The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 31, 1962, Image 8

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Dennis to Speak at HEc Weekend
Keynote speaker lor the ISthi'Home Economics, will be "Fam
annual Home Spring ilies Around the World Tech-
Weekend to be held April 13-14, nical and Human Development”
will be, tswrwicc E* DeniiiSi as-j »«tl
01 ""
P for Family and Community Edu-
Denrns, University vice presi- cation.” - -
■dent for academic affairs before; He will discuss the need for
hi« appointment to the PeaeCjvoHsnteers to work with families
Corps post, is responsible for thcjabrond and the effect which such
administration and coordination experiences will have on Peace
of all phases or selection and Corpsmen.
training. • ~_ Dennis’ address, scheduled for 1
’• The theme for the two-day pro-:7:30 pun, Aptfi 13, in Schwab]
gram, announced by <Jrace M. will be open to the public. I
Henderson, dean of the College of Several other addresses will be
Alum Association
A drive to sell Alumni Associa-fwill be stationed at the Nittany
tion memberships to graduatingjLion Inn, Hetzel Union Building
seniors will be held during Senionand bursar’s office on graduation
Week, probably May 7 or 14, day, June 9, to register graduates
David Grubbs, Senior Class Presi- for the Alumni Association.
d«nt. said recently. . [ GRUBBS SAID the executive
The drive will be sponsored by!board of the Senior Week com
the Alumni Association. jmittee will choose a chairman
Grubbs said that he and Philip from each college who will choose
Steinhaucr, Hat-Society Council!a number of class agents from his
president, will head the 20-mem-[college. During Senior Week each!
bef student committee which will class agent will contact 10 seniors!
plan and-coordinate Senior. Week'in his college about joining the
with-the Alumni Office. {Alumni'Association.
Randy Carter, junior classj Lifetime memberships will be
president and member of the (offered for $7O with an initial
committee, said that' the Jun-< payment c f $lO. One-year mem
lor Class Advisory Board will f berships will:cost $2. Pledges to
aid the Senior Week committee join the Alumni Association in'
Members of the advisory board the futuie will also be accepted.
New College Diner
sswnlown Between th^Movio
v ~'-
The Moss Associate* Bulletin
with- job listings -for under
graduate and graduate men and
women is now available in the
Cast. Moss Associates is not an
employment placement agency
and will collect no fees on your
future .salary. We will supply
you with job sources and the
related lads to help you secure
a desirable position. Positions
are available in industry, resort
areas, businesses.; government
agencies, and some in Canada.
Your particular curriculum
may quality you for many spe
cialised higher paying Jobs.
Personnel, social work, clerical
and agricultural TXJiitionj are
available. Basicengineering
•kills may qualify you for high
paying positions in government
and industry. Resort positions
are available for experienced
and inexperienced persons.
The availability for all summer
positions the sum
mer draws near. It is advisable
to apply for them positions as
soon as possible. To receive the
Moss Associates Bulletin, send
two dollars <52.00) In cash,
check, or money order, no
C.OD.‘s please, together with
the coupon below to:
Mott AnotitiM
Box 4141.
Philadtlphlt 44. Pc.
Send Bulletin SP [
Name. j
Address * |
Men AeaodaNc, Box 4141 J
FhftaMpMi 44, P«. 1
to Sponsor Drive
! : i '
Tickets On Sal* at HUB, NSttany Niwtl nd Kmmil Room -
. i
given by Home feconomka faculty
members and ether guest speak
matelv 2,000 {adults and high)
school student | from Pennsyl
vania and otbtjr states have at
tended the iflome Economics
Spring Weekend.
Meetings wil begin at 12:45
p.m. April 13 and will include
talks on the development of man’s!
shelter, food of other cultures
and selection of clothing in other
parts of the world. J.
Lectures will also be given on
world food resources, the. family j
cycle around 'the world, family
management |n southern South
America and food markets in
Southeast Asia.
Penn State Students from Free
China, Guatemala, India, Saudi)
Arabia, Korea,; Philippines, Puerto
Rico, Norway} and Canada will
discuss “Life %n. My .Country.”
cuss how the! University’s home
•economics curriculum responds toi
[social trends;* and will include!
jfacts_ on the ineed for jmen and]
[women in family service) here and'
jabroad. I I )
j Tours, exhibits and {films are
'planned for (professional people,
ip'arents, students and others inter
. ested in famil ps around the world.
)A special prof ram has been sched
-1 uled for high school students.
\ . i
\ it's cool
.f i -
. presented b*
! ip4
Living Experiment
Aids Understanding
| Live with a. family in another part of the world. Travel
; with a group of young Americans your own ag el Learn how
the people of another country think and live ,This is the Ex
periment in International liiving. . f
; THE EXPERIMENT is p independent, {port-profit;- edu
icational exchange ' organization ~
devoted to creating mutual re
spect and understanding among
the different peoples of the world.
Thirty-one. countries—in Latin
America, Western Europe, Esujt
jerjn Europe, the Middle East and
Asia—will be visited by members
of the Experiment in International
Living during the summer of 1962.
‘Each, participant in the Experi
jment is assigned to a group of jlO
I people going to the same country.
| For one month, the participant
lives in a foreign ; home as an
other member of 1 the family. He
spends a second month travellinr
informally about ; the coup'
with the ' and membei
Fitfei* a fyieen |
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Meet regal Pat Wearer, America’* National College Queen.
She and her court of Regional College Queers chose ten
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Somewhere among then), or among other Artcarved tradi
tional and modem design*, you will find the ring of your
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132 South Allen St.
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Penn Stats IWtmitj;
iitiCgllw.h. .
| SATURDAY. MARCH 31. 1962
‘ i
the host family; jthep visits a'ma
jor city a few days before return
ing home.; fj i
orientation: sessions on the lan-:
guage, customs! i politics dfhd oth
er aspects! of $e country to be
visited are given to the partici
pant. Other sessions after the trip
evaluate .the Summer's experi
ences. :j Ji'
Additional information and ap
plications imayf be fobtained from
the Experiment; in International
Living office,' Vermont or
from the! In v tional Student
Affairs Willard.