The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 10, 1962, Image 5
THURSDAY. MAY: 10.1962 TODAY ON CAMPUS ' : If ! • - ■ i|| ‘ ■ j Faculty Women's Club j ] President fEric A. Walker will speak at the spring luncheon of the Faculty Women’s Club in the Ketzel. Union ballroom at 12:45 Pjm. 1 ' -- i j Assembly Tickets j [Free tickets for the Honors As sembly. to be-held Sirnday, May 13. at 3 pun. in the HUB ballroom, may be picked up ait the HUB desk today through Sunday. 1 I • * 5 O'clock Theater “The Jewel in the Lotus" will jbe presented at 5:15 p.m. in the jbasement of Old Main. The play was written by Marilyn. Tischer, senior;; in arts and letters from Cleveland Heights, Oj WDFM Radio stations WDFM and WMAJ will broadcast the Inter collegiate Music Competition from Lycoming College ati 8 p.m. The “Ivy Rocks” and "Mike and Dave” from the University will partici pate in the'competition* • ‘ ; BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto Satisfaction Guaranteed 112 S. FRAZIER ST. 3 AD 7-7982 SIGMA TAU Initiates 36 New Members ' Sigma Tau, national engineering honorary, initiated thirty-six new members last evening. Following the initiation ceremonies, new offi cers were elected for the coming year. A ban quet was then held at the Eutaw House to honor the new initiates. Sigma Tau recognizes the achievements of students in the field of engineering on the basis of scholarship and character. Professor Maurice S. Gjesdahl, head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, was initiated as an alumni member.! Maurice S. Gjesdahl, honored faculty jalumnus initiate . •< Fred Atßlyler Donald j.'McMahon i Joseph M. Brcrnn Lloyd W. McSparran Thomas F. Brennan Matthew J. Ogorzalek Ronald W. Brown Thomas J. Patrician Susan E. Bush Robert A. Plundo Frank J. Gdle . Glenn d. Ream \ George T. Craig Terry J. Reed Robert V. Davies Arnold B. Rosenthal 0 Stephen Deskeirich Winton F. Seybold • - Robert H. Faas . B. Thomas Shirk- , Michael E. Fahnestock William’ J. Snyder Thomas S. Guzofsld Thomas. R. Sokol ; . ; -s • ■ Jon A. Harrison Eugene |L.‘ Starr Charles MJ Harvan John A; Stone Charles E. Hauber Richard E. Tressler Johii A. Heilala Raymond J.jWebb William J. Herman Raymond Fi Wilson ; George D. Linton \ - 'Once Upon A Mattress' Players’ production of “Once Upon a Mattress” will be present ed at 8 pan. in Schwab. Tickets are on sale at the HUB desk. Prices are .$.75 for tonight’s per formance and $1.25 for Friday and Saturday. International film The International Film Series* “Childhood of Maxim Gorki” will be shown in : the HUB' assembly room at 3 pun., 7 p.m., and 9 pin. Art AaaoeUtkra membership, 8 p.m., ground floor HUB (Hover Club. 7 p.m., 11 Tyson Faculty Women's Luncheon, 12 HUB ballroom Gamma SUrtna. Sigma formal pledging, 8 f McEl«raln lounge . i (AMP CONRAD WEiSER YM(A (AMP Reading, Pa.! 3' STILL HAS A FEW OPENINGS FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS and for a CRAFTS PERSON ' . Information At Appointmanls Office of Studani Aid 218 Willard I ’' ® The new initiates are: THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Other Meetings ICCB. C:U HUB International Flhna, 8 HUB uam- bly'TOom Liberal Arte Student Council. s:2ft p.m., 212 HUB Navy, • p.m.. ground floor HUB Navy recruiting, Ift a.m.4 pja., 212 HUB Sigma MU Epailoo. 8 p.m.:3ft p.m., 217 HUB * Tan Delta' 1 bUtiaUon, 7:2ft Gamma Phi Beta Student aid, B:2ft p.m.,’214 HUB Student mid, t pjbl-5» 212 HUB * 4 Term' Erilutloii Committee, 7 smb., 218 HUB USG. 7:lft p.m.. 201 HUB* WU3 Prof Saarf coatcet, ft a.m.*s p.m., groond floor HUB layHappf Hh ' Mothers Day * Flowers •t ■ Woodring’s Floral Gardens across from the Post Office AD 8-0556 INTERNATIONAL FILMS THE CHILDHOOD OF MAXIM GORKY USSR 1938 * i directed by Mark Donskoi This film is the first of a trilogy on the life of Maxim Gorky, and-it la based on the autobiography MY CHILDHOOD. It provides a deep understanding of provincial life-in the Russia of the 1870’s, as seen through the eyes of Gorky as. a young boy. i “Splendid social reportage t . . scene after scene of bold, uncompromising realism.” New York Times! “A reverent and interesting study In the genesis of a literary artist.” New York Herald Tribune.! Awards: Edinburg film festival CThe Richard Winnington Award. 1955). 4 . THURSDAY, MAY 10 HUB Auditorium THREE SHOWS 3:00, 7 :00 and 9:00 P.M. TICKETS AT HUB DESK—SOc EACH Ikira (To Live!) Japaa 1952 Bay 17 Carnival la Flanders French 1936 May 24 Thft Informer U.S.A. 1935 May 3! Chemistry Colloquium • Stuart Rice,'University of Chi cago,: will speak at the Chemistry Colloquium in 302 Whitmore at 12:40| P-m. ! New College Diner • Ocw'nfcwn'-Btkwocri' fhc.--. Mcvtev- ATROCITIES IN ANGOLA , A .pregnant mother is clubbed to death. A laborer is thrown in prison Tor niissing a day's wprk. Hundreds of; Angolans are slaughtered in cold blood. In thi*.week's Post, an Amer ican missionary describes this . butchery. Her tells hew the Portu guese keep 4,000,000 Africans in near And how he himself was jailed orj trumped-up charges. The Saturday Eeening .; FOST-Sr COMMITTEE presents