PAGE EIGHT Dußols Building Fund Kickoff Set.lor Tonight Prex y toHono ' j I President's Froshinsi jlc President Eric A. Walker will Walker will discuss the functions jmohwealth campuses, said yester- Awards, the President t -ks be the featured speaker tonight of the campus in the University’sjday. , 1 Medal and the Evan Pugh it ils when the Dußois Education Foun- current and future operations. !„ "P? e Gildings in use today, .will be presented at the Honors ... ... - -iHolderman said, are rented from n a y ceremonies at 4 djd. in 209 dation kicks-offa drive to raise THE TWO PROPOSED build-j.the foundation for $1 a y.ear, The Home Economics Smith. ! funds for thet construction of two.ijjgs a $450,000 classroom-lab-|Univcrsity is responsible for main- president Eric AJ Walkef will new buildings at the Dußois cam-ioratoiy building and a $150,000 tenance and repairs, he*added. Ipresent the Freshman Book pus. -physical education building will! In a brochure prepared by the Awards to five students whd com- Walker will speak to members!give the University a capacity for,foundation for the drive, their first two terms with of the foundation r and campaign!about 450 students at Dußois. the:said the facilities as they ard4.o scholastic averages. The award workers at a dinner in Dußois.lnumber estimated as. its likely;utilized now can accomodate]consists of a- Webster’s Inter- Wilmer E. Kenworthy, executive; 1970 enrollment, Kenneth L. iewer students than; were enrolled,national Dictionary with an in-': assistant to the President, said. Holderman, coordinator of com-!at Dußois 20 years ago. I scribed bookplate. , ! •MHNNIHMNNNNIHNHHHNNHIIMM«NHIIMINN(HMHHHMHIMUNNHHiHNMHNINMNn»MMA SALUB Club Coupe - mechanically perfect, original . grey paint, no rust. good upbiJulrry, Only -two owners. Must 4*JJ tliii nice-oar because of recent pur-j «haae of Hulls Hoyce. Phone AD 8-J7J6. IVSV MCA" Roadster, 3&,P00 miles, excel lent condition,, Musi sell. Call UN &*C£G2 or AD 7-4069. J« x 40 ttOBH.E HOME—IB6B Rl<-h«rii»-~f»trTf ! FOB RENT j j FOR BENT SINGLE ROOM for riri- for summer term.! AVAILABLE SUMMER or Fall—t-room Push St. If ffnterealed call AD{ apartiMnt Kitchen, livtng«dininj: room. Hoe-Tajied Karinygoat! tS per week. ! ,2 bedrooms, bath; Bear campus; parkins. \ CHOICE THREE ROOJHS end bath fur-1 ! rh • t nlshed .pertinent. Centr-L P ArtiS~“ktoeiir V, t?!r PriTlt ? “trance. Parki»*. Suitable j couple I ment durinif summer months. E. Fair-] or toebelor. Jim, AD 7-7792 or AD !7-perc:\semeTi— UNFURNISHED EFFICIENCY I Apart-! —. I, Comfortable rooms with hot , and eold ment..arailable June 10, 112 East Collere TRAII.E! runnlnr water or private bath. Innefsprin* Ave., across from Old Main. Call after -liable p mattresses. Central. Parkin*. Aecopimoda- 6 p.m. AD £-4066. ' ) tions to inspect and compare. The Colonial TMPrrVrnu nr>u' -V ~£2it vi^-t 123 West Nittanjr. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4869. T " REE BEDROOM Apartment, half block 'ble. I —-I. ■ ... from campus with kitchen, bath and: near JUNE r MODERN furnished efficiency, livingroom for rent during summer term.! AD Country aetting at Boro line. Separate Cali AD S-8018. | j ■— kitchen, ceramic tile bath, private entrance. efwV>r«i — '"Wh h" r* V■ *** parking. Suitable coupler or single desiring Privacy. Call Mrs. Cox AD 7-7792, AD 7-, h °J rT ;, Privilege*. Available - dopfi . . V ; immediately, also summer, term. 217 E. ; : ! NitUny. AD M 944. | AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1 -Unfur* rViDuicnrn apa PTurvT* u;. <. M “j Bished one-bedroom apartment He*U *#i, ,S . 72 h€,, “l stove and. refrlrerator For fur- «!*»«• 00^ ther information call AD *-0«6. '*? £?' C 1 7' f* 11 , AD — , K-1186 after 6:00 p.m. Available In June. BOOM AND BOARD for summer term at ( JB3 per month, including parking. ConU* jusph BASEMENT APARTMENT. furnUbed: XT. Li prlv^T^n^fTr-ee^n^E^; IDEAL BUMMER ROOMS, TV j lounge month: available June 1. Call AQ 7-4461. facilities, kitchen available, cheap, linen r —“ 'service Included. Call AD 8-213 S Stan. ROOMS FOR RENT_ for summer term, FOR SALE*" I*D« NASHUA Hnau TnUtrUlxH. 2 Ud \ room*. Mu»t b+ sold by June. AD £-07L6. W Fuifcwtyi Monthly finally on m 1« Moo •flay at Nittany Nr**, Record Room, Pmn vylvania Bock -Shop, (ijabun'c, T«vrrn*l ..ETNIC. Folk*onjr»i, Arti««, Storiea, Hu-' mor, OutiUndinK Folklife Pcmmalitie*. v GOOD GOLF CLUBS, $4O, W Zildjian Cymbal $l6, car radio, antenna, upeaker, jsk, Over 300 ear magazine* $lO, Guitar amplifier, 10" speaker $4O. Cal) AD £>9432. Ti 9 T-BJ KD, very ~lsood] $2360 firm. Call AD 7-4464- iGENKRAL HOUSE TRAII.KR, MD6. 28xS, I one bedroom. Rrmoneble price lor cjuick («*le. Cell AD 8-2800. 1966 CHEVY Convertible, excellent con dition, ikw top and new ruira. Sharp (ookinir ear. Call Bruce AD $-0273. i NESCO-AUTOMATIC Roaaler, very rood condition. cabinet fully equipped. Call AD A-2DM. ;FJVE USED portable sewing machin« from 129 V>; 547 with ww motors— guaranteed fur !f|\e years. With any pur chase this week buttonholer just |3 ad ditional. Moyer's Repair Shop. Call AD fUK367. ' SCUBA DIVING Outfit, new condition, two tank*, Dacor regulator, wet suit and extra*. Call AD *-2»96.\ PERSONAL ALLENTOWN. BETHLEHEM Area resi dents interested in Co-ed summer fun.! Call Jim at UN £-7filV j | elow to campus. Use of TV. $45 for !«nlir« summer. Call AD 9-1045 after 7 HHNNnMNNHHHMHIIMIWMHNINIMIIIUIIIHIMMM LARGE AND ROOMY 4-Mroom bouse for | 4 or 6 graduate students.. Completely ..furnished. Only 6 minutes. front> campus. _ Call AD 7-4414 for further information. FURNISHED 3-ROOM and apart- UNFURNISHED MODERN' thw-i..w NICELY FURNISHED apartmeot in su burban area; 12 minute drive from campus. Two rooms and bath, laundry facilities, large . yard. $70.00 pen month. Call HOmcstead. 0-0269. . WEDNESDAY. MAY 16. 1962 Jars Tomorrow r Sch /• in 800 l Snarl Meda. H- Seventeen seniors .and 18 juniors who standscholastically in the top 0.5 per cent of their classes will be honored as Evan Pugh Scholars. The Honor Society .'Council, spon soring Honors -D?y, will present gold medals to the and silver medals to the juniors. .Walker will also award the President Sparks Medal. The medal is given to the student who earned a 4.0 scholastic average and :showed the greatest improvement 'over his previous term. • lEDS - apartment. Kitchen fully equipped. Avail able June 16, 112 E. College Ave. Reason* able rent—couple or two girl*. AD 7-2462. ABE YOU satisfied with your present room for- the summer term? If not in vestigate rooms at 409 B.~AJJen St, $5.00 per week. Free parking, cooking allowed.' Cal] Dick Williams AD *-9071. i LARGE SINGLE ROOMS for summer term,' near campusmale students. 16.00 a week. 619 W. College Ave. AD ,7-7212. RENT: SUMMER TERM. Five rooms for \ three people. Two floors. New appliances; | furnished. 310 W. Beaver. AD 6-6996, Barry \or Steve.' MOTORCYCLES any year, make or model. Art Turner's Cycle Shop, one mile south o( Mill Hall on Rt. 64. Phone 726-3882. . C RIDE- WANTED to New York City mfter noon Thursday, May 17. Call Mafge, 6-5609. WANT TO rent a' ear, summer term, every Monday at noon to Tuesday evening. Call Sandy UN 5-6686. MALE STUDENT to share modern fur* , nUhed efficiency apartment for summer term. Call AD 8*3268 between 6 and 8 p.ra. RIDERS TO CLEVELAND. Leaving Fri day, May 18, returning Sunday, May 20, Call John UN 6-4823. GIRL TO share ' apartment for summer term. Call Polly UN 6-6046. HITCHHIKER SEEKS cheapest ride to Europe, preferably England, June - July. WUI sine, dance, nursemaid, make love, or do anything. Call Leslie AD YOU SUPPLY the draft; PH provide the typed copy. Accurate, fast, economical typing service on term papers, theses, and dissertations. Call AD $-0797 after *6:00 p.m. TYPING TO DO at home. Cali AD 7-2838, ask for Joan. DISHWASHER AND a waiter wanted for a fraternity. Call Steve Lenhardt, AD 8-0082. = niiMimmiiiuiitninmimiiiimHHNttnttiuinHl HELP WANTED MALE OR Female—to teach and Instruct Animal Husbandry and Farming at Co ed Children Camp In Wayne County, Pa. Write to Trails End.'Camp, 166 Langhorn Street, Brooklyn 35, N.Y. WANTED: DISHWASHERS to work for meals in 'kitchen. Call Sigma Pi. AD 7- 4928. ask for Vic or Don. KITCHEN. HELP wanted to 'work for meals. Call AD 8-1612 ask for caterer. COMPUTOR OPERATOR. Full-time open ing at the .Computation Center. College Math background desired, but degree not necessary. Write to Employ ment Division. 304 01d : Mam Building, University Park. Penna. . KITCHEN HELP and waiters wanted for fall terra at Beta Theta Pi: Contact Dave or Vi, AD 8-2415. HIMIHMMHMMIIHUIMMIIHIimiNMUIIHUIUINM 1963 CLASS.KING. Trimnirle'inscribed on Blue Stone. Reward. Call Randy, AD 7- 7636 or- AD 8-3202. AOPi SORORITY PIN between Home Ee Library and Bill Coleman's. ‘ Merle, UN 5-3290. 3 ‘ GOLD SCARAB BRACELET, one week ago Sunday. If found call Barbara, UN &76194. ' * L . ' iwiiiiNiMHtiiHiinimmtimiimHNilimiNiHNN . FOUND _\, iiHmHnimiHiinnimiimHNmmiHmiNiiinNM FOUND, 1962 Penn State Class Ring. Owner can claim at .BeUefonte-Lands. Ask for Bud Solt. AN UMBRELLA, Monday,, second Door in 110 E.E. Phone UN 6-8829 L MISCELLANEOUS PART-TIME employment it* now available for 12 young men with the . following qualifications: No. 1/ C-plus average In school; No. 2, business-like appearance; No. 3, capability to devote between 15 to 20 hours a week: No. 4. over 18 years of age." College students wishing to supple* menfc considerable, income 11 re to cal) Mr, Richardson AD 8-2051* between 9:30 a.m* and 2 :30 p.ra. daily.. DR: MARVIN ROZEN. Economics Dept., **T b e Economics of Disarmament** Wednesday, May 16, 7:30, 112 BuckhouL STUDENTS TAUTOMOBILE Insurance to fit.your pockethook. Phone* A. Teraelee after ,6 p.m., AD 8-6633, representing Erie Insurance Exchanre. C MANAGEMENT CLUB field trip May 17, 1 p.ra., BUB Parking Lot. Piper' Aircraft. “JUDGING QUARTER HORSES"; RMin, Club, May 16, 6:30 p.m.. Horse Barn. Rides front HUB lot at 6:15. -FIND OUT ABOUT BED CHINA.” Young Americans for Freedom presents the motion picture “Red China Outlaw*', with narration by Lowell Thomas. Thursday, May 13, 121 Sparks, 7:30 p.m. Everyone invited/ - / TOSSrs COMING Sunday, May 20, Spa, FOR RENT WANTED LOST