a Bit from The Corner
William F. Polito, executive di
rector, said.
All booths will be, staffed by
the Pep Girl Can organization of
high school' girls from the State
Collegeareal -
Freshmen will also have a
chance to win free prizes from
various State College stores by
registering during Orientation
Week at a store displaying a spe
cial poster. No purchase will be
required to register.
All downtown stores will dis
play "Welcome Penn State Fresh
men" signs throughout this week,
Polito said.
This is KEELER'S East
Sorry No Sunday Sales . . .We Wish to Greet
College Avenue 1
"East or West - At either store you'll firti the best"
143 S. ALLAH -
206 East
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Our
OPEN H.:*':-.USE
TODAY, September 16, 1962 2 p.m.. to 4 p.m.
To enable us to meet you, and for the new students & parents
to familiarize themselves with our, services we invite you all
*0 come in, browse around,!and get acquainted.
Refreshments to be Served by
Frosh Must. Leorn
Campus iLottdmarks
"Where's the only grave on
campus?" "Hair many tines do
the chimes in Old Main toll' at
p.m.?" "What's the legend at the
These are just three of the mul
titude of questions which fresh
men can expect to be barraged
with by persistent—and often
seemingly • hateful upperclass
men during that period of trial
and tribulation known as Fresh
man Customs.
FEULSHMEN WHO wish to avoid
embarrassment would be wise,
then,' to learn the answers to
these and any other passible
questions coneernin# University
lanalYmrks and traditions.
The only grave on campus is
marked by a flat stone plaque
beside Schwab on Pollock Road.
It is that of George Washington
Atherton, president of the Uni
versity from 1682 to 1906.
The Old Main chimes, presented
to the college by the 1937 grad
uating class, toll IS times at 6
p.m. to commemorate the Ange
lus, or cessation of the work day.
They also toll every 15 minutes
during the day and every hour
during the night. ,
tually produced by five coils of
wire, four of then corresponding
to the four' notes of the chimes
SEFnNfflt 16.:1962
and the fifth serving as the hour
gong. A roaster clock in the/tourer
regulates plungers which strike
the coils, giving off a certain.
pitch. The notes sere then ampli
fied electronic:oy and broadcast
cram. the tower bud speakers.
The Obelisk, lociied on the
Mall, is constructed from 231
samples of Pennsylvania mks
arranged in geologic order ac
cording to boa and age.
The mysterious legend ,of the
monument can only. be 'learned
from a well-informed upperelass
Also located on the Mall, which
stretches from College Avenue to
Pattee Library, is the willow
tree, which WWI VOWn from a
branch taken from venerable
"Old Willow" that arcs destroyed
by a storm in 1922. •
OTHER CAMPUS landmarks
Include the famed Nittany Lion
Shrine, symbol of the University's
athletic teams. The shrine was a
gift of the class of 1940 and was
carved from limestone by sculp
tor Heinz Warneke in 1942. It is
located next to Recreation Hall.
On the other side of old Main
is the Little Mall, which contains
the Quarry Memorial, a boulder
taken from the quarry .which pro
vided stones for the original Old
Our Staff
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