The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, July 05, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS • i : . . Today - I Bowling 1 Latin American Students Curtis String Quartet I Recreation Hall bowling lanes Graduation ceremonies for. Latin The Curtis String Quartet will are open every Friday an;,Satur- . American students will be held from 7 to 11 p.m. for open at 8 p.m. in the HUB assembly hold - - a lecture-recital at 8 p.m, da3T in the lietzel Union assembly hall. bowling. Cost is 35 cents per line...halL A receptiOn follows in the There is no admission -charge. i . Other Events ' iHUB main lounge. NDEA Lecture 100-recreation swirrjming, 8-9:30! , Magic Show . , p,m. Glennlanii Pool, . 1 A magic show, "Saucy Sorcery," Richard N. Krogh, National De- ~ -' .. • Counseling, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; HUB: 'ill,N be presented by C. Shawl sense Education Act consultant in , , assembly hall; 1-2:30 p.m., 2.l4,s m i t h at .8 p.m. Sin Schwab'. There the Pennsylvania Department of HUB: Public Instruction, will give a , • slide lecture in Spanish on "Cul-, ,professional magician, is also di turar Patterns in Latin America" Saturday Irector of student activities at for.NDEA Summer Language In- 'Davidson College in North Care . , Sports Car Rallye •-• Mina,._ stittite participants at 8 p.m. in 1 the , : Home Economics Living. A Sports Car Rallye will be held' ' Other': Events Center. The lecture is open to all at 9 p.m.' at the Freezer Fresh!Co-recreation swimming, 8-9:30 students and to the public. J.tore on Benner Pike, Registration! p.m., Glennlarid Pool. • • Exhibit :begins .at 0 p.m. Trophies will be Counseling, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., HUB 'awarded for the first three places assembly h 11 , 1-2:30 Do 214 An exhibit of early drawings by by the Penn State Sports Cit . ' RUB. a j - . m., " Toulouse-Lautrec continues in the Club. • , • HUB gallery through Aug. 16. i • i 'Steelworkerss Institute, 8 a.mi-5 Square Dance ( Drama ; ; ' A Square Dance will be held, - "The Marriage Go Round" by from-• 9 to 12 p.m. in the HUB , ,• Wedife.SClOV Leslie Stevens continues at the ballroom. The caller, Dick. - Boal Barn Playhouse in Boa's- will explain; the dance patterns.; international Film burg through Saturday. Perfortn-,There is no admission charge. : "The Eagle Has Two Heads" ances begin at - 8:30 p.m. 1 i !Other Events iwill be shown at 3 and 7 p.m. in • • • f • ; , , Ithe HUB assemW hall. Admission , . . Bridge C1ub.:6:30 p.m., HUB card- Tennessee Williams "Period of is 50 cents. • • room • Adjustment" closes a two-week' run Saturday at Mateer Playhouse . at Standing Stone. Curtain is --at -8:40 p.m, A student discount of 50 .cents is available on tickets for tonight's perforinance. Other Events I • • Conservation Education Labora-I tory for Teachers (began Mon day and continues through Aug. 10).i - , Co-recreation _ swimming, 8-9730 p.m., Glennland Pool. Counseling, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., HUB, assembly hall; 1-2:30 p.m., 214; HUB. Del).arab .thapter of the Eastern Star (began yesterday and con-: tinues through Saturday). Elementary Social Studies Work shop (began June 25: and ends, tomorrow). - Elementary Teachers of French' and Spanish (began June 25' and - contliies through Aug. 10). Executive Management Program' (began Sunday and continues through July 28). Junior Conservation 'Camp, Stone! Valley. High' school boys from' the southwest and south central : parts of Pennsylvania arrived at the camp' Sunday -and will, remain through July 14. Penn State Bible - Fellowship. 7' p.m., Helen Eakin Eisenhower, Chapel lounge. • Tomorrow - Movie "Portrait in Black" starring Lana Tuner, Anthony Quinn and Sandra- Dee will -he - shown at 9 p.m. on 'the lawn area south of the HUM In the event" of the moVie Will be shown in Rec reation Ball. '• Newnian Club - I Tuesday • The Newman Club will hold a, . ; • ! Drama pizza party at the Chapel after• at i first mass. .iger . , the Gates," a drama - written by • Jean Giraudoux and translated 'by Christopher Fry, opens at Mateer Playhouse at Standing'Stone,The play will run through July 14.'Curtain time is 8:40 p.m. Interlandia There . will be an Interlandia' Polk Dance at 7:30 p.m. in 302 Engineering' D. Instruction ,is given and beginners are welcome. • - NOW SHOWING - your Comfortably COOL at 2:00-4:25- ... • 7:00.9:15 P.M. t 4-, • - :41k,/j 'A MUST! R HEART-TWISTER FOR THOSE WHO UST TO LOVE!" WILLITAM LILL, .-NEW YORK TIMES AVOLDEAT Atom In The PERLBER6-SENON Tha l Prwirct to , " of. COMERFEIT "Suspense filled I ... SO remarkable because the basic plot is •s TRUE!" I —tiff Magazine Ernest It ,Freund, professor of philosophy, will speak on "Over coming Evil" • at 9 a.m. in the Chapel. ;The sttinther term choir, di recetd by Jitmes •W. Beach, will sing "I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health"- by Williams Byrd. Leonard Bayer, .chapel organ ist,. will !play several selections for , the service. The Newman Club will hold a communion breakfast in the Chapel after the„special 9:15. a.rn. nvass in Schwab. Tickets are4avail able at 207 Chapel and after mass. Bridge Club. 7 P.m., HUB card-Coombs ... room. ! : Irrites Article 'College of Education faculty, 3 : 30 1011 Stone Valley, Area P.m., HUB assembly hall. ' The Stone _Valley Recreation CoOnseling, $ a.m.-2:30 m HUB, Area *; - -Area develop4d'by the University assembly . :hall; 1-2:30 p.m., 2141. HUB. h is the subject of:an article by• Fred : : 'M. Coombs. professor of physical 1 .Elementary;*- Principals (be g ins ,education, whioh was published'il 'Monday -and ends July 20), A lin the June issue cot Pennsylvania. credit course. • I Journal 'of Health, ;Physical Edu- Retail Florists Conference (be- !cation. and Recreatni: gins Monday and ends Wednes-: The article, which outlines the day). i ' ;development of the area, is titled, ( iSafety education workshop be - - `"Penn State's Stone Valley." gins ht on da y . to continue through July 27). A graduate-, . level workshop on "Teaching !" Traffic! Safety and Automobile; Operation:" - ; I Steelworker Institute, 8 a.m.-5, 212 iHUB. TRAITOR NU6H GR/FF/ PI t:._tr.ia Frßtfrm3 AS• Ll. roe; C;fow3f SfA , OV ••• A At *a .st" • •-• Rev; SUMMER COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY; PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Sunday Chipel Service Ne - wman Club Monday events Diama The State College Commottity Theatre will present"Tw6lve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose and Sherman L. Se;rgel at the Boal Barn Playhouse-in Boalsburg. The play. which will run -Wednesday through Saturdpy until, July 2L 'is &scribed as a tense drama set in the jury room at a murder !trial. Curtain is,at 8:30 'p.m. Othei Events Chess Club, -7—p.m . .. HUB card room. Instruction for beginners. Counseling, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., HUB assembly hall; 1-2:30 p.m. .214 HUB. Dairy Fieldmen's . Conference (a two-day meeting). Problems in Ponds and Nutrition (a 15-day credit course on "Food and People" for college teachers of , foods and !nutrition). : Steelworkers f liastitute, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 212 111)$. j_----- New Col ege Diner Dcwn , own Bet ett en the Movies •.• •• 4•7 • 1 ti 4 ='• i• Iraq . • THURS., FRI., SAT. TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' COMEDY "Period of:A(1001mM/ , • • COMING :NEXT WEEK TUESDAY thrciugh SATURDAY . liger At: The Gales" by oIIAUDOL/X • Adapted by Christopher Fry • For Re4ervatiorts CALL UN 5-7586 ' or stop by the BM( ,Office 204 Schwab Auditorium • STUDEIITTS: A 50c discount on any • ticket JO Tuesday • thru . Thuridny performances. I GoldwaterAdvoa3tes Higher Moral Aims By DONNAN BEESON MT. JOY—To be an American is to have more food and a llot of gadgets, Sen. Barry Gold Water, R-Ariz., said 'recently in a speech to .the annual meeting of the Donegal Historical Society. If we don't believe in' anything immaterial, he said, there tis no difference • between the_ United States and Russia 'and we might as well join the communists in their quest for a higher standard of living. "But I don't believe a stldard of living is worth dying for." GOLDWATER also said, that he does not think the U.S. had 'proved to anybody that thisicoun try has something worth working for and • that it is time to show the" people of the world therhigh dignity of man." To acconiplish this,. the senator, advocated the establishment of . moral aims, as opposed to material ones. These would include freOlom, ordpr, justice and charity, all ema nating from the wisdom displayed l by our ancestors at the time the new world was settled, he 'said. "We are filled withvricties for the future, and we all have: hearts and consciences: if we arel men, we will stand firm. We will die rather than subMit to the col lective anthill, which is strictly material." SPEAKING OF his bbise for this accomplishment, Goldwater said he thought the spir i t of pa triotism necessary , was far more alive today than. ever and - that it was part of many -people's, lives. "We spend , too much time in ,Congress worrying about 4 or 5 per cent of the population and let • . StATE !II NOW- PLAYING THEATRE . •e, •. 1.1 'A story about .kids ..-. for everycinel MientiaiSr'' -, vtm Islas 111,010 WWI pawl bar IN Mor mausslE...mad ATMs Om grestspil lota •. . ems Oen -mil Atip:D FUN MA ASS PRWAT A AtmARD ATIENBOROuGH AND BRIAN KIRKS MOOCTION FROM W! ors mom. arrow KOUT BELL/SCREEN RAY BY KEITH viATERFOOSE ANO WILLIS Hawranoucto try Roam antrearourar afro mato BY BRYAN fORBESTREIEASEO BY PA D AMERICA DISIRIB CO . INCORPORATED Don't miss the exciting first 10 minutta...see it from the beginnirig. For your convenience—this schedule of starting times I Feature 1:30,1:33, 5:36, 7:39, 9:33 • 1 Try our excellent cuisine wit , Catering to disCrirninaing tastes, we know ',mill be pleased with our delicious foods so expertly prepared. so graciously seryedl 1- i t Try a e mous , Steak Dinner at The EUTAW HOUSE MNl2===l THURSDAY. JULY 5, 1962 the others go by the way. Let the great bulk of Americans who are never :heard from speak out." Further, he said, "We'will have to make sacrifices to do this. We , will not need experts orithe Peace Corps or anything else'.lWe want to be free and we will' show the beacon of our freedom." THE SOCIETY to•which Gold water spoke is an organization fOrried more than 50 years ago which, as the Arizona Republican advocated in his speech, has ias one of its goals the pursuiti.of spiritual value from the past his tory of the United States. Art Prof Receives Emeritus Position Andrew W. Case, professor of art who retired earlier this week, has been honored with the title of professor emeritus Of art by the Board of Trustees. • Case. served from 1954 to 1956 as the chairman of the Division of Fine and Applied 'Arts and in 1956 .was acting head . Of _the De partment of Art. He has - served' as art advisor-to La Vie, the Uni versity yearbook, from 1927 to the present. M ,f the lridi .any of tnousands of stu idents who have enrolled in his i clacses are exhibiting•their works today. Arncing them is Oliver Smith, one of the top ; stage de signers bn --Broadwayl Most of Case's teaching has been in the field of water color, the subject for which he is best knoViiil. He also has taught oil painting, 'corn imercial art, figure drawing and [anatomy.- • er c iafti Sizzling steak cllnners with tasty trimmings 1