The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 17, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO German Bulletin Prints Article on Study Abroad .1 *. Dean ' s. List .1. 1 Totals 1,335; By KAY MILLS ' STUDENTEITWERIC. a studentil 2-50, Get' 4.0 l ' R _Official figures releasea yester 7 , News and World Affairs Editor welfare agency, embarked in 1958; on a building program to ,inc reaseday by Robert M. Koser, l associate The Bulletin, -a weekly survey the number of student homei.lregiStrar , show that,: 11 ore stn- ! of German affairs issued by West About 27,000 students can now be, 4 „, f ,,, Germany's press and information accommodated. The arlicle Said.' — ' -- - 1• . list ga , acne POsit . i • ons on the office, contains-an article on Penn however, that rooms for 50,000 dean s i during tlie winter term, State's Study Abroad program at more have yet to be built if onlylthan during the fall te7n. t , the University of Cologne. one-third of all students are to, Bachelor's , degree condi viti.. . The story which appeared in live in student homes. • • iwho achieved averages lof ;6 ~'• a recent issue, said the two uni- The agency feels that designs better numbered 1435 during the. versities have agreed on a student for these homes should include winter term as - compared with exchange which will be made alcommunity rooms where cultural 1.20? for the fall term, The num permanent arrangement if the,events can Like place, as well as ber of associate degree clndidates, re psent experiment - turns out facilities for sports. , achieving a 3.5 declined from 117 well. The Studentenwerk plan r i oter to 100, he said. ;. 1 THE GERMAN SPONSORS of that these homes are the most The total number of dean's-list the program have announced that i "effective way of integrating;stwients is 1,335 itor the winter term and 1,324 for the fall term. l this agreement is the first of its:studenti from abroad into the kind between .an American ,a n d,academic life of Germany." The-nUifiber of students achiev a German university. One of the! THE 'PLAN recommends in-ling perfect 4.0. averages during; Study Abroad Program's purpose 4 creasing - the percentage of foreigni the winter terrn was 250, Koseri to counteract "the growinli students in all homes from the saicl. The comparle figure for! trend toward academic tourism'..present .10 per cent to at least'the fall term was 218. I - I 'by offering solid fare in academicl,2o per cent so that more foreign! Koser 'said the to . ' tal number cif! training, the article said.; itand German students may live students - placed on probation de -1 • The same issue of The Bulletin together: clined 325. The fall term figure r also carried a report on housing; Any Student Is eligible for ac.-' was 2,356, he' said, and the winter' for foreign students in West Geri c ommodation in the homes, the,term figure reached my 2,031; 1 many. German academic institu-Bulletin said. Studentenwerk rec-, The number of students dropped: tions have no dormitories, so the ommentis to those interested in'from, school following the winter question of where German stu-.iving in a student home that they term ,was -127. he added. In con dents, as well as those from for-`contact! the Akademi s Ch e 5, trast, U 8 student; were dropped eign countries will live is notiAuslandsamt at whatever German' at the end of thelfall term. i . always easily answered, the' university they are planning to at-. Bulletin said. ltend, the article added. I t----t Tr McCurdy Gets} Leave 0 Continue All ,, Week I Joseph A. 16cC4irdy,1 associate through the week., i professor of agricultural engineer.) Skies should be mostly sunny mg. has been grahted leave of . and teniperatures will be some-labsence for one tear, beginning what milder today. A high reading , Sept. 1, 1962. : 1 i of 52 is expected as' constrasted He plans to wor for his master with yesterday's maximum of 43 of science degree in agricultural degrees. 'engineering at Michigan State' Tonight should he mostly:Clear University. ; t I and chilly, and - a low of 30 is McCurdy joined the faculty in' likely. : 11950 after workint for ;two years Occasional rain and Toot weath- as a farm repres. ntatitte for the ler is seen for tomorrow. A high Pennsylvania Pol.ver and Light of 45 degrees is expected. I Company in Lanoster..l Unseasonable Weaitier t The cold weather regime ha s controlled Pennsylvanial; weather since last week should continue to exert a strong in fluence on the state's weather this week.. - Temperatures are expected tp moderate somewhat today, but readings should continue to aver age well-below seasonal normals New College Diner Downtown between thVtOtovies LOCAL AD STAFF MEETING TONIGHT 131 Sackett Very Important! Attendance Compulsory STATE LAA7 "ALL FALL DOWN" WED. al 1:52, 3:47, 5:42.7:37, 9:32 - TM . ..1,11111,111104 eau eitio tor • 10.11111. Baur ftwalrappitimiwwi • rmikawanximodusam. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY WIN AN EGG ' • McLANAHAN'S EASTER EGG CONTEST . Solid Cocoanut Cream Chocolate Covered Egg EASTER EGG _ ..="GUESS THE WEIGHT" I Contest NkLAPJAHAN STORES • - I - 1 I Name: f • - r 1. Address: , ~ I i i 1 Phone NO.; - i Weight Estimation: '.. ... . . ; (DRAMS-AVOIRDIIPOIS) • 5 Glum the weight of the egg oridiviay at McLanahan's 414 E. College Ave. or 134 S. Alleo,St. Use this coupon for your entry , . CATIFIALIM Last Tisaa TODAY: „. iiii-tr TAN if • , "MEM. TONITE, at 7:311 ., r - 9:15 p.m. - SORDID! r 11 / 4 412: 11. EAusnc 811 9 1111:47.. . strabe Sianiqg - - j jean seborg • itan•lpaul bib:nand* ,UIIOIIIIIVT' Tams Caztta sa Ira Hayes I "THE OUTSIDER'? •t 1:31. 1:25., 5:21, 7:21. 1 1 :1S "-IL ARK. PENNSYLVANIA illit LA PR: 1 ISS JACK . 1 "' orps Training Site Moved to Californiir . , 1 The - fifth Peace Corps contin-iteers for a particular countryi gent for the Philippines will be. The Philippine • government has trained this summer at a univer - requested over 1,300 Peace-Porpsi 'sity ina li fornia rather than iat.volunteers; The fourth group is Iprnn S te. Lawrence:E. Denrus,lstill on campus and will:complete, 4 g associa director of the Peace itatraining here at the end of this; `Corps, said Saturday. i ;term. • ,-, 1 .1 ;Dennis said that the shift in the THE UNIVERSITY chose not, training site. for the volunteersito renew its contract to continua l this summer does not 'necessarily! training volunteers this summer; 'mean that volunteers will not beilar. Paul W. Bixby, director of, 'trained here again during the fall; the training program, said yester term. ' Iday. . 1 I Presently, 25. per cent of all ling overseas or' in !train ,= ing are 'for the Philippine project? This percentage is expected td ,drop since training for many nevi, 'projects is scheduled to i begin this summer, Bixby said. , ; THE FIRST -FOUR - contingents; of volunteers for the Philippines , were 'trained at the University under contract with. the Peace Corps in Washington. The Uni-! versity trained 150 last sumnier, and about 60 - during the past three terms. The purpose for changing the training site this summer, Deniiii said. is that it will enable other universities to gain experi ence in training volunteers. Almost all volunteers for '-'-the 25 projects now in progress have Seen trained both at universities in this country and in the various 'bost countries. THE CONTRACT between this University and the Peace Corn:. which expires in June, is the only continuous contract in the.nation. . Other universities contracts hiive been for only one group of voltin .*Awataapsnu;,,wl6.o.---,--,-1 ...:ci: This past weekends six parties . (AoPi, lAPi, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi, AXi Delta and AGR all photo graphed in natural color) made it most difficult to select any one girl more worthy of note than another. The dilemma was solved when we met Mike Raiser of Phi Kappa Sigma at Alpha Xi Delta's formal held at Sigma Pi. With all his faults, Mate has an infallibly accurate eye for pulchritude. I havJ never seen him with a woman who was less than sOctacuiar. Saturday night was 1,10 exception.,Her name i Sue BrOwn Vicky Kaplan of IA Beta also share honor Pictures of these pa The long awaited w portraits of the Thetas Ann Mahoney the • Katie Johnson bf RD, TUESDAY. APRIL 17. 1962 * sauiromva * PLAZA ; TONITE a WED. Kirk Douglas __TOWN _ WITHOUT PITY with E. G. Marshal This is Jay's Katie * i and Pat Kirsch of Gamma Phi with' Sue. rties will be on display in a few k has arrived - 1 we'll be doing and Kappa s Friday. st.of fuck to youl coliman• .!- taring pin tram DTD Jay gala