The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 25, 1962, Image 6

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Nittany Nine
Loses Finale
To Delaware
Sports Co-Editor
The Penn State baseball
team was named one of four
participants in the NCAA Dis
trict 2 playoffs by the district
selection committee yesterday.
The committee, which met in
Scranton, also picked St. John's,
Ithaca and Gettysburg.
State meets Ithaca (15-0) and
St. John's (22-1) plays Gettysburg
(11-5) in the first round of the
tourney to be held June 1 on Bea
ver Field. The winners clash June
2 to determine the district repre
sentative to the college world
series at Omaha, Neb., June 11-15.
THE LIONS wound up their !
season yesterday with a 7-6 loss;
to Delaware at Newark, dropping
their record to 10-3 on the year. l
St. John's, Ithaca and Gettysburg
have all completed their seasons.'
Delaware came up with two
runs in the bottom of the tenth
inning yesterday to stop a: four
game State win streak and hand
lethander Bob Fenton (8-1) his
first loss of the season.
The game hack no bearing on
the selections, however, so Lion
coach Joe Bedenk used every
pitcher on the traveling squad.
Selection of the Nittanies mark
ed the ninth time in 13 years that
Stade has been represented in.the
playoffs. The Lions won the tilay
offs' in 1952, 1957 and 1959, 'The
1952 and 1959 tourneys were also
held on Beaver Field.
The Lions met two of their
playoff opponents in regular-sea-
W. L.
New York_ _ _ 23 13
ICI4, -.— 22 14 '
114 in Divots _ 23 17
sells !thump l4l 17
b Lue A nuclei 17
4,llrir aro
_. 20 I 9
gt-11. -_ . 16 17
1.1..91. City .. 14( 23
11.0. bra . 16 22
in.hington . 10 26
41, 9. 1'19,..411 night irs rnes
'Yesterday's Results
80. tnn M innowts 5
N. York 11. Kansas 4:14 4
Today's Cameo
T).•troit, ilotoni 13 4 t ■t N. w York. ?Aid
ton' N
Eint rada Floatoti. Nit,r/ -
I.o.lllViletir • 1-4 N
1,44 A nrelrol Meßriar 43 Al at Kansan
*City. Itusm 81.14 t N
• iithilitrutitt. htr,liek t 3 21 al Chicago.
Holhn •34 N
(lc!, atliattil. . 1101 t 3 21 at Waahiairtatt.
°steep r 0.4 N • -
'Pet. G.A.
San 'ra ti ___.. _29 14 .674 --
a-Loos ____, 26 16 .634 2
I,t», ,23 14 .622 3
t-Cioioortti 20 16 .666 6 1 ,
b _ 111 . 17 .62F
&I l7 22 - .436 10
_, 16- 22 .421 10 1 ;
.e.:ll,Loato rt _ 23 .410 11
a -Nra York _ _ 12 22 .31i3 12'1,
_ 13 26 .533 14
a. 1. r , .1 I'iave4l ui¢ht aanva,
• 1 YestendaY'a Remelt
Pwtl rt 'incl.., 7: Philnilelphia 4
Today's, Games .tt at at St. Louis,
Shrinainii N
ehirsigo. hone Citicimeti.
07.4.• N -
Witt .4) I •ti
Y.i t ts..ln.•6-..n .2-4. «t 14.4
11110,11 tr .4441 N
rhllettlelphie.. »hull.)). iB-31 rt - Son
Fti. tt.l i4-S1 at llou,tou,
Now Collojcii Dina
wntown Between' the M vies
The Historic
Columbus Chapel
Boat Mansion
4 mi. East on Rt. 322
.I 0 - 6 Daily
Students 50c
Receive District
**** * * •
son play. They beat Gettysburg, a two-strike pitch, but Stellman;
6-1. in the first game of the year;,and 'Fenton couldn't hold Dela-;
rbut fell to Ithaca, 14-5. :ware in the bottom of the inning.'
I Stellman gave uptying runl
1 BEDENK USED six pitchers in -._ .
1 ,witn only one out: and Bedenk,
;yesterday's loss to Delaware.l. - -
;called in Fenton, who had gone,
Starter Marlin Biesecker was fol-ithe distance in beating Temple,'
lowed- to — the mound by Dave. 4-3, just two days earlier.
!Bergey, Dick Noe, Ed Giegucz,, The stocky little junior wasn't'
Dick Stellman and Fenton. 'equal to the occasion, giving up
i Delaware seored three unearned ithe winning run on a walk and
runs in the first inning after an t t wo hit s after pickirig off a pinch
:error by shortstop Johnny Phil - ; runner.
lips had opened, the gate. Center; The Nittanies now have one
, fielder Ralph Groves two - run'week to prepare foi the playoffs.'
single was the big hit "in the!Fenton will start one game, but
'inning. , . . ißedenk is undecided on who will
State evened the score in the'pitch the second gathe if the Nit- .
!top of the third on a walk to Bie- tanies win in' the semi-finals.
seeker, a single by Dick Pae, 81 DELAWARE PENN STATE 1
run-scoring single by third base-I AB Et H AB H H
Lackmin,lf 6 1 2 Pae;cf 6 1: 1 ,
.man Fred Light and Dcin Jonas'
;S 6 1 2 Itobinson,2l) 5 1 1.
two-run single. • ,IHerbrrt.2ll 5 1 1 Light:a 3 8 2
' The Nittanies opened iip a,' s I I Phillipa.ra , 3 b I'
.lead with two more runs in thel:;,r",,,nda;.7 s 1 2 Anden i on.rf 3 0 1
top of the fifth inning while Ber- !GreeZ3b S4l 2 t ' oe n rM e
nn,lf : : 41'
gey and Noe were holding Dela-,Ttionipwn.e $
.0 0 4 0 0
, ' 0-5 4hoCk I I 0 0 Biesecker.p 0 1 0
-ware scoreless. • I i t 10 1 Berm Rulln p 10 0'
State second sacker Don Rob-1 b-wo'its 'a o 0 Noe,p ' 10 0;
inson singled to open the inning' Sundra.p 40 0 Giestump 00 li
and Light followed with a walk:Lutz4' - o o o Stellmi na, 1 0 0
c-A Id rift,/ 0 l. 0 Fent...o 0 0 0
'Phillips sacrificed :21e runners to' ;
Pct. G. 13.
tr —
Al 1 1 -
.G7l, 2
G2F 4
.tll4 j
.6121 4lt
.4SI, G L.
.4(I:1 14 ,
.2P , G 12,2
- second and third before Dick An-; Totals 3$ 7 12 Totals SS 6 6 .
demon drove Robinson home with' ' l ',.__ •- •
ilt a rri f , oi. pu i t tu f i ct o r- in Thr o rrn in Eth
a sacrifice fly to left field. Jonasie—Walked for Lutz In' 30th ' -
followed with a single, suite .__ 003 021 ono 3-4 6 2 ,
I Delaware --__ _3OO 200 2-7 12 o
Light with the Lions' fifth run. . Pitchi o - 1
DELAWARE TIED the game at ' Bi,„.ker JP 1-1 R ER BR SO
- 2 5 3 0 0
I 2
5-s;with two more unearned , runs. a...-Er.r -- ~,. 2 0 0 0 2 2
'in :the last half of the seVenth•Ne• i • .1,22 -2 0 0 1 21
i inning. . ,Gienuct. - _-_—___l i 1 2 0 1 0,
Steilman _ ' 2 1 i 12 1 1 1 1'
1 John Strode led off the frame Fenton 414 ii 121 1 1 0 ,
*with a single and -another error,sundra - 1 _9 ' S 6 6 6 0:
‘by Phillips put runners, on first, Lt IW/ - ,1 - 10 0 0 0 0 ;
and third. Strode scored on a' -
sacrifice fly by Reeve MontaglieiYankeeS Beat - A's, 9-4
'The tying run scored lon a saeri-i - NEW YORE (A )—Joe Pepi-:
flee fly by Groves after, Giegucz , tone, Mickey Mar tle's replace-!
! had balked the runnep to secondment , drove in the e runs with a
and third. . i . 4..., r i
home run and a triple yesterday;
Light put the Lions • ;out in front'as the New York Yankees beat:
again m -- the top of the ten t th!Kansas City 9-4 before- only '4.058
Ifrainc - with a lead-off homer an fans. . ,
' the
* * *
A Large Supply of
Denim White Bermudas
at the low, low price of 53.50
Alr owe received a new •
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supply madras bermudas at $5.95
We also have a supply of
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• Madras Berm.
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Dacr4, - :cotton, & batik
bermudas at 54.95
Ouick Dellivery l Phone AD 8-05118
• _
_rm mt mi im inn lin mon m
, •
Orie hundred an.
high schools will be
the PIRA Class !A
track and field ch .
nine -seven:doubles championship last year,
.epr nted in:and one member of that team
8 1 8 ill and lass Boa 1;011 play ,again this
npio hips to,weekend. 'This year he's teamed
r Field ! tomor-;with Craig' Peacock.
be staged on Beave
District 1, placed by
town's 19 points and Coati
12, won the Class 4 title
Camp Hill's 17 1 / 2 mints L._ ___
trict 3 to the Class B crow -
Wayne Huey of Schuy ill Val
ley High will be the only ing
champion entered hi th . year's
meet. He won th6-broa jump
last year with a 1 p of gl feet,
1 1 / 2 inches. . 7
j- I ,
Camp Hill will d end tlieClass
B half-mile relay - ) championship
it won last year,l althqiigh Al
Sommerville is the only returnee
from that team.
Assistant Business Manager of
1 .
Athletics Steve Garban an n ounced
that tickets for the PIA State
Track Championship will ost $l.
Students will not be able Ito gain
admittance with t it matricula
tion cards. f
Nine PIAA distri tenbil
pions will vie for t e state
crown today and,totnorroi
varsity courts. Nineidoubl
also are entered' in the
affair. 1i
The golfers will begin teeing
- Jack Wal4., Mt. Lebanon 'High off .this morning -at eight o'crock.
School (District 7) ill defend the They'll play 54 holes today to
singles title he won last year. The set the stage for the final 18-hole
player he defeated, Bill Breting- -round tomorrow morning. The top
er of Wyomissing in District 3. 24 players following today's action
alsO will be back a ain. ' will qualify for tomorrow's eham 7
Bethlehem (Distr et 11) on the pionship round.
al. Football LeagLe ado'
player pension plar yeste
which players with a mini
five years' service, datin
1959, would.receiveibenefi
age of 65.
Com Missioner Pete Roz:
it was impossible to, proj
figures on the amount of t
ments to be rece.ved.
thought 'would be given
future to coverage of play
were active before 1959. '
The retirement "phase
Bert Bell National F o
League Player Benefit Fu
be financed by 3.300,000 f
TV receipts of thel cham .
game, $llO,OOO from tract'
(gum, cereal, eic.)l with
. players and a share of
receipts of the Playbff Bo
at Miami and the Pro Bow
Players have been
since September. 1959, by
1 /,i Lg. Chicken
Choice of Two Salads
2 Berth
sts PIAA
ennis, Golf
Battling for singles champion
ships will be Bob Morris, Harriton
(District 1); Bill Breitinger, Wyo
'missing (3); Jim Malloy,.Williams
port (4); Joe Felice, State College
(6); Jack Waltz. Mt. Lebanon (7);
Ted Moss, Allderice (8Y; Bob
Farmey, Punxsutawney (9); John
,Werle, Meadville (10); Dennis
IKoch, William Allen (11).
In addition, a new titlist will be
crowned when the PIAA golf
championships are played over
the University's par-69 course.
Some 'seventy golfers will seek
the crown won in 1960 and 1961
by Jay 'Sigel of Lower Merion
High School.
Included among the seventy are
two who finished among the top
]0 last year. They are Tom Cos
grove of Abington High in Dis
trict 1 and Bruce Frace of Lan
cham- caster in District 3. Cosgrove
singles placed fifth last year by posting
on the'rounds of 77, 74, and 75 for a-228
teams total. Frace was sixth with a 227
o-day total on rounds of -75, 71 and 81.
n 1961.
New. Pension Plan
and accident insurance that also
includes wives and members of
their families, and group life in
surance policies.
. Rozelle said the players did not
pay anything into,the fund, which
will be supervised by a three-man
Ile said board to include the commission
•ct any er and two others to be named by
e pay- him.
e said •
in the
rs w i r. Patterson-Liston Battle
Set for Chicago Sept.
of the. CHICAGO (AP)—Heavyweight
t a 1 ! boxing champion Floyd Patterson
id will and challengei Sonny Liston will
!rn the meet in a title bout in Chicago
onship next September, ' but the exact
cards date and place still have not been
•ictures set, it was announced yesterday.
he TV The fight will be either Sept. 17
1 game at Soldier_ Field or Sept. 25 at
at Los Comiskey Park, said Al Bolan,
vice president of Championship
overed Sport s.. Inc., promoter of the
edical match.
ted a
day by
urn of
at the
Cup Cake
11 & Buffer
FRIDAY..MAY 25. 1962