SATURDAY. MARCH 31. 1942 Seniors May Get Grad Credils in Military Intelligence Reserves Senior men may earn credits toward a master’s .degree while fulfilling their military obligation bjr serving in the Military Intelli gence Reserves, the Department of the Army announced recently.) 'The Army is offering to quali-j fied .individuals instruction- in Russian, Polish. Czech or a lan guage of their choice as part of Frenchman to Talk ' ' 1 ■ ■ i On Algerian Crisis “Algeria 'and the Crisis ofi Democracy in France" will be dis cussed by Andre Philip, a French 1 specialist in letters and public affairs, at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 121 Sparjcs. A' former student at Columbia University and the University of Wisconsin, Philip i has served as Minister of the Interior and Min ister l of Finance, under; Gen. Charles de Gaulle. He is the au thor of numerous books and ar ticles bn. French politics and economics', :\yith special emphasis on the European community. The lecture is sponsored jointly by the Department of Political Science andj the Social Science Research Center and is open to the public.' ; i . i 1 1 . New College Diner ■Dc wntown.:. Beiwec n the: Monies-. PROMOTION STAFF Meeting TODAY 1:00 t COLLEGIAN ; OFFICE SHORT BUT IMPORTANT i > SAILOR'S BALL IS HERE! PINK ELEPHANT 1 * Sen sum pud |; featuring. "The Exciters" 'Saturday, ] 2-| 5 p.m. and lljflO - Id)0 a.m. | f Open fo Coi this reserve program. i The credits accumulated during the instruction may be 'used to ward a master’s degree I at most colleges and universities, the Army announcement said.. ; 3 After completing basic draining! and passing the required J intelli gence tests; reservists will be en-| roled at the U.S. Army: Language' School at Monterey, Caitf., for 47 weeks, ' j j After graduation from; the lan-l jguage school, they will be separ ated from active duty and assigned! ito the 396th Military Intelligence Security-Company, a Harrisburg unit in the organized reserves. Their military service y/ill then consist of attending a two-hour, meeting once a'.week and 15 days summer training at Fort Meade,!; Md., once a year. j To qualify for the military in-! telligence reserves, a person must; be 21 years old, a senior in college 1 or recipient of a bachelor's degree 1 before enrollment in theiprogram.' An applicant must also be in good< physical condition andl able to. complete an intelligence! test sat isfactorily Further information a program may be obts writing Maj. Richard P.. 266 S, Royal St.. York, P; ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER of * Phi Mu Alpha Professional Music presents ,'! a - Concert of Music Sunday, April 1 r 1962 I 3:00 P.M. ; j Lillie Tiealw, Helzel Union Building ! '| : ! Alpha Zela Glea Club Dr. Vf . Paul Campbell, Director j 1 Dr. Leonard Raver, Accompanist : i ■ : at the Ward pies Only > AfIYCOILEGi AN; jbout- the! jined by J Sneeder,, % ' A ■? assistant to Campbell, vice president for bus ness. He has already assumed hii duties. 1 ! ] S A native of New Kensington. jFatula served as plant of Warren Corporation in Clarion during the past year.'He had prej yiously, served as vice president r of manufacturing for Walters Manufacturing Cbmpany in Oak mont, and Comaco, Inc. in Glen shaw. Fatula graduated from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1948 with a bachelor of science degre* in mechanical engineering. Hie .interrupted 1 his education to servle 'in the U.S. Army in 1944-46. PARK. Down Down Down EVEN THOUGH \ SPRING \ ISON \ ■ITS WAY \ •REMEMBER \ PENN STATE \ TYPICAL WEATHER \ Boy's Heavy SHakePv i Bulky Knit Sweaters N. f. Sit*o3B-48 <►“* AA X Blaclt—Nary-Blu* «p/ a^rO | i OR IF OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE WEATHER X’ SAVE THEM TILL NEXT YEAR \ 1 t 1 ' _ • | I AGAIN TYPICAL COLLEGIATE r | ; —WEATHER— ,' X I Push Button Umbrellas -$2.98 f I BLACK NAVY I ~ ' 1 RIO.T.C. SHOES I >6.98 ff PERFECT FOR SUMMER i YACHTING fe-'i P : ; fc *?3 fa'. turn’- & \' tj 'i a 41 ~~ SWEAT PANTS fj - $2.98 : X] id ! HURRY 1 THEBE ARE A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL M i MADRAS SWEATPANTS LEFT. ' I "A SUMMER WINDBREAKERS SWEAT SHIRTS . . . $1.99 i BLUE—Pd BLUE—WHITE—SILVER—GREY •JUmr TYPE SPECIAL BARMIES* i Low Cut | Bermuda SNEAKS SHORTS $j2.98 - $3.981 $2.98 - $4.98 JIM’S MMY-HfIVY STORE , Top of the Hill on S. ALLEN WASH 'N WEAR PANTS • EAST MALLS SPECIAL* $3.98 - $10.98 • IT’S JAMMY SEASON!* BOLSTER YOUR WARDROBE FOR THE FUN AHEAD 1 PAi to Going | *2.98 tons WEARIKfi SWEAT SOCKS 50‘ SEVEN 4 4 H L. 4, -j iTT