PAGE EIGHf Finch Named Prof Snarf in WUS-Sponsored Contest Retired crop Production r . * Clinton Otis Cromer, retired Henry A. I men, professor of Mrs. Finch accepted the award given to Atherton for collecting professor of crop production, di ed philosophy, was named Prof Snarf f or her husband, who is recover- the most money of all residence a t 6 p.m. Saturday in the Ge nitre Saturday afternoon during thelj f . . . . ~ . areas during the year for WUS County Hospital. He was 81 years International £olk Festival, 01gai““ g a s “° Ke ,n lne l -' enlre and to Town Independent Men for o j d . * - ! Seastrom, campus co-chairman of .county Hospital. contributing the most money in He joined the University faculty World University Service, said! Miss Seastrom said that at the ; the WUS-sponsoied Penny' Mile j n 1921 and served as professorjof -yesterday. jfolk festival recognition was alsoj Contest. cro p production until his rettre - COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 39ANJOS, TJKES, GnlUn, PUooa,. Hun- ONE SHARE in Penn Suit Flying Club. «nond Organa—atrinica, boolta. all mule Call Tom AD 8-2ZM altar air. auppjiea, Pifar Muaic Onbr. Bmnn Pile*. ?== - Op*» ‘til e p.m. dally axerpt Wada. Phone K JX Good Condition. ISO. Call Bob. AD Hill. «•*> *PPtrtMinAvi , IWOLLENSAK STEREO Tape Recorder. TELEVISION Setj.. «)niplnrlr 1 Reasonably priced. Call Ray AD 8-1065. Radio service. 1062 Zenith TV. Television Service Center at Statet* Cottar* TV. ' IH7 82 FOOT, porch, large yard. Available in mid-June. One block from campoi. Free parking area, AD 7-3147. „ } TWO SINGLE rooms, new Hollywood bed, shower, kitchen privileges. Available , immediately, also summer term. 217 E. [Nittany. AD 8-1944. AVAILABLE SUMMER or Fall—B-room apartment. Kitchen, living-dining room, 12 bedrooms, bath; hear campus; parking. AD 8-0647. SINGLE ROOM for girl for summer term. 240 S. Pugh St. If interested call AD rB-1056. $8 per week. [FURNISHED 3-ROOM and bath spart -1 menfc during summer months, E. Fair !mount A*e{ Available June 9th. Call AD 8-9401. ROOM WITH private bath in a quiet borne for summer and winter' sessions. Please call AD 7-3397 after 6:20. [NICE ROOM, single or double, for sum* j mer semester, next to Nittany Co-op. jAD 7-4022 after, 4 p.m. iROOM FOR summer term at Phi Kappa | Theta. Full kitchen privileges Included. Price $6O. Must be paid at beginning of term. For Information cal! AD 7-2961. WANTED MOTORCYCLES ~ any year, make or model. Art Turner’s Cycle Shop, one mile south of MU! Hall on RL 64. Phone 726-3882. GIRL TO share apartment, summer or longer. Call AD 7-3943 or UN 6-4661 before 6 p.m. RIDE WANTED to New York City after noon Thursday, May 17. Call Marge, iUN 6-8609. I WANT TO rent, your car for weekend of I ' May 26. $3O plus gas. Call AD 8-9121, [Carolyn. WANT TO rent a car. summer term, every Monday at noon to Tuesday evening. Call Randy UN 8-6686. MALE STUDENT to share modern —fur« j nisbed efficiency apartment for summer term. .Call AD 8-3258 between 6 and 8 p.m. COLLEGE MAN Travel Earu and Save $BOO - $lOOO by August 31»L Con duct Interviews with student promotional jteam in eastern summer resorts. Write National Student Agency. P.O. Box 148, jAsbury Park. New Jersey, giving address ' 'and phone number. ! RIDERS TO CLEVELAND. Leaving Fri day. May 18, returning Sunday, May 20, Call John UN ’ * j MIMIIINIIMIMIMHAMIIMIMIMMHmiMIUIIIIHIIMN HELP WANTED 'MALE OR-Female—to teach and instruct [ Animal Husbandry and Farming at Co— led Children Camp in Wayne County, Pa. 'Write to Trails End Camp, 166 Langhom Street, 7 Brooklyn 36, N.Y. WANTED: DISHWASHERS to work for | meals in kitchen. Call Sigma Pi, AD 7- i 4928, ask.for Vie or Don. LOST LOST: GOLD BENRUS in Rce Hall. Phona UN 6-6888. Reward. LOST: PICKETT' Slide Rule case with j snap. Call Ron AD 8-0737. I~~T “""’found "" | FOUND 1962 Penn State Class Ring. Owner can claim at Bellefonte Lancs. Ask for Bud So!t. HmiMMHUMMIIIMHtMimNIMMMnMIMMMMIIMIN MISCELLANEOUS PART-TIME employment Li now available for 12 young men with the following qualifications; No. 1, C-plua average m school; No. 2,- businesslike appearance; No. 3, capability to devote between 16 to 20 hours a week; No. 4. over 18 years of age. College students wishing to supple* znent considerable income are to call Mr. Richardson AD 8-2061 between 9:30 and 2:30 p.m. daily. INTERESTED IN Photography? Care 4o; learn about aerial photo-in terpretatfon Iv* Then come to .the SAME - ASCE joint meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesdar, May .16th hi . 26 Mineral Science Building to bear Dr, Laurence Lattman speak on ..this subject. CIVIL DEFENSE—if yod have any in terest in the effects of Civil Defense, please read the May issue of Scientific American. LIBERAL ARTS LECTURE SERIES: Joseph Faulkner. “Religious Milieu «f the College Student,** 7:30' May IS, HUB assembly. DR. MARVIN ROZEN. Economics Dept, ’The Economics of Disarmament* Wednesday, May 16. 7:30, 112 BuckhouL OFFSET PRINTING of thesis-typinr. Call AD 7-7088. FOR STANDARD and electric typewriter rentals, complete.typewriter**repair serv ice and all thesis typing supplies shop Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Alien Street/ AD 8-6126. STUDENTS! AUTOMOBILE Insurance ta fit your poeketbook. Phone Ai Tcmelea after 6 ynt, AD 8-8633, representing Erie Insurance Exchange. ■ * MANAGEMENT CLUB Arid trip Thum, May 16, 1, HUB Parking Lot Piper