PAGE TWO 4 Steel Firms Indict - • • NEW YORK (1?) The nation, 1 Indicted with the big two of the' two largest steel producers, U.S. l ,steel industry were Erie Forge & Steel and Bethlehem, were in-!Steel Corp. and Midvale-Heppen-: dieted yesterday with two sinaller'stall Co. Also named defendants firms - on federal charges of rig -$were the trade association, Open', 'ging bids and fixing prices cm• Die Forging Institute, Inc.. and: forgings. Sales involved were es-:the following individuals: 1 timated at $lOO million a year. •Homer I-Ackey, former man- The grand jury complaint had!ager of U.S. Sties forged prod To connection with the se, n: ucts commercial division and since increase in steel prices earlier this,Sept. 1, 1960, president of Erie, month, which was spearheaded Forge. r by U.S. Steel. The increase later! •Erb Gurney, -- triiiiager. and, was withdrawn under pressure l ßobert S. Barnes, assistant mana from President Kennedy. ger of Bethlehem's,sales, forgings,l The indictment charged that a TP fi g s and special products di- 1 conspiracy existed long before the v ' °n • pricing crisis—beginning in 1948 • Emil Lang, board chairman of; and continuing until 1961. It wasjErie Forge. _ said to involve steel forgings, ro- •R. B. Reppenstall Si.. presi liirs and generator shafts sold toident of Midvale-.Fleppenstall. the -Army, Navy and private man.- 1 The individuals, if convicted on ufactiirers in violation of federal the conspiracy charge, could re antitrust laws. (ceive a maximum one-year prison sentence and fines of $50,000 each. THE GOVERNMENT claimed'The companies would be liable to bids and prices were synchro - 450,000 fines also. nixed through a New York trade. association that served 'as a clear 4 A BETHLEHEM spokesman big hous.. ;said in a statement: 'We have not yet seen the indictment. Bethle ;hem has long had a policy of ; 'Congo Heads to Resume 1 . • Reunification Discussions. CZ1714 AII fi4 ELISABETH V ILL E, Katanga (4) Foreign Minister Evariste, Kimha announced today that President Moise Tshombe will' leave for Leopoldville Thursday for further talks with Premier `Cyrille Adoula on. unifying the' Congo. 7-• An advance party of Katanga delegates will leave earlier to pre pare for Tshombe's arrival. * IWZVOMts * STARTS TONITE James Cagney Arlene Francis ONE, TWO THREE with Bond Buchholz Let Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU f;C 7 , 9 1 1) It's Spring with Delivery to sororities and fraternities Fun to est whilefou're working on Spring Week. Now !satin* :2' :IN 4.:44 - 7 :OS .!;- :20 !MN ANT El4iBTfi 1! Ho used toys like most (.• • US! money! SPUDNUTS Food U.S.A. Fun THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA METROUIJ:MIit4oIAYER prawb PAUL NEWhiAN GERALDINE PAGE SOSIDOII Tlgt ft/a MOlNtilan OP _.4 EnTalltlEf•li? ClNpiA:kls WE • IIItTROCMOR Week , •. 'Rusk, Gromyko Faii to Agree i 1 strict compliance with all laws ap- On State of Berlin Discussions plicable to its operations, and we:i ' WASHINGTON (AP) Secre-ia ' rrecs o .Ber lin. would be greatly cont;erned if,_any;iwy. of State Dean Rusk differed; "The facts are," Rusk said em lßethiehem employes. had D'uf today with Soviet Foreign Iphatically, "that we are in West violating the law" * !Minister Andrei A. Gromyko!Berlin and we are going to stay, U.S.Steel President Leslie B. about the extent of progress to-ithere." Worthington also mined a state- s i ward a Ber li n settlement. 1 Rusk discussed the Berlin situs merit which read in part: "Wei Rusk said that there is no agree- bon at a news conference two intend to contest i n the courts thei me nt yet on any particular point days after Gromyka spoke about charges contained in this indict - ;at, , issue in the current U S -So- it in Moscow at a meeting of the merit and we ask that the public vie , ta lk s. Supreme Soviet, the Russian judgment until the case He added, however, that a num- parliament has been decided in court her of problems could be speedily! Gromyko said there are hopes "This indictment involves the, resolved if the central points in ,' for Soviet-American agreement on ,heavy forging industry which isldispute could be settled. Rusk em-three US. issues involved in [separate and distinct from theipb si7pri that this would require; Soviet exchanges. He said the basic steel industry. United StalesiSoviet acceptance of the contin- United States understands the im- Steel is a very minor factor in[ued 'presence of Western forces portance of denying nuclear weap this industry with a participation; in West Berlin and guarantees of ons to Germany. of only about four per cent. Also; .....r .-- heavy forg i ngs constitute a Aril tually negligible portion of our total business- . .. . • . ... . . New.tolleg.:Ditioi , ~.....1-0e.71 E. ,,,, -;..r.e...i ,-; ",:,•':"...k.p( STATE NOW meet Miss MischieP T~~ N N3i.OLA~; 1:3% 3:31, 5:32. 7:33. 9:34 11 0 SPRING W TIC EE K K ETS, CARNIVAL witi be giveli away at TONIGHT'S WEST HALLS'.RECORD HOP CEN TER • S "1 - Pena Stria A,, Players Cir KRRPP'S APRIL 4tAYI4 LAST TAPE. THE- R. MAN' OF DESTI Y • B:4°P " • ic.uc.:l3.d trt-Sitt, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY . - EAT !UP • THE BIG WEDGE • SIGMA PI - ALPHA XI DELTA RECORD FRIDAY. APRIL 27.-1962 EKE TT SPRING TESTIMONIAL : it j. owe it a l to the' WEST HALLS' TONIGHT 8 -12:30 WARING LOUNGE HOP."