The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 03, 1962, Image 10
PAGE TEN Toms Injured In Spring Drills COACHING ON CRUTCHES— Becausa of a pullad' Achilla*' tendon. Rip Engle mti*l do his spring football coaching with the aid of crutches. The Lion coach has had his fool in a cast since he injured it several weeks ago playing paddleball. New College Diner Downtown -Bplwco** ihc -Movies DOUBLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES. Finest Surgical Steel, honed in oil. Full money back guarantee 25—20 c 100— Bsc. 200—51.50. 500-43.30, 1000 —55.75. Postpaid. Packaged 5 blades to package, 20 packages to carton. C.O.D. orders ac cepted. Postcard brings general merchandise catalog. EMER SON COMPANY. 406 So. Sec- Alhambra. Cailf. - AN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMMITTEE FOR A SANE NAVIGATION PINKY £ , - ' -I N Penn State opened its spring; football drillis yesterday and coach Rip Engle wasn’t exact ly smiling at the close of the first session.! Nearly 100 candidates reported to Engle and his staff, but before! the day was over injuries had re-! duced the number by three. The' most serious of these was |o last! fall’s starting fullback Buddy Tor-1 ris, who suffered a sprained knee.; TORRIS SLIPPED Bnd fell; “The first day wept very slow,” while running backwards in a,Engle commented «|t the close of drill and pulled a ligament in his* theidrills. “We’ve ,gc(t to find some left knee. He ! had to be -helpedlfootball players am) we’ve got a from the field! jlong, long way to gij." Lion team physician Dr. Alfred | Gone from last year’s eastern H. Griess caDed the injury a and Gator Bowl chj|mps are eight “slight sprain;” but added that members of the firsi two teams, he .-would have to wait two orj i [ three days to determine if the in- Let Collegian Classifieds jury was very• serious. u/ftoir babi Yftii Freshman John Ibex also suf- V/t/RK FORj YOU •ASK ABOUT OUR $25 SAV!NGS BONO PROFIT SHARING PLAN* 1 BOARD & ROOM I ! . - > I Leaver hall ! E 311 E. Beaver Ave. *i I • ,i§| q Advantages Worth Considering .j •. 1 >1 z < O • Rales start at $230.00 for Entire Term “ z a, - o M • Clean, pleasant rooms . «/» Z • Family-style meals : I ' o! > (no standing in line) , j ni | •a • Convenient to town and campus ts • For your leisure-hours—s channel television 2 efr at -* o Make Reservations Now x 5 for Springi Term | O 1 j i rt < - Board Also Available ; sc - Without Room \ C in < . , i . .a: • A few vacancies now • I*ASK ABOUT OUR $25 SAVINGS BOND PROFIT SHARING PLAN* 11 has been brought to our attention that certain element* among the passenger* and /crew favor the installation of "life* boats on this ship. These elements have advanced the excuse that such action would save lives in the; event of a maritime disaster such. as the ship striking an iceberg. Al though we share' their concern, we remain unalterably op posed to any consideration of. their course of action for the following reasons: - , (1) This program would lull you info a false sense of security. • • (2) It would came undue alarm and destroy your desire to continue your voyage in this ship. (3) It demonstrates a lack of faith in our Captain. : (4) The apparent security which ‘life* boats offer will make our Navigator reckless. . ' . (5) These proposal* will distract our attention from more important things. Le~ building unsinkable ships! They may even- lead our builders to false economies and the 'building of ships that are actually unsafe. j (6) In the event of being struck by an iceberg (we will never strike first) the "life* boats will certainly sink along withlhe ship. ' j • (7) If they do not sink, you will only be saved for a worse fate, inevitable death on the open sea. | it) If you should be washed ashore on a desert l island, you w ri be unaccustomed to the hostile environment and will surely die of exposure. j if!) If you should be rescued by a passing! vessel, you spend e life of remorse mourning over your lost loved ones. | X 10) The panic engendered £y * collision. an ice berg would destroy all vestiges of civilised human behavior. We >fhudder at the vision of one man shooting j another for the possession of a "life* boat. i i(Il) Such a catastrophe is too . horrible lo contemplate. Anyone who’ does contemplate is obviously advocating it. A LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS IS AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THIS PUBLICATION - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA By DEAN BILLICK Advertisement fered a slight knee sprain and sophomore Joe! Reßd broke his jright index finger. , s State was scheduled to open spring drills Saturday, but a steady rain forced Engle to cancel the i practice. Engle plans to hold drills every alteration with the exception of Wednesdays and Sun days. { j THE LIONS will'wind up the 'practice .session -witjh.the annual [Blue-White game April 28. A full [scale ; scrimmage is .scheduled 'each Saturday on golf course ifields. ,i i i ; J/ | Gifford To End j Retirement 'NEW [YORK UP) Frank Gil- but wak beaten by the Green Bay. lord, 31] six times an.all-pro half- Packers-;37-0 in ;thej playoff, back, will return to action for the -Gifford played pi seven pro New York Giants next season, bowl games in his career, ana was •ending-a one-year retirement the league's most-valuable player \ The former Southern California “ * 956 * the Grants won the star announced yesterday that he J . .-.-i . i^ v 'sv, p^i» b c r r„Si, n .i J smgle game record 1 for pass re &bftwSn how ahd cepUons, 11, made In *957. when gaining camp opens, to get back injtoiop shape. “We’li see then how much is left I think there’s quite a bit." The Announcement brought] smiles [from Giant .Coach Allie Sherman, whose team won the ! Eastern! Conference title last year ThE RECORD ROdM 2 | r \5 brings YOU savings i | p | ; during i V RtA VICTOR DISCOUNT DAVS 5 ■'l ! !' i u ft Buy I RCA Victor LP -—— ! i £ J GetSl.OOoff V lay 2 RCA Victor IPs—— | . Get the 3rd for *l.OO Buy 3 RCA Victor LPs; -—— jGet the 4th free Buy 5 or more LPs —!—j !! ’ Get 30% discount ! THE RECORD ROOM | E. College Aye. i|»i‘ r » ■ , i Open noon till nine Monday thru Friday ! 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. on Saturdays - I '■ ! ■ . ! ; •; • • ‘• < f $e prepared for Spring h-i-s “NARROWER” SHORTS These trim, tapered Harrow- j ers are comfortable and easy- i fitting for spring wear. In j cool featherweight fabrics ! and a large array of colon ; at Kalins. I ' i ' : ! i ' TUESDAY. APRIL 3. 1962 Orange Drills Postponed SYRACUSE, N.YJ (AP) The start of the 20-day spring football practice at Syracuse j University yesterday was postponed, to later in | the .week. The j gridiron lay buried under. 4 inches of snow.l (Lowith $4.95 1 .* i_ j /!’ TREW SUCKS 1 Newl lightweight tapered, trews give you that trim ap pearance with ih► plain pleallsu front ana dean' cutties# bottom. Your choica of black, olive or 4rhiie in nearly all sixes. ) i ' : f ■ Imlmh MENfS STjORE STATE., COLLEGE $4.95