The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 02, 1962, Image 11

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.2. '1962
, ,
i ,
, .
Pam State Ciritket Teantql . ood ,Disorder Packers to. Clash With All-Stars Tomorrow
End Bob Alitinger and center l workout .at home yesterday be&
, Bill Saul. former Lion footballifore traveling to Chicago, where
'Sidelines Davis :stalwarts, wilt probably see actionlthey will meet the College All
-. ‘' •
ShOW C : Lack :Af --• Pracitica' tomorrow night for the College Stars at Soldier field.
EVANsTioN, 111. RI —Half - A l l - Stars against the world
_dram - 1
V back Ernie Davis of Sy racuse i s Ilion Green Bay_
Coach Vince Lombardi put the
Packers of tile:Packers through a light passing
111 ! lllr
. - not expected to pl a y p ro f oo tb o iratioruil Football League. drill yesterday afternoon. They
this season with the Cleveland According to- the A&sociated.will fly to Chieago• today and
,Browns because of a blood dis-IPress the Packers held a light , work out m Soldier Field tonight
order requiring extended treat. -.1
ment and rest, the club's presi
dent Art Modell, said last night,
1 Modell issued a statement after
'discussing Davis' condition with
doctors who have been attending
:the All-America in Evanston Hos
‘pital since Monday.
Davis, 1961 Heisman Trophy
winner, was working out With the
college All-Stars and , was to haVeIDRIMSERs. chm,..f_Dr.erees. DreaktwiticoUPLE wrru Qu 44 b. 1,, ilevireib can
played with them• against thei r , :t s r z- ur ,rk-ko„,- . Ta t le it h t. B r i t 'i .. 1• 1 1- i i7..; l i ," d ,,__' of private home for pall Terre 1162'. or
,Green Bay Packers, National Foot-I, five. . 44 - .•••‘-' fuintahed one Nigrootn •ibartnient. Write:
“ , John Itrewn. '2l; Sanger St Phila. tto. Pa.
,ball League champions, in Sol- i DI - Akir.”7 - D — R - INti - S bWiTutiliirtnatehm .
t TYPim - ; WANT).:I): Accurate. felt. eZo:
A further element of determineddier Field tomorrow night , ne Artcarweil ring*. Retail price over: honiiral, typing !bemire. Ca:l AD :.4.0:12
resistance - was that of J. G. Aston, Modell said the disorder was!soc_ltak• an offer. AD 1 1-31110.
:.: H ow 6 I , :re,
who after an exhausting' after-not contagious or, infectious and - 1 , 4* AthiitN. completely ov 7 erhanied , nen www..................:
noon in the outfield, held .up the ; no danger to the rest of the All-ti,,r rear 7...,.., '''a t ra er 7,,„,e,„"r:„":l,,„'":„""Zln WORI
Cornell bowlers for a valuable 20 Star squad was involved, .!:.urge. AD 1;41737. : :ee
minutes with effective, if7not al-r • "At this moment it appears al-, ur:4liin' : (iiitiiAii;;;;;;To : tnnin - o - r„,- Mis""*IT"IN" "11 T 11 ' 1" of l o h ' ala•
ways elegant, defense. ' mostl certain that Ernie will not; us. on cn-Kars. cheap. Phone AD 7-2:401.
011 Wl**. terra pap". rat' Al} 7-7 ;r ' l•
11•••••• •••••11.001101MWONIMIII•01
- - -... • - .-
Dunbar stayed a little, stylish- 1 1)e able to play for the Browns AND Scooters. New ana
ly missing. Viswanathan was die-`this season," Modell said. used. All makes. WtH aercpt trades.
AD P--3246.
Doctors Evanston }fps
**The at Norl('x IS hereby , even* that Camper
missed first ball, the bat dr0pping1......................... ........ .....
i pital are still' 'comldeting tests but, .
*"."`" "'"""`""" Petrel , on the Penneyls•ni• start lint
from, his hands like a broken limb FOß BENT •
ihave diagnosed his condition as at tvervity hi in powiewien of 4 lia OA*? of
yaughan, Denny and Bates show- . ~............................................................ bi,,,,i. front en tit * b out the c s m Imo.
blood disorder requiring extended,
ed sounder technique in lasting: GRADUATE. STUDENTS. umerrlassmen— owner. Unknown. 'tywncre are Incited to
treatment and rest. The long-I, , r omfortabk. moms. eun n tu b t grater. pri. claim their bicycle, at hires below by
until their second ball.'The inning' range future - depends on his re-ono. barn , Central location, I Double nr furnighing prover igentifiegolon. Itiegrigg
filially closed for 43 runs, Cornell' ' ,an g le.) Quietly conducted for REST anit twit claimed will he robolitereil e!tobrotoved
I Dome to those treatments."
winning'the match by 125 runs. ,s- : attic' ' '. Thet Colonial. 121 W. Nittany..ang suktert to ea to at remit,. g p e ri gn „
lAD 7-T142. AD i 4SSO, Mrs. Cot. !Stamm!: Campus Patrol, Sarrlr•ri Co tl n 11 1 4
---'•-•"- • - - • - Unttentitv Park. PA.,
All players should attend a Summer Softball Teams tnEat. FOR COUPLE for two studentall• -
New, two room furniiihed efficiency, with """" "'"" wwwwwww w"" w •www •w "
net-practice Saturday at 2 p.m. !Engage in Tight Races • . i t bath and full kitchen. Chow to
i pr va • MISCELLANEOUS . -
at ithe Air Depot pitch. For ' With the Summer Recreation l'unr'',...vr" parking. 'AD 7-T'2 . AD 7:. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ii
further details, contact Michael softball schedule over halt coo-- -s ' s i - 41 - z -- . 31 :,.,: -. ;. cor. --' ..r. - :..; ..z. - .. • - -GUITARS. Litilitl. Ranh.* an 4 all manorial
Leahy at AD 8-9071. -
..;,,,,,....,...........- ,pleted, The P.E. Grads and Red,Furuvics - rt.r.D Arei'magbEN b. Wegt College' Receoioriev.. ,tend ingtrianient r-tutu
Ave. one room erne bath, private en nervier! plug ail th,t late;t reetbegg, Th.
'''''''' 'Bird; continue to lead league "A" trance: for one or two men. Available in Wolk- Mart, lii F. Reimer 11%•. AD *-
On Aug. 11, State will host:
! with eight wins against one de)sivernbsr: Phone Po 6.6:5Z. -GIL
Cornell in a return fixture. State feat. Phi Kapp a Theta, with a! iiii...ii. - ilifellli 'ER room. at Mph* Kappa,STUDICNT CIIECic CASHING Agenee::
must pull themselves together a' recor d o f and
seven wins two set-'
Lambets, fraternity. 21.50 per day. Sti klara.lar. through, Or Way, v •ibe to 12 •20.,
Par week. Cali St a n , AD nt • ground It or of HU
little bit more before this en-'backs, is in second place.ll 2IM
- GUITARS. L'lgh:S: lanioa and a 0 noobiegi
. counter. The captain must be pre-:
1 The race in league "B" is ex -! WANTED ..
' iit0, , , ,, 0ri-. nand iii,trtinient repair
'pare4 to be even more harsh thanlx em tly tight as only a single: »'»•««..«.«. •aa•alara rea...W... *emir+ plug all the late., reconly The
at present for the players mustigame separates the first six teams.; WANTED, Sit Cylinder Car with manual, Music Mart, ill K. IleralOr Air. Alt
witin 4-
snap out of that inertia in the iThe Gooches currently occupy the ---`-` 2ln - 7 ---- i ---- ' Phone AD ;4 6147 - --- -- ' 7I I
--- 3 •
field which 10 minutes in the suut o p spot with a seven win two!
seems to induce. • lloss record, The DABS Fuel,
Team members include M.P.T.lTech.. Misfits. U-Club, and M.C.;
Leahy (capt. and wkt/kpr), K.S.-Squares follow with six and three!
Viswanathan, D. Vaughan, P.!marks.
Denny, C.' Gates. D. Hamilton, The All-University golf tour
J. G. Aston. P. K. Mehta, K. S.'nament continues with play in
Harsha. Quazi and A. Dunbar. 'th e second round. I
—4. - ,-,
..0 1 , -0,
Special to The Summer Collegian
. The Penn State cricket eleven traveled to Ithaca, N.Y. for
a game against Cornell to open the season last Saturday.
Although defeated rather soundly, it was due more to
uninspired batting and sheer ineptitude in the field rather
than any brilliance on the opposition's part. It seems clear
that, the concentration on bowling' and batting during the
practice periods and the resultant neglect of fielding practice,
has been unsound.
Cornell batted first on a very slow true wicket that gave
no encouragement to the bowleu t
State suffered two early blows.
Viswanathan failed to hold a not
too difficult
catch in the first
over, and a run-.
out was missed
by the inability
to relay the ball
speedily ehough
to the wicket
keeper a few
balls lated.
Th e biggest
set - back, how
ever, occurred
when, after only
15 minutes, Ham- hitched Leahy
ilton, .State's opening bowler and
brightest batsman, was forced to
leave the field. It was later found
that he was suffering from food
poisoning incurred during the
morning's journey from State Col
State finally broke through;
thanks-to some fine off-spin bowl-I
ing by Harsha, who was the only
man to extract any life from the
pitch. Of the Other:: bowlers, Vis
wanathan tried, but erractically;
Denny• was 'off-form and only
Quazi succeeded in getting wick
ets in addition to Harsha. Cornell
declared after-scoring 168 runs.
State's batting began soundly,l
Mehta and Leahy, the captain, be-'
gan slowly and even confidently
until, after about .15 minuates,i
Leahy was given a leg-before:
wicket (obstructing the ball which
in the opinion of the umpire would
have hit .the wicket).
The batting from then on crum-'x
bled into the dust. Mehta con' t
firmed-a stout resistance for over 7 :
an hour, playing defensively and
to the captain's instructions, butt
scored only 17 runs. • •s
Jap Swim Team
TOKYO (fly What's the word
of Japanese swimmers?
Improving tremendously, says.:
Dr. Harold W.,Henning, chairman' s
of the U.S. Olympic Meh's Swim- 1 5
ming Committee. And, Ike adds.
watch out in 1964:
,The Naperville, 111., doctor said t
yesterday he ;would be surprised..<
if , the 15 Japanese athletOs lean-'Y
ing Saturday for Cleveland and,:s
the United 1' States Swimming'f,
Championships would make much
of a showing !there.
"But they, have , narfowed the•t ;
gap which separated' them from
our swimmers in 'the past two
years. And a year from n0w,11, 4 •
expect to see even . better resulfslsadiavii X 3 V ra9s:vot A rizi3JaVHX)ViIiWIX3I.I9)I3,IXVII3I3Vr3DS3HAA:I9 ;
from them:" Henning explained; 1 JALKIIARPERJACKH AR('EHJA(KIf ItPERJAcKHAR
"They'll be ready by 1964 when
the Olympics are held here .: 1 ;
Henning i brought a tin of 13 c a r
of Americals best swimmers hgic
for the Japan Nationa) Outdoor
Championships. They \won just
about everything in the 3-day , r2. ;
meet - and also dominated an
hibition Tueiday.
Henning pointed oat the Japg
nese, especially the men. whivi . .t . .
they lost this time were losing
touches and split seconds and nOt
by several seconds es in recetlt
U.S.-Japan meets,
He also noted Shtnsuke }Cando
beat out Ren O'Brien. formir
Ohio State diver, in the high div.
Moore Sip.rtc
SAN DIEGO, trcliie
Moore confirmed yesterday tit
he had signed for a heavyweight.-<
bout with Cassius Clay and said
he expected to win- with a "lii)-;;- ,
huttoner punch." •
"Once 'I 'perfect this punch," LI
Moore said, "you'll hear a wail a z
coming from the corner of Cas
sius . • '
The bout is ichedbled to belt
held in Louisville, Ky., at a date
yet to be set. I 7v4s3vrazalmisavrazairvinornraaavna.)vrazairreea3vnnwirvitiavt
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