The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 03, 1962, Image 3
TUESDAY. APR!! 3. 1962 Housing £ i- . I The State College Chamber of; Commerce plans ho. change in the-procedure of collecting data from property owners on avail able housing in this' area, a group spokesman said iyesterday. i - He said the group is abiding within and in' fact obeyirig the recently' passed state Fair Hous ing Law in not soliciting informa tion on whether landlords practice discrimination in renting-housing facilities. ' ■ ‘ THE CHAMBER of Commerce recently established a housing list prospective residents con taining only information on the type of room 6 1 rooms available, location, rental price and the 1 date of occupancy. ! Property owners may have theiif Cold Weather Expected to Continue The unseasonably cold arctic todav but a high of only 46 ide air that invaded the .Common- grees is predicted for the after wealth Saturday and caused snow noon. \ flurries Saturday/ night and Sun-; As the center of the cold l air day evening should, continue to| passes across the state tonight dominate _the local weather pat-/ temperatures are again expected tern today: i to fall well below the freezing Temperatures were forecast tcJ'njark. low of 25 is indicated! for skid to near record minimums; local area, early today. Mercury readings! Some modification of the arctic were expected ,to range from the'air is expected tomorrow arid a teens in northern counties to toe'high of 52 is likely. ! low 30's in- the Philadelphia areaij a new surge of cold air could Partially sunny skies should (sweep out of Canada Thursday take-some of the bite out of causing the tempera low temperatures and brisk winds tures to. persist into the weekend. ATTENTION TOWN MEN ! j DANCING LESSONS i j 1 '; fe : \ WIiCT ‘ The .Town Independent Men's Council Is providing 1 i dancing lessons lor independent men living In , ' town. Information and sign-up at HUB desk. Latest; ; lime for sign-up is S pan. Thursday, April 5. !Ka«aßSHE£asaatsa>si3sn< List to Remain Unchanged names placed on the list by call-; ing! the Chamber of Commerce office at AD 7-7644. Students may obtain copies of the housing list which was mimeographed yester day. About 150 housing facilities are;now listed. ; -The chamber does not and will; not ash for information on occu pant preference because a sjec-| tion of the housing law passed; last September makes it illegal] to practice discrimination in rent-; ing dwelling facilities. ’■> j THIS SECTION which was passed by the Pennsylvania Hu-1 main Relations; Commission states! “no person shall make an , in-; quiry, solicit 'information, makej !or i keep any record or use any 1 [form of application containing 1 THE DAILy GXLEGIAN UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA ; questions or. entries concerning jrace, color, religious creed, an cestry or national origin in the connection with the sale or lease (rent) of any commercial housing! facility." ! Twelve University students The Chamber of Commerce j from other countries will partici therefore, only lists information ipte in panel discussion on "Life about the housing facility itseif.j-m AJy Country Teenagers an informed source said last night. Around the World,” as a special The Undergraduate Student Gov-:feature of the annual Home eminent housing list includes the i Econorlilcs Spring Weekend to be same, information but lists only! held April 13-14. 'those housing facilities which are; specifically designated as non-; i discriminatory. j | LEGALLY EACH group can or-' ganize their housing list in the |way they wish and follow what! ■seems to them to be an accepts able method; the source'said. | Frosh Gets New Post With-Advisory Board Martin Munitz, in education their homeland. j Y -- rep i aced: Hazel M. Hatcher, professor ofi c" ne3S economics' education, willl I ch l l j;-! moderate the panel discussionsi 58 Ad '|scheduled for 12:45. April 13. andj visory Board Sunday night U:10 Ap ' rU H , in Home E cono m-! Burton Neil, in. business ad-|ics South. . j ministration from Pittsburgh, was Keynote soeaker Lawrence E.i demlo°S^ MUnitZ “ preS^|Denms!°associa*e e diwtoi^o^the dent pro tempore. (peace! Corps and former Univer-I In other business the hoardjsity administrator, will open thei passed a motion to sponsor a carjweekend’s activities with an ad-] wash April 14 in the Hetzel Union]dress : scheduled for 7:30 p.m.,1 parking lot The proceeds will go;April,l3. in Schwab; Dennis, ad toward the class gift fund. Idress will be open to the public. ]p»swwaKrn ”■* >«•<- ■>. i Miss Carol Jacobsen Returning to reality after a : vacation must be done slowly and gracefully lest we get the bends. The transition frohi skiing in the snow laden mountainsTof* Vermont to thei clannish hills oft Centre County requires a certain degree of decompression. . By the way, anyone interested in a pair of skis used one season? ,(HEAD VECTORS, 7 feet, with Marker safiety release). Mil Ball party pix are nqw in our display case. We still have 2 extra copies of each picture (also* of parties not on display) available to first come, first serve. : Outstanding at this pasi weekend's parties as observecf'by our wandering eye was A G Delta's Miss Constantine gowned in a magnificent Tunic bubble of turquoise organza. j A D Pi's party at AGR was beautifully enhanced by a sweeping arrangement of’stars‘deverly suspended in mid-air. • ‘ Both parties, photographed in color, will be on display in a few days. j ' -bl HEc Weekend Will Feature Panel, Talks I The panel, along with lectures, [exhibits and movies will contri ibute to this year’s theme, "Fam j dies Around the World Techni cal and Human Development." i Undergraduates, masters and idoctor#l degree candidates from different areas of the world will attempt to acquaint professional people, and high! school students visiting campus with glimpses of family life in I cof email BIKE REPAIR& PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto Satisfaction Guaranteed 200 W. College Are. AD 7-7392 |iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiuiiniimiw| | Credit Staff IS i’ . I Sackett 3:00 P.M. TODAY SUiwtamwmuiutmmutiMnßiHffluuMtnnmMN Through the Looking Glass with Gabbl Spring has sprung Tha grass has xis I wonder wh«r» lha birdiaa it I Yes! spring is here finally! Have you noticed that it seems like there are many many- more students on-campus than there were last term? As soon as the first sißn of spring appears, so do all the.-students! Their win ter hibernation has ended. r ir i\ Ethel Mh»iti'i keeps up with the seasons. There you, wilt find ! new spring and summer items. Stop in this week to buy or 1 browse. [ HATS, HATS. HATS ... of all kinds, shapes, and colors. !, Ethel has straw hats for you' ; gals for the beach, for gplf, and j for sunning yourselves. You j may not be an expert golfer, ,1 but you sure will took good on ji the golf course that is- f jf you !' wear Ethel’s golf-type hat. j! They will protect your hair from the sun '(especially i bleached hair)! So, this sum mer, be the one on the beach 1 and gold course with the sharp ’ est looking hat. ' HEY, FRESHMEN It i Axe you set yet?? Still! busy decorating your room? Don’t forget about! the desk! Of course you will need.- a nice leather desk blotter. How about I ‘ a letter holder (for all. your fan letters!), a letter opener, anti I a memo pad : to match? Ethel has ’em all! Good luck this lermll Must run l Gabbt 112 Z. College At*. PAGE THWEI