The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 10, 1962, Image 3
THURSDAY. MAY JO. 1962 Reds Balk iat Moves I! • ! To I nvestigate Labs .VIENTIANE, Laos (JP) Tbej latest! Laotian crisis has swung) full circle back to the familiar ground of political deadlock. The pro-Communist rebels were ported ready yesterday to return to unity talks again but the Beds balked at an investigation of “their violation of the truqe. /: ’ ' ’ BRITISH INFORMANTS said the Soviet Union antUCommunist Poland stymied effdrts by the United States. ancPßritain to pro mote i an international investiga tion of the violation by pro-Commijmst troops who cap tured; Nam Tha from its royal goyemorent garrison Sunday. ~ ThrSoviet Union is cochairman witK (Britain of the 14-nation Ge neva i conference on Laos. Poland ■4s a member 1 of the three-nation control commission which has yet to win authority to make an on spot inquiry into any field viola tion of the cease-fire proclaimed l May i 3, 1961.‘ INrWASHINGTON, Acting Sec-, retary of State George W. Ball' summoned Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin to discuss the case. In London, no agreement was Teached on afiy specific point in a talk between! British Ambassador Fine's Tax Trial Opens LEWISBURG, Pa. UP) The' government charged in U.S. Dis trict Court yesterday that former) Gov. John S. Fine received $70,148 •in benefits from the Newport Ex-i cavating Co, and. that it should have been i reported as taxable •income. 1 . |. Fine ! andl' his brother-in-law. Donald P. Morgan, are on trial! for the evasion of $45,554 worth of taxes. ! "I’m glad I went," said Mrs. Ken nedy on the plane home, "but I’d never take .a trip like this again , without Jack." In an exclusive fem ; Inine chat Ip this week’s Post Jackie j tells why sherhates the limelight How she put her foot down when the , Secret Service tried to her fun. j And how she managed to keep look j big cool under tbeblazing Indian sun. 124 East College Avenue Sir Frank ! Roberta and Soviet [Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro myko. /Though barred from Nam Tha, the control commissioners made a flying visit to rebel headquarters j Khang Khay.. i They accompanied Malcolm] ■MacDonald, British cochairman of ■the Geneva conference, who was [in Laos when the pro-Communist offensive drove a 5,000-man gar rison from Nam Tha. . ] The rebel leaders neutralist Prince Souvanna Phouma lind his Red half-brother. Prince Soupha nouvpng of the Pathet Lao —were! absent j U*S. Fires 7th Device In Nuclear Test Series ; WASHINGTON UP) The sev enth shot of the U.S; nuclear test series in the atmosphere was set: off yesterday in the Pacific. j 1 It was described by the Defense! i Department and the Atomic En ergy Commission as being in the; ’/intermediate range. | * That covers a blast .with the explosive force of between 20,000 and 1 million tons of TNT. ! New College Diner ■,oownfown. v choose (y before choosing diamonds Buy your diamonds with ; your eyes wide open—to the real facts about that stone! Our knowledge and integrity aid you in your diamond selection. I Handbags . . . Jewelry . . . Scarfs . . . Spark up| mother’s new spring outfit with a smart * accessory, from-Clear field’s. Orj surprise her with that new outfit itselfs. You’ll find 'in Clearfield’s collection of spring and summer apparel the.perfect dress:for Mothers Day or any occasion that warrants that well dressed look. IEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK, j PENNSYLVANIA THE DAILY COI Senate Refuses to Limit Literacy Biff Debate WASHINGTON (fl 3 ) The Son-(limited debate was voted down than two-thirds of the- Senate ate smacked down an effort;s3 to 43, failing even to win a membership —.favored the meat* yesterday to limit debate on the] favorable majority. It needed ap* ure. He included three absentees Kennedy administration’s voter two-thirds of those vot- known to favor it literacy test bill, then gave theling 64 votes in this case. The bill has been debated by bill itself a rousing vote of sup- The second test, forced by the Senate for two weeks. It port. Mansfield with a move to table Democratic Leader Mike Mans- the bill, brought a solid endorse field of Montana, heartened by ment with a 64-33 vote to keep it; the second vote, quickly set* the alive. A vote to table kills a bill.! jstage for a second try Monday at] Republican leader Everett M. i shutting off debate. ! jDirksen said the refusal to kill; j The effort to invoke cloture showed that 67. — more VILLAGE DAIRY ANNOUNCES A NEW ADDITION TO THEIR DELICATESSEN KOSHER FOOD COMPLETE LINE OF KOSHER MEATS AND HEBREW NATIONAL FOODS & JEWISH PASTRIES i BY LEVY'S BAKERY: CHOLLAS, SANDWICH RYE, PUMPERNICKEL, HARD ROLLS, ONION ROLLS, AND BAGELS •SERVING DAILY# HOT PASTRAMI SANDWICHES ON I JEWISH RYE -AND ; I 'CORN BEEF ON JEWISH RYE ( ! 1 i ~ University Shopping. Center - Westerly Parkway LIBERAL ARTS LECTURE SERIES / presents Joseph Faulkner "The Religious Milieu of the College Student" MAY 15 at 7:30 P.M. * -* , J, ! , HUB Assembly Reception end refreshments In HUB Lounge All students and faculty art Invited te attend SPECIAL! i I Men's Low SNEAKER White Sizes Oft-l Oft *2.99 p, M c CROR Y’S UNIVERSITY PARK PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER -W. HAMILTON AVE, . Canv Quarter would exempt persons with ‘ a 'sixth-grade education from hav ing to pass a literacy test to vote jin federal elections. The bill’s supporters say the tests have been used in some Southern areas to keep Negroes from voting. PAGE THREE