APRIL 27. 1962 TODAY ON CAMPUS Seminar Yih-Ho .Pao. of. the. Depart ment of Mechanics at the Johns Hopkins University. will speak at the Fluid Mechanics 'Seminar at 4 p.m. in 232 Hammond. He will discuss "Diffusive Quan tities in Turbulent' Fluid." Artists Series The Artists Series f wili.present violinist Isaac Stern at 8:30 p.m. in Schwab. - Reading Festival Sessidns of the fourteenth Read ing Festival will' be held at 9:30 and 1:15 p.m. in the Hetzel Union assembly room. Questionnaire Student questipnnaires for the 4-term evaluation must be re turned to the HUB desk by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Physics Colloquium .. Dr. Schoenberg of the Cav endish Laboratory,' University of Cambridge. will speak on "Fermi Surfaces of the Nobel Metals" at the Physics Colloquium at 4:15 p.m. in 217 Osniond. Interlandia The Interlandia Folk Dancers will hold a folk dance from 7:30 OSCA too - Sugmt ' NeW USG Agency After this week's All-Uhiversity elections, the Organization of So cialcampus Affairs will propose to thb new USG president that Congress set by an agency to carry out OSCA'a present projects, Barry Rein, OSCA president, said recently. As a USG. agency, OSCA would obtain the necessary financial backing 'to bring the big name entertainers to the campus which the Artists Series and the Jazz Club do not feature, he said. The agency would alio work on Spring Week and homecoming programs. he added. OSCA, a social, cultural . 1 . and service organization, was created In place of the former Independ ent Students Association in order to extend membership_to all stu dents, not just , independents, he explained. . Because the organization could not gain sufficient funds to carry out its plans, such as Project Joey, he said, it withdrew its constitu tion from the Senate Commitee on Student Affairs. ' Applications Due Today For County Pageant. -- The deadline for filing applica tions for the seventh annual Miss Centre County Pageant is mid night today., Interested ccieds may obtain ap plications by • Coritacting Stanley Goldman, 'pageant chairman, at EL. 5-3692. I The Miss Centre County Pagent, .the official preliminary for the Miss Pennsylvania and Miss America contest, :is sponsored by the Bellefonte Area Jaycees. The local pageant will be held May 11 ,at the Bellefonte Junior High School. • EUROPE roots too much to take Just the first' tour heard of.. Spend 4e & learn' about a bargain eitiregtmented fun tour. - Reduction for thine or more. EUROPE BUM= TOURS 251-C Biggest. Passekaii. Cal BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES ,Westi,rin Auto Satiafaietion Guaranteed 112 S. FRAZIER ST. • AD' 7-71192 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. - PENNSYLVANIA to 11 p.m. in the HUB ballroom. There will be no admission charge for this Spring Week dance. The public is invited to come and learn• the dances from foreign countries. Meetings ASPE registration, 9-10 a.m., HUB lobby: Football Clinic, 6-9:30 • p.m., HUB assembly room. Football Clinic Table, 6-7:30 p.m., across, from HUB assembly room HRB Testing, 2:30-8:30 p.m., 217 HUB:. Reed Ferguson Tour Group, 8:30- 9:30 a.m., 212 HUB. USG Elections Committee, 6-10:45 p.m.,IHUB card room. m ratammitamtrumak.--0.4c; 6 1; 1 BERMUDA WY! • IMADRAS $5.95 DACRON"COTTON ' POPLINS .$4.95 VOTE DENIM g, ' - $3.50 Plus a large assortment 0 ' of other fabrics. GUYS g. levine bros. P tt'' .l gMLlZZ 9 .s,li7rl .% . ,,e; 4:V4 t Vor.11:)::114:i : .', , "-':W...t , ' .4 q t•r0r6i7.{71,1 ai,wy-AiwiT.:- YOUR VOTE YOUR _usJc: Dining Polls Close at 6:30 p.m. The • Mall and HUB, Polls Open Until 5:00 Everyone can VOTE! Campus Prepares for Carnival From all the indications of the hustle and bustle around campus, many groups seem to be taking advantage of the warm • days in order 'to complete work on their carnival booths by tomorrow. , • SKITS ARE being practiced secretly behind cfmed doors, and several actors and actresses are becoming hoarse from all their singing: However, reports say every thing will be ready for the carni val opening at 71 p.m. tomorrow at the new intramural field near Miss Penn State Photos Miss Penn State applicants may pick up their pictures at the Het zel Union desk today, Carol Con nelly, Spring Week awards chair man; said: • , DACRON • COTTON POPLINS =t*, $4.95 And ... a smart seliction of blouses ... madras, seer sucker, dacron & cottons. 147 S. ALLEN makes TIME! • MADRAS $5.95 .!'o. GALS Beaver Stadium, All groups whose skits were not ready to be checked last night will. have their carnival .skits "double-checked" tomorow night, Brow said, Judges of the skits are asked to meet at 7:30 tomorrow night at the, Spring Week booth, which will be situated in the center of the carnival grounds, Paul Krow, carnival chairman, said last night. Joel Grossman, who is in charge of the judging, will then give the VIGILANT EYES UNDER THE SEA They help guard America's defense lines aboard the nation's atom-powered , subma rines. Such defense costs billions. The nation is far better able to pay for it when there is no needless government spending in other fields. One of these fields is electric light and power. There no need to spend'your tax money for_ more government electric power plants and lines—although some people gre proposing that right now. The investor4noned electric light and power companies can supply all the additional electric power 'a growing America will need. 1 • WEST PENN. POWER in..tor-own.d, sax-pi:o,4 9 — r sorting WESTorn POW judges their final instructions and any additional information, Krow said. . All the judges are invited to bring one guest with them. h. said. ' ALCOHOLIC beverages will not be allowed On the carnival grounds, Krow said. It any group violates this rule, its skit will be disqualified, he said. "This ruling includes the smell of liquor on- anyone's breath," Krow said. PAGE fIVE